ieri jurnalistii au putut vedea la Cannes filmul lui Cristian Mungiu, Dincolo de dealuri.
astazi la ora 12.30 are loc conferinta de presa, iar dupa amiaza este premiera filmului, intrarea oficiala in competitia de la Cannes.
cum banuiesc ca stiti deja, filmul pleaca de la cazul Tanacu, dar este o fictiune pentru ca regizorul – care e si scenarist – a vrut sa se departateze de verdicte, a vrut sa vorbeasca despre alegeri si libertate.
am inceput sa caut pe net reactiile celor care au vazut ieri filmul; am sa le postez pas cu pas
Gorgeously lensed, and executed with an exacting (some would argue dry) aesthetic in which there are minimal camera movements and long takes, “Beyond The Hills,” running at two and a half hours, is an endurance test. But pace yourself and lean back, because the rewards are ample. Deceivingly complex, with an emotional center that peels away like an onion the longer it unfolds, this is a powerful effort from Mungiu in which love and faith are both different kinds of poison.
Shot in fluid, unbroken handheld takes by Mungiu’s regular d.p., Oleg Mutu, the picture builds its moral crisis with an unwavering commitment to realism and methodical attention to detail. The widescreen compositions, all blues, grays, browns and blacks, convey a physical sense of the cramped, chilly quarters in which these women lead their ascetic lives, and the power dynamics are continually reinforced by the helmer’s impeccable blocking. At times, the nuns’ vampirical black robes (in contrast with their deathly pale faces) are swallowed whole by background shadows, conjuring the charged, disquieting atmosphere of a horror picture.
Le réalisateur, plaidant la force unique du cinéma qui ne saurait se résumer à “ce que l’on peut dire avec les mots”, se réjouit de la réception contrastée de son film sur la Croisette: “Je ne cherche pas le consensus, je ne souhaite pas que mon film soit aimé, je veux qu’il provoque les spectateurs, qu’il les pousse à se forger une opinion”, dit-il avec conviction.
bonus track un fragment dintr-un interviu pt Hollywood Reporter cu Cristian Mungiu
THR: 4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days was part of a new wave of Romanian films that were critically praised worldwide. What is the situation within the country — how difficult is it to get your movies and the movies of your contemporaries seen at home?
Mungiu: The number of multiplexes grew in the last years and also the number of admissions but at the same time with the loss of old single screen cinemas, the audience for the Romanian films disappeared almost completely. It is common for an American mainstream feature now to gather over 100 thousand admissions in Romanian theaters while most of the Romanian films gather less than 10 thousand spectators per title. Young people prefer to download films from the Internet while older spectators don’t go to the cinema any longer, preferring to watch TV. The understanding of young spectators is that film means entertainment — they never got the chance to watch anything else than American mainstream productions and therefore anything else is just weird for them. I assume the audience for art films in Romania is pretty much lost for good. Our films have way more spectators abroad then at home.