Tag : covers michael jackson

(Foto) 6 mari muzicieni si stilistii din spatele costumelor lor celebre…in gifs –

Stiti ca primesc din cand in cand de la un studio londonez – NeoMam- creatii grafice spectaculoase, cladiri care au fost refacute pe computer sau refacerea unor decoruri din filme celebre (aveti aici povestile si mai ales fotografiile).

Zilele trecute baietii de la la NeoMam mi-au trimis gif-uri legate de moda si muzica create pentru Budget Direct Insurance.

Au luat unele dintre cele mai importante personalitati din muzica si le-au desenat cele mai importante dintre outfiturile lor de peste ani, ca o trecere in revista asupra influentei lor in industria divertismentului.

(domnii in cauza care-mi scriu si-mi trimit desenele m-au gasit via internet, vazand ca preiau adesea creatii spectaculoase de la multe studiouri de creatie. habar nu au cu ce ma ocup eu dincolo de acest blog:)  )

Daca va uitati la toate gif-uri de mai jos, vedeti ca fiecare dintre acesti artisti au reusit sa creeze o lume a lor, unica, care nu s-a inspirat din alti artisti (mai putin doamna Gaga). Sigur ca ei au devenit surse de inspiratie pentru multi multi altii, dar asta ar trebui sa-i puna pe ganduri pe cei care nu si-au gasit o cale a lor.

Sigur ca fiecare dintre artistii de mai jos lucreaza cu armate de stilisti, au acces la companile care analizeaza trendurile si apeleaza la unii dintre cei mai creativi designer de fashion.

Personal am avut un mic moment de mandrie patriotica pentru ca atat Beyonce cat si Madonna au fost imbracate de brandul romanesc MURMUR pentru unele dintre aparitiile lor iconice.

Beyonce lucreaza cu Zerina Akers, o doamna cu foarte multa personalitate care a intrat in aceasta meserie ca intern la revista W. Spune ca este “curator al garderobei” pentru Beyonce, nicidecum stylist si refuza sa povesteasca despre alti clienti faimosi.


David Bowie a fost un artist atat de puternic in identitatea sa, a stiut si a intuit perfect ce inseamna showbiz si cum se poate juca cu fricile si nevoile oamenilor, incat le cerea celor din echipa lui sa-l faca ”unisex”. A avut un simt al modei teribil si si-a exprimat dorinta de a lucra foarte mult cu asiatici pentru a duce costumele sale de scena dincolo de spectacol, a le transforma in manifest si trend in moda. In anii 70 lucra cu Yacco Takahashi, iar mai tarziu a lucrat cu Kansai Yamamoto.


Freddie Mercury e poate cel mai copiat dintre artistii secolului trecut. Bowie s-a inspirat din crezurile lui, Lady Gaga i-a copiat pe amandoi (Freddy si Bowie). Ce a avut in plus Freddie fata de artistii din aceste desene a fost talentul lui la desen. Absolvise artele, sectia grafica, avea o cultura vizuala foarte bogata, isi desena singur o parte din costume (de altfel si logo-ul Queen tot el l-a desenat). O parte importanta din costumele sale au fost lucrate cu designerul britanic Zandra Rhodes (care mai traieste, are 77 de ani) si care are cateva carti absolut minunate despre moda, design si costume.


Madonna este si a fost o vizionara. A inteles cel mai repede cum va functiona sistemul in epoca internetului si-a fost primul artist care a renuntat la un contract cu o casa de discuri, stiind ca banii nu ii va mai face din vanzarea de unitati muzicale (cd, vinil), ci din concerte. La vremea respectiva – 1992 – avea compania Maverick (astazi aceasta companie nu-i mai apartine, e parte din Live Nation -cel mai mare organizator de concerte din lume), companie care avea cateva etaje de angajati care se ocupau cu analiza de trenduri – in moda, in tehnologie etc.

Tinutele  ei spectaculoase si controversate n-au fost niciodata alese la intamplare. De la culori la croiala. Si asta e una dintre cele mai importante lectii pe care tinerele doamne care vor sa faca muzica – si se bazeaza pe look – ar trebui sa o invete.


Michael Jackson a fost unul dintre cei mai neintelesi artisti ai secolului trecut, dar zeci de ani mai tarziu oamenii continua sa se emotioneze si sa vibreze la cantecele sale. In partea de costume a lucrat cu doua echipe in perioade diferite ale vietii lui. In partea de inceput i-a avut alaturi pe Michael Bush si Dennis Tompkins, ambii creatori de costume de film pe care i-a intalnit in timpul filmarilor de la Captain EO in 1986. In partea a doua a carierei lui, Jackson a lucrat cu Rushka Bergman, o stilista de origine sarba, stabilita la NY, care lucreaza inca pentru Vogue L”Uomo, Italia. Cu Bergman au mai lucrat (post Michael Jackson, si Madonna si Beyonce )


Lady Gaga, in perioada ei de inceput, a fost mai mult marketing decat fashion. Echipele ei au reinterpretat costume de la Madonna, Bowie, Freddie sau Michael Jackson.

