“ai fost abuzat in copilarie?”
intrebarea asta – delicata si cind e rostita in camera psihologului – a fost rostita de un reporter astazi cind prin fata lui a trecut asasinul in serie, Nicolae Vlad – cel care a intrat in vizorul tuturor dupa crima de la Otopeni.
tare mult as vrea sa stiu cine e reporterul ala, un domn, de la ce televiziune e si cine l-a angajat. si cum s-a gindit el sa puna intrebare respectiva… oare se astepta la un raspuns?
anul trecut in America a fost publicat un text genial despre un criminal in serie, text care ar fi minunat de citit pentru toti cei care au in grija cazul Nicolae Vlad in Ro. e o lectie de jurnalism cu alte repere.
The Lost Boys
In December 1970 two teenagers disappeared from the Heights neighborhood, in Houston. Then another and another and another. As the number of missing kids grew, no one realized that the most prolific serial killer the country had ever seen—along with his teenage accomplices—was living comfortably among them. Or that the mystery of what happened to so many of his victims would haunt the city to this day.
by Skip Hollandsworth