Tag : ivana chubbuck

ivanacurs de actorie: vreti sa cistigati un Oscar?

curs de actorie: vreti sa cistigati un Oscar?

daca sunteti actor, sau vreti sa dati la actorie, daca vreti sa invatati din meseria asta grea care e actoria, din primavara aveti o sansa in plus.

Bobby Paunescu a anuntat pe pagina lui de facebook ca una dintre profesoarele celebre de la Hollywood,Ivana Chubbuck, va tine cursuri in RO.

pentru ca stiu putin despre femeia aceasta, dar si pentru ca Monica Birladeanu (care a facut cursurile ei) mi-a explicat care e metoda ei de actorie, pot sa spun ca lectiile vor fi psihologie in rana deschisa.

ca nu doar veti invata sa va conduceti emotiile catre o stare pe care trebuie sa o expuneti, dar veti face si o mare curatenie interioara, dupa ce, desigur, veti trece prin iad constantind ca distanta intre ce gindeste mintea si ce poate sufletul/corpul e uriasa.

Pt cei care-si doresc sa devina actori sau sunt actori si vor sa invete cu profesoara (www.ivanachubbuck.com) lui Charlize Theron, James Franco, Halle Berry etc (the new hollywood 🙂 ) sau pentru cei ce vor sa vada daca “the red carpet”, “hollywood” sau pur si simplu actoria, pot deveni un mod de viata :). Incepand din primavara se deschide Mandragora Movies – Ivana Chubbuck’s acting studio la bucuresti. Se vor oferii cursuri pt cei sub 18 ani (the youth program) si pt cei peste 18 ani (the regular program).

Mandragora Movies (the scolarship program) o sa ofere si burse pt cei talentati din Bucuresti sau provincie care momentan nu-si permit sa plateasca cota de participare si/sau sederea in Bucuresti dar sunt foarte motivati sa urmeze cariera asta in Romania sau la “hollywood”.

More details incepand cu prima saptamana din luna martie iar persoanele de contact sunt [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Va fi o selectie a celor care se vor inscrie, dar eu zic sa incercati. Sunt sigura ca va fi un riguros antrenament al sufletului.

theatre_stage_curtaindespre cistigatori

despre cistigatori

As a working actress, I would see so many actors that were truly dredging up deep, painful emotions, but whose work seemed self-indulgent. I realized that having deep and profound feelings didn’t necessarily make me a deep and profound person. I saw that coddling one’s pain – in life and on stage — creates almost the opposite effect. It seems self-involved, self-pitying and weak, the key characteristics of a victim. Not the most compelling choice for an actor to make.

An actor who merely feels tend to turn his performance inward and does not energize or inspire himself or an audience, whereas watching someone do anything and everything to override pain in an attempt to accomplish a goal or an OBJECTIVE puts an audience on the edge of their seats because the outcome becomes alive and unpredictable. Taking action results in risk and therefore, an unexpected journey. It’s not enough for an actor to be honest. It’s the actor’s job to make the kind of choices that motivate exciting results. You can paint a canvas using real oil paint, but if the final painting isn’t a compelling image, no one will want to look at it.

Aristotle defined the struggle of the individual to win as the essence of all drama more than two thousand years ago. Overcoming and winning against all the hurdles and conflicts of life is what makes dynamic people. Martin Luther King, Jr., Stephen Hawking, Susan B. Anthony, Virginia Woolf, Albert Einstein, Beethoven, Mother Theresa, and Nelson Mandela all had to overcome almost insurmountable struggles in their lives to achieve their goals. Indeed, the greater the obstacles and the more passion these people brought to overcoming their obstacles, the more profound the achievement or contribution they made. They didn’t become amazing, accomplished people in spite of their challenges, but because of them. These are qualities we want to duplicate in characterizations.

It’s much more captivating to watch someone try to win against the odds, than someone content to put up with life’s travails. A winner doesn’t have to actually win to be a winner — A winner tries to win, a loser accepts defeat.

Ivana Chubbuck

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