Tag : alina cojocaru

tamara_rojolectie de marketing prin balet

lectie de marketing prin balet

london royal ballet a avut geniala idee ca in luna iunie sa joace Romeo & Juliet pe una dintre cele mai mari arene de concerte din lume O2 London Arena, in fata a peste 15.000 de oameni.

in rolul julietei, Tamara Rojo, o geniala balerina de origine spaniola in virsta de 37! de ani care e prim solista la Royal Ballet in Londra, colega de cabina cu Alina Cojocaru.

iata citeva fragmente dintr-un interviu pe care l-a acordat unei reviste britanice;
cit de mult analizeaza publicul cei care se afla pe scena?
cit de mult simt comportamentul diferit, de la o sala la alta, al spectatorilor?
cum dansezi in fata a 2000 de oameni vs dansul in fata a 15.000 de oameni?

raspunsurile sunt o super lectie de marketing:

 I think what I wanted to do more than anything was that people going to the ballet for the first time would get the best thing ever – the closeest thing to the Opera House possible. Not try to patronise them, but do the most honest and moving performance that would make them maybe question their views about what the Opera House has – and be willing to come and see other shows.


 I was watching all the rehearsals of all the casts – and I sat in lots of different seats around the arena to see the view. I had a conversation with Alina Cojocaru, another Juliet, because we shared the dressing room, about what I’d noticed, and how much make-up you can wear with camera close-ups and so on. It was trial and error for everyone. Because I’ve done arena performance, people did ask me a bit about it – how does it feel and what will happen? But you can’t really put it in words until you do it, and everyone will feel it differently. I’m quite good at blocking the venue out.


 I think popular habits have changed a lot now. People watch three channels of TV at the same time, flipping through them. We have much shorter attention spans, we go to see things and still play with our iPod. Younger people have even shorter attention spans and if they want other distractions while they’re watching ballet, and it still gives them a moving, amazing experience, and still makes them question their core values, what they would do in such a story, how they would feel in such a position, all those important moral questions – then I don’t care if they want to eat a pizza.

si un pic din Julieta ei, pe care o descrie in interviu in termeni de energie a virstei “e tinara si tinerii au energie, trebuie sa simta spectatorul asta, trebuie sa umpli scena”… super super smart aceasta balerina


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