Tag : guardian

Gabriel-Garcia-MarquezMarquez nu mai scrie. Deloc.

Marquez nu mai scrie. Deloc.

Viata nu e ce ai trait, ci ceea ce iti amintesti ca ai trait si cum ti-o amintesti sa o povestesti. Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Saptamina asta toata lumea a aflat ca Gabriel Garcia Marquez (85 ani) sufera de dementa senila. Gata. Nu mai scrie.

Vestea a venit de la fratele lui, Jaime, cel care e administratorul fundatiei pentru jurnalism pe care a creat-o Marquez.

N-ar fi vrut sa o spuna asa public in vazul tuturor , pentru ca voia sa oamenii sa-l aminteasca pe Gabriel Garcia asa cum il stiu din scrieri sau conferinte, din articolele politice. Erau insa prea multe zvonuri despre starea sa, detalii morbide despre cum traieste ca o leguma.

“Dementia runs in our family and he’s now suffering the ravages prematurely due to the cancer that put him almost on the verge of death,” said Jaime. “Chemotherapy saved his life, but it also destroyed many neurons, many defences and cells, and accelerated the process. But he still has the humour, joy and enthusiasm that he has always had.” (via Guardian)


Cei mai multi isi amintesc de Gabriel Garcia Marquez via  Un veac de singuratate, dar mie mi-ar placea ca macar cei care fac jurnalism – sau scriu (cartie, esseuri etc) – sa citeasca macar o data interviul lui din Paris Review .



How do you feel about using the tape recorder?


The problem is that the moment you know the interview is being taped, your attitude changes. In my case I immediately take a defensive attitude. As a journalist, I feel that we still haven’t learned how to use a tape recorder to do an interview. The best way, I feel, is to have a long conversation without the journalist taking any notes. Then afterward he should reminisce about the conversation and write it down as an impression of what he felt, not necessarily using the exact words expressed. Another useful method is to take notes and then interpret them with a certain loyalty to the person interviewed. What ticks you off about the tape recording everything is that it is not loyal to the person who is being interviewed, because it even records and remembers when you make an ass of yourself. That’s why when there is a tape recorder, I am conscious that I’m being interviewed; when there isn’t a tape recorder, I talk in an unconscious and completely natural way.


Well, you make me feel a little guilty using it, but I think for this kind of an interview we probably need it.


Anyway, the whole purpose of what I just said was to put you on the defensive.


So you have never used a tape recorder yourself for an interview?


As a journalist, I never use it. I have a very good tape recorder, but I just use it to listen to music. But then as a journalist I’ve never done an interview. I’ve done reports, but never an interview with questions and answers.


I heard about one famous interview with a sailor who had been shipwrecked.


It wasn’t questions and answers. The sailor would just tell me his adventures and I would rewrite them trying to use his own words and in the first person, as if he were the one who was writing. When the work was published as a serial in a newspaper, one part each day for two weeks, it was signed by the sailor, not by me. It wasn’t until twenty years later that it was re-published and people found out I had written it. No editor realized that it was good until after I had written One Hundred Years of Solitude.


Since we’ve started talking about journalism, how does it feel being a journalist again, after having written novels for so long? Do you do it with a different feel or a different eye?


I’ve always been convinced that my true profession is that of a journalist. What I didn’t like about journalism before were the working conditions. Besides, I had to condition my thoughts and ideas to the interests of the newspaper. Now, after having worked as a novelist, and having achieved financial independence as a novelist, I can really choose the themes that interest me and correspond to my ideas. In any case, I always very much enjoy the chance of doing a great piece of journalism.


What is a great piece of journalism for you?


Hiroshima by John Hersey was an exceptional piece.


Is there a story today that you would especially like to do?


There are many, and several I have in fact written. I have written about Portugal, Cuba, Angola, and Vietnam. I would very much like to write on Poland. I think if I could describe exactly what is now going on, it would be a very important story. But it’s too cold now in Poland; I’m a journalist who likes his comforts.


Do you think the novel can do certain things that journalism can’t?


Nothing. I don’t think there is any difference. The sources are the same, the material is the same, the resources and the language are the same. The Journal of the Plague Year by Daniel Defoe is a great novel and Hiroshima is a great work of journalism.


Do the journalist and the novelist have different responsibilities in balancing truth versus the imagination?


In journalism just one fact that is false prejudices the entire work. In contrast, in fiction one single fact that is true gives legitimacy to the entire work. That’s the only difference, and it lies in the commitment of the writer. A novelist can do anything he wants so long as he makes people believe in it.



I do find it harder to write now than before, both novels and journalism. When I worked for newspapers, I wasn’t very conscious of every word I wrote, whereas now I am. When I was working for El Espectador in Bogotá, I used to do at least three stories a week, two or three editorial notes every day, and I did movie reviews. Then at night, after everyone had gone home, I would stay behind writing my novels. I liked the noise of the Linotype machines, which sounded like rain. If they stopped, and I was left in silence, I wouldn’t be able to work. Now, the output is comparatively small. On a good working day, working from nine o’clock in the morning to two or three in the afternoon, the most I can write is a short paragraph of four or five lines, which I usually tear up the next day.