Cand publicul s-a saturat si de asta, a inceput cu rochiile socante – din carne, sau din bule de plastic. In acea perioada, Gaga a lucrat cu Nicola Formichetti, care – dupa cativa ani de colaborare cu Gaga – a devenit director de creatie la casa Mugler. (mai lucrase inainte cu Diesel si Uniqlo)






cum au fct tumbe revistele din lume ca sa-l aiba pe Michael Jackson pe coperta

e lunga stirea si imi dau seama ca e de interes redus pentru cei care nu sunt in bransa, dar puteti sa va faceti o idee despre cum se iau decizii in media in situatii contracronometru (la ei, ca la noi e mai veselie…) si despre cum moartea vinde pe coperti (si la tv, si pe bloguri, si oriunde)

NEW YORK (AP) – After Michael Jackson’s death last week, editors scrambled to turn the king of pop into the king of magazine covers.
From Newsweek’s shot of a young reflective Jackson to Herb Ritts’ sexy T-shirt photo used for Time’s special commemorative edition, the Gloved One was already on newsstands Monday morning. And more print celebrations were on the way from, among others, In Touch Weekly, Entertainment Weekly, Ebony, Billboard, Rolling Stone and OK!
Said Richard Stengel, Time’s managing editor: “The decision to do the special edition was made at 11 p.m. Thursday,” hours after the pop superstar’s death. “Friday was always scheduled to be a regular work day, so the whole staff was working. It really was all-hands-on-deck.
“The art department sprang into action as did the photo department,” Stengel said in an interview. “We came up with a plan for a table of contents and the architecture of the issue, and then assigned the stories. Once that happened, everybody got into motion. In a little over 24 hours, it was basically complete.”
Time’s 64-page edition – separate from its regular weekly issue that came out Friday – exhaustively covers Jackson’s career. It was Time’s first special edition since the 9/11 attacks.
The special opens with Jackson’s death and then flashes back to his beginnings, starting with a section called Prodigy, followed by Superstar, Jacko, Legacy and finally Farewell, a single, full-page photograph of the man’s fashion trademark, a sequined glove.

“We realized his life did fall into these chapters,” Stengel explained. “There was the little Michael Jackson – the Jackson 5. There were the superstar years where he was the most famous, global celebrity and then the very weird, eccentric years. We thought that would be a great structure for the package – with that opening story about the news of his death and then a closing piece evaluating the music.”
Newsweek took a a different approach, incorporating Jackson’s death into a regularly scheduled issue. But the magazine, a double issue for the weeks of July 6 and 13, has two different covers – with the Jackson cover available on newsstands and subscribers receiving an issue celebrating “What to read now – 50 books that make sense of our times.” Number one on the list: “The Way We Live Now,” Anthony Trollope’s satiric dissection of Victorian financial and moral tribulations, first published in 1875.
“We try to do a ‘hard’ close of the magazine on Friday evening, but we can go into the magazine on Saturday if we need to up until about 2 p.m. and it prints later that evening,” Daniel Klaidman, Newsweek’s managing editor, said.
“This was a case where the story broke on Thursday, so we had sufficient time to get decent coverage into the magazine. You want to be on the newsstand for those epic stories where people still want to run out (and buy it).
“But then for our subscribers, who don’t get the magazine as quickly, there’s the summer reading cover, which has been in the works for a while and which readers will be able to go back to over the next week or two or longer.
Many publications had already gone to press last week when news of Jackson’s death hit, but they are making up for it this week or next.
Rolling Stone will have a special “bookazine” tribute, selling at $9.99, with 450,000 copies being put on newsstands July 10.
USA Today has two publications available – one, a large, glossy, 96-page tribute entitled “Michael Jackson: King of Pop,” already on newsstands, and the another a 40-page tabloid-size edition called “Michael 1958-2009,” available Tuesday.

Jackson shares the cover of the new issue of In Touch Weekly with Farrah Fawcett, who died the same day as the music icon. “It’s an equal split,” said Richard Spencer, editor-in-chief of the magazine, which will be out Tuesday.
Fawcett’s death from cancer had been expected, and In Touch Weekly, like most other publications, was ready for it.
“Michael was a little bit different,” Spencer said. “We ran an article six months ago saying he had medical problems and one of the sources in the article said his doctors gave him six months to live.
“Of course, we didn’t know he was going to die that day, but we were prepared that he was sick and things were looking very sketchy for his comeback tour.”
Choosing the cover photo of Jackson and Fawcett at In Touch Weekly touched off a debate,” Spender said.
“The most recent photos have his nose looking so much like the product of plastic surgery and we didn’t want a lot of that negativity when you looked at the cover,” he said. “We chose something that went back when he was younger.”
It echoes the sentiment of Time’s Stengel whose magazine got its cover photo from the Ritt estate.
“I didn’t want to have a photo from the later, freaky years,” Stengel said. “I wanted a beautiful image that … showed him (Jackson) at his height. … I also thought there was something poetic about the gesture he was making (in the photo) because it’s almost like he is waving goodbye.”


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