Tag : calvin klein

calvin klein1New york fashion week backstage part3

New york fashion week backstage part3

cea mai tare fotografie de la New York Fashion Week a fost postata de David Beckham pe twitter

“So proud of my wife taking #NYFW by the balls”

din categora vestilor care vor face ocolul lumii, la NYFW a murit o doamna critic de moda in primul rind in timpul unui spectacol. avea 95 de ani si a facut un atac de cord. Zelda Kaplan.

aceasta este o fotografie facuta cu citeva minute inainte de a muri.

ana wintour si roney mara la prezentarea calvin klein care se desfasoara chiar in momentul in care scriu

emma stone si roney mara, in primul rind, tot la calvin klein

tot CK

ralph lauren, look-ul meu preferat dintre tot ce am vazut

backstage-ul il realizez cu fotografii de pe twitter de la jurnalisti, modele, designeri

ckCK – marturisiri inedite

CK – marturisiri inedite

am gasit un interviu foarte frumos cu Calvin Klein care e o buna lectie despre a-ti urma visul si a face ceea ce-ti spune instinctul.
stiu ca astazi CK e un brand “delicat” pentru ca a fost de prea multe ori copiat si s-a devalorizat putin, dar Calvin Klein a fost printre revolutionarii pietei de publicitate (cu reclamele pe care si le-a gindit singur), dar si in industria modei – a intuit f f repede ca exista nisa UNISEX care poate fi exploatata mult.

asta e una dintre reclamele mele preferate de la CK Jeans si e din anii 90

mai jos citeva fragmente din interviu, restul aici

I always thought, “How could they possibly communicate what I have to say better than me?” So I always got involved in areas that American or even European designers hadn’t been concerned with.

My second wife Kelly worked with me in the design studio for a long period of time and she was greatly responsible for us doing underwear.…I still wear it. And I wear other people’s underwear, too, because I want to check out the competition.

One thing I did say is if we really want to reach a lot of people in the jeans world, I think we should be on TV. I said print is one thing and television is another. I said it’s going to cost a lot of money. He said, all right, whatever. I did a lot of work with Dick Avedon and I did a lot of work right from the very beginning with Bruce Weber. I went to Dick and told him what I wanted to do and he introduced me to June Arbus, who is Diane Arbus’ daughter and is brilliant and a great writer. The three of us would do a lot of drinking and staying up very late and deciding who the cinematographer should be. I worked with all the photographers and directors pretty much the same way. I had to do it. I just felt this passion. I knew what I wanted to say. I had to find the right people to help me to convey that message.


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