Tag : Franca Sozzani blog Vogue Italy

magazinescum faci o revista?

cum faci o revista?

stiu ca foarte multi isi imagineaza ca munca la o revista glossy e superficiala.

dar daca ma gindesc ca, in felul lor, revistele glossy schimba lumea, mai ca i-as ruga pe neincrezatori sa-si revizuiasca parerea

Franca Sozzani, redactor sef de la Vogue Italia, a scris ieri pe blog care sunt elementele cheie ca sa faci o revista de succes. Va invit sa o cititi

Each issue is a surprise, no matter if everybody likes it or not. You need to dare and not to be afraid of changing things. This was just to explain that yes, we do make plans, but what’s unexpected and surprising is there, in front of us. You have to be able to see it, to catch it and to have the courage to take risks.

If we planned everything with extreme nit-picking, we would risk to bore both ourselves and our readers to death.

Franca Sozzani, Vogue Italy


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