Did you anticipate the extraordinary success of One Hundred Years of Solitude?


I knew that it would be a book that would please my friends more than my others had. But when my Spanish publisher told me he was going to print eight thousand copies I was stunned, because my other books had never sold more than seven hundred. I asked him why not start slowly, but he said he was convinced that it was a good book and that all eight thousand copies would be sold between May and December. Actually they were all sold within one week in Buenos Aires.

Intregul interviu aici.

loveSi daca nu-l intilnesti pe The One?

Si daca nu-l intilnesti pe The One?

e un articol din the guardian din aceasta simbata despre ce fac oamenii care nu si-au intilnit Alesul/Aleasa.

motiv pentru mine sa va intreb “ce veti face daca nu-l (o) veti intilni pe barbatul/ femeia THE ONE?” (desigur intrebarea n-are legatura cu revista cu acelasi titlu de la noi)


ma gindeam in timp ce citeam articolul din the guardian daca eu cred in ideea ALESULUI.
ei bine, nu prea cred.

cred ca e mai degraba un standard setat in mintea noastra inca de pe vremurile cind ni se citeau basme si erau feti frumosi pe cai albi.

dar nu cred nici in casatorie :), cum nu cred ca omul e facut sa fie monogam. totul e o conventie sociala si presiunea sociala la care suntem supusi din cauza ei.

cred in parteneriate si in complementaritate. nu cred in “jumatatea ta” si in “cel/cea care completeaza intregul”

ma rog, e 7 dimineata sunt in tren, am scuze ca povestesc despre asta:)

dar intrebarea ramine: Si daca nu-l intilnesti pe THE ONE?

mi-ar placea sa va citesc parerile:)

alain-debottontatal lui Alain de Botton

tatal lui Alain de Botton

Alain de Botton va lansa in martie o noua carte, Religion for Atheists, pentru care a inceput de acum PR-ul, ocazie cu care publicul a aflat detalii despre tatal lui:)

iata un fragment din The Guardian

Before the interview, his publicists warned that De Botton didn’t want to talk about Gilbert de Botton, Egyptian-born secular Jew and multimillionaire banker. He was especially keen not to discuss his father’s business dealings and the repeated suggestion that his literary career was bankrolled with daddy’s money.

But asking about De Botton’s father is irresistible because Religion for Atheists is, he readily concedes, an oedipal book. “I’m rebelling,” he says. “I’m trying to find my way back to the babies that have been thrown out with the bathwater.” He’s elsewhere described his father as “a cruel tyrant as a domestic figure, hugely overbearing”. He was also surely crushingly impressive – the former head of Rothschild Bank who established Global Asset Management in 1983 with £1m capital and sold it to UBS in 1999 for £420m, a collector of late Picassos, the austere figure depicted in portraits by both Lucian Freud and Francis Bacon and an atheist who thrived without religion’s crutch.


tatal a murit in 2000. cartea poate fi comandata in avans de pe amazon

aniversareaNottara La Londra

Nottara La Londra

Teatrul Nottara este in aceste zile la Londra intr-un turneu cu piesa regizata de Vlad Massaci, Aniversarea.

in aceasta dupa amiaza, este chiar o intilnire de seama la care participa un celebru critic de teatru de la The Guardian, John O’Mahony care ii va pune intrebari in fata publicului regizorului Vlad Massaci. the guardian a si scris o cronica despre piesa; nu i-a dat foarte multe stele (2 din 5), dar nici nu i-a displacut.

e minunat insa ca niste actori romani – care acopera generatii diferite – Alexandru Repan, Emil Hossu, Catrinel Dumitrescu, Ion Grosu, Ada Navrot , Dan Bordeianu sunt zilele acestea la Londra cu un spectacol pe una dintre cele mai importante scene culturale europene, Barbican Centre.

Atwood 1Atwood si cartile SF

Atwood si cartile SF

Margaret Atwood este una dintre scriitoarele care nu imbatrinesc. are twitter, blog, converseaza via chat cu cititorii, isi lanseaza cartile pe hirtie reciclabila si scrie despre lumi care par un amestec de Matrix cu Inception si cu feminism.
si are 72 de ani

nu-i place sa i se spuna ca scrie SF.
pentru editia de week end a ziarului The Guardian, Atwood a scris un eseu despre relatia sa cu literatura SF.

