prin definitie, un necrolog vorbeste despre lucruri triste; pleaca de la moartea cuiva. rareori gasesti un necrolog vesel, desi citeodata mai e o urma de speranta in mesajul din text.
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este despre cel mai batrin ciine din lume, Chanel, care a murit vineri la venerabila virsta de 21 de ani, echivalentul in anii nostri fiind 147ani.
Chanel, as stylish as her legendary namesake, wore tinted goggles for her cataracts in her later years and favored sweaters because she was sensitive to the cold, owners Denice and Karl Shaughnessy said Monday.
The playful dachshund was only 6 weeks old when Denice Shaughnessy, then serving with the U.S. Army, adopted her from a shelter in Newport News, Va.
Along with her owner, Chanel spent nine years on assignment in Germany, where she became adept at stealing sticks of butter from kitchen countertops and hiding them in sofa cushions in the living room, Shaughnessy said. She also liked chocolate, usually considered toxic to dogs, Shaughnessy said.
“She once ate an entire bag of Reese’s peanut butter cups, and, you see, she lived to be 21, so go figure,” Shaughnessy added.
Karl Shaughnessy nominated Chanel for the title of world’s oldest dog after noticing the Guinness World Records book had no record.
intregul necrolog scris de VIRGINIA BYRNE, Associated Press Writer, il puteti gasi aici
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