Tag : haruki Murakami

Stone Mattress by Margaret Atwood5 carti de urmarit in toamna asta (fictiune)

5 carti de urmarit in toamna asta (fictiune)

pentru cei care citesc in engleza si isi achizioneaza versiunile electronice ale noilor aparitii, iata 5 carti de cautat in toamna asta.

datele lor de aparitie in limba romana nu le cunosc. ce mai probabil, daca vor fi luate pentru Ro, ar putea sa apara undeva la sfirsitul anului viitor.


 Amis e domnul cu Nascuti Morti, Banii sau Casa intilnirilor. la noi e tradus la Polirom


 Atwood e o scriitoare incredibila cu un simt analitic si un umor minunat. la noi au fost traduse Povestea Cameristei, Femeia Comestibila la Editura Leda.  in urma cu ceva ani, am avut placerea sa fac un interviu cu doamna Atwood, il puteti citi aici


 Murakami e Murakami. Tocmai am scris astazi de el aici. in Ro e tradus la Polirom.

 daca n-ati citit nimic de Ian McEwan TREBUIE sa o faceti ; puteti alege Amsterdam, Durabila Iubire, Ispasire. si el e tradus in Ro la Polirom , aici catalogul traducerilor 


 In ro, Nick Hornby are tradus High Fidelity care a si fost ecranizata. daca nu l-ati descoperit inca, e genul de scriitor care spune lucruri foarte serioase intr-un context aparent soft. si el e tradus la Polirom.

haruki-murakamiMurakami despre muzica, visurile lui si despre cum scrie

Murakami despre muzica, visurile lui si despre cum scrie

e in The Guardian transcrierea unei intilniri de la un club de carte dintre Haruki Murakami si cititorii sai.

Murakami iese foarte rar in public si cu atit mai putin iese la intiniri cu cititorii. E frumos ce l-au intrebat oamenii, dar e si foaret simpatic sa-l ghicesti pe scriitor din descrierile contextului (vorbeste engleza, dar are alaturi o traducatoare, din staff-ul lui, care e o fosta chelnerita dintr-un bar in care a fost cu sotia – deci isi pastreaza zona de confort aproape).

Mai jos trei dintre raspunsuri.


I don’t have any idea at all, when I start writing, of what is to come. For instance, for The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, the first thing I had was the call of the bird, because I heard a bird in my back yard (it was the first time I heard that kind of sound and I never have since then. I felt like it was predicting something. So I wanted to write about it). The next thing was cooking spaghetti – these are things that happen to me! I was cooking spaghetti, and somebody call. So I had just these two things at the start. Two years I kept on writing. It’s fun! I don’t know what’s going to happen next, every day. I get up, go to the desk, switch on the computer, etc. and say to myself: “so what’s going to happen today?”It’s fun!


Music comes naturally. When writing fiction, I need something musical, and the songs come automatically to me. I have learned so many things from music – harmony, rhythm, improvisation. Rhythm is important to me – you need it to get the readers to keep writing. Usually I listen to music when I’m writing, and that’s where the songs in the books tend to come from.


It’s my lifetime dream to be sitting at the bottom of a well. It’s a dream come true. [Not a nightmare? asks John Mullan. “No!” “Why not?” “I dont know.”] I thought: it’s fun to write a novel, you can be anything! So I thought: I can sit at the bottom of a well, isolated … Wonderful!

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cartile lui Murakami sunt traduse in RO la editura Polirom. aici intregul catalog de traduceri.


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