Recently I set out to explore my lifelong relationship with science fiction, both as reader and as writer. I say “lifelong”, for among the first things I wrote as a child might well merit the initials SF. Like a great many children before and since, I was an inventor of other worlds. Mine were rudimentary, as such worlds are when you’re six or seven or eight, but they were emphatically not of this here-and-now Earth, which seems to be one of the salient features of SF. I wasn’t much interested in Dick and Jane: the creepily ultra-normal characters did not convince me. Saturn was more my speed, and other realms even more outlandish. Our earliest loves, like revenants, have a way of coming back in other forms; or, to paraphrase Wordsworth, the child is mother to the woman. To date, I have written three full-length fictions that nobody would ever class as sociological realism: The Handmaid’s Tale, Oryx and Crake and The Year of the Flood. Are these books “science fiction”, I am often asked. Though sometimes I am not asked, but told: I am a silly nit or a snob or a genre traitor for dodging the term because these books are as much “science fiction” as Nineteen Eighty-Four is, whatever I might say. But is Nineteen Eighty-Four as much “science fiction” as The Martian Chronicles? I might reply. I would answer not, and therein lies the distinction.

de aici

cind a lansat The Handmaid’s Tale (povestea cameristei) am avut placerea si onoarea sa fac un interviu cu Margaret Atwood.

It is said that for a writer, each novel is a correction to the one that came before. What is your aim? And the aim of your work?

The aim of any writer is to complete whatever book he or she is working on in such a way that the reader, too, will wish to complete it.
As for the aims of my work, this is a subject best left to critics. They can have a good deal more fun with it than I will ever have.
Let’s just say I write about whatever happens to interest me at the time. I’ve had many interests.

restul interviului aici

godard-in-later-yearstherefore … by Godard

therefore … by Godard

The Greeks gave us logic. We owe them for that. It was Aristotle who came up with the big ‘therefore’. As in, ‘You don’t love me any more, therefore . . . ‘ Or, ‘I found you in bed with another man, therefore . . . ‘ We use this word millions of times, to make our most important decisions. It’s about time we started paying for it.
If every time we use the word therefore, we have to pay 10 euros to Greece, the crisis will be over in one day, and the Greeks will not have to sell the Parthenon to the Germans. We have the technology to track down all those therefores on Google. We can even bill people by iPhone. Every time Angela Merkel tells the Greeks we lent you all this money, therefore you must pay us back with interest, she must therefore first pay them their royalties.

Jean Luc Godard in The Guardian

-Paramilitary-troops-char-001Journalism on the edge

Journalism on the edge

It was unbearable. Two Crazy weeks and the most unbelievable story I ever did. I was with a Russian special commando. They were torturing, killing and rapind. I saw them do it, and I couldn’t stop them. Someone of normal constitution can’t accept that. I was working on the egde.

Eric Bouvet, Chechnya, May 1995

The shot that nearly killed me: War photographers The Guardian

tare as vrea sa stiu cum i-au convins sa povesteasca. petreceti-va 10 min cu uluitoarele povesti traite de unii dintre cei mai mari fotografi de razboi din lume

fantasy02_by_ejimac-d38dpjyiubiri, lacrimi, marihuana si… altele

iubiri, lacrimi, marihuana si… altele

titlul nu e ceea ce pare, dar daca tot ati ajuns pina aici, cititi pina la capat s-ar putea sa fie ceva simpa.

ieri am muncit 12 ore, in compania a 28 de domni. azi am avut, in sfirsit, timp de lecturi & relaxare.
iata citeva dintre descoperirile acestei duminici, poate va inspira sau va fac sa zimbiti.

ce se intimpla cind pe vecinul tau il cheama ca pe iubitul tau, dar e mai frumos ca el? un simpatic eseu despre cit de mult cerem in iubire, in ny york times.

“Energiile existente in noi sunt foarte mari, ele pot fi acumulate si comandate, si au secretul in gindul care se asociaza unghiurilor pe care corpul nostru le poate face.” Florin Zamfirescu in cartea Actorie sau Magie.
pina la lansarea cartii despre dl Stefan Mihailescu Braila nu-mi imaginasem niciodata ca dl Zamfirescu e un teoretician atit de fin al lumii de pe dinauntrul actorului. stiam ca este profesor la UNATC, dar informatia era alba pentru mine. aveam cartea de la aparitia ei, dar abia zilele astea, dupa ce am mers la repetitiile de la Ivanov, m-am gindit sa o citesc.
citeodata lucrurile vin de la sine, unele dupa altele.


You make Mulligan’s character cry…

It’s horrible, isn’t it? I had to say to her after every scene, “I’m just so sorry.” She’d say: “It’s all right. It’s pretend.”

She’s a very good crier.

God, she’s a brilliant crier! Really. She’s on another level. That was the scene where I said to her: “Right, every time I say this word, I want one teardrop to drop out of your right eye.” And it was like clockwork. I’ve never seen anything like it. Actually, no. Sienna Miller can do the same thing. It’s astonishing. I love it. I got such a kick out of it.

un interviu cu Keira Knightley despre Never let me go in the guardian

o analiza frumoasa despre “moartea criticilor de profesie” in epoca in care toata lumea isi poate spune parerea in social media, via guardian

o firma americana lanseaza o bautura cu marihuana ( Canna Cola, conform time.com)

cum pot fi rezolvate problemele insomniacilor schimbind citeva lucruri (o sa le testez saptaminile viitoare si raportez daca dorm mai mult) via guardian

fotografia de deschidere am luat-o de aici


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