s-a inventat farfuria care se spala singura si nu e de plastic, iar spalatul inseamna drumul pina la cosul de gunoi:)
asta mi se pare cea mai simpatica veste din zilele astea cind venim cu totii dupa multe mese care inseamna si multe farfurii, pahare si alte acareturi de spalat.
smekeria cu farfuria care se curata singura este ca, de fapt, ea nu se murdareste niciodata pentru ca este facuta dintr-un material minune care copiaza proprietatile … aripilor de fluturi:)
The innovative tableware is comprised of a special variation, known as nanocellulose, that’s not only lightweight and malleable, but also durable enough to withstand accidental drops. In fact, the wonder material’s strength is on par with Kevlar, a synthetic fiber that’s used in manufacturing bulletproof vests and other impact-resistant products. Shaping the material into usable dining sets involves producing a flexible sheet that can be heat-pressed into a specific mold. To decorate the bowl, the designers employ a marbling technique, giving it a blended blue-and-white glazed appearance.
Self-cleaning properties are added through the application of a super-hydrophobic coating that Glansén describes as all-natural and engineered to mimic the the water-shedding ability of the lotus leaf. A surface is considered super-hydrophobic when it repels liquids at a very high “contact angle” (175 degrees), meaning the angle where a water droplet comes in contact with the surface. The higher the contact angle, the better it is at causing water to bead off. A remarkably super-hydrophobic surface, for instance, is found on the wings of butterflies.
inventatorii sunt, cum altfel, doua femei: Hanna Billqvist si Anna Glansé
nu scrie nicaieri cit costa si nici cind ajunge in productie de masa pentru ca sunt dezbateri despre cit de daunatoare pentru sanatate pot fi produsele pe care le folosesc pentru fabricarea acestor farfurii care se curata singure.
dar mi se pare genial ca si-a pus cineva problema spalatului vaselor intr-un mod atit de stiintific si a si gasit o solutie pentru a nu ne mai chinui cu asta.