Tag : jfk

OLIVER STONEnecajit ca nu isi gaseste distribuitor, oliver stone isi promoveaza varianta piratata a filmelor lui

necajit ca nu isi gaseste distribuitor, oliver stone isi promoveaza varianta piratata a filmelor lui

ce amai simpatica veste de astazi am gasit-o pe FB la domnul regizor Oliver Stone care anunta unde poate fi vazut, gratis si piratat filmul lui despre Fidel Castro.

printre rinduri poti citi necajeala ( disperarea ?) lui ca nu a putut gasi un distribuitor si forma amuzant legala prin care incearca sa se razboiasca cu producatorii spanioli.

da, se intimpla si la case foarte mari; oliver stone are in palmares citeva filme geniale people vs larry flint, platoon, natural born killers, jfk si a fost un preferat al Oscarurilor in urma cu citiva ani.

iata integral mesajul lui de pe Facebook. dupa ce zimbiti sa va duceti sa vedeti documentarul, oliver stone e un MARE REGIZOR.



Unfortunately, there’s never been an official release in the US of COMANDANTE, my first documentary with Fidel Castro. We’ve been trying to get a DVD released for many years now, but the rights are tied up with the Spanish production company. In lieu of an official release, a (anonymous) fan has uploaded a good quality version on Vimeo and you can watch it for free here:


It seems to be pulled from the UK/Region 2 DVD which I’ve been told is going out of print this year. If you want the film on DVD and have a region-free player, I suggest getting it soon. This fan has also uploaded a version with my audio commentary:


My second film with Castro, LOOKING FOR FIDEL, is available on DVD, and my third film with him, CASTRO IN WINTER, will be released digitally this summer.


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