fl-cloud-atlas_510x383The Wachowskis (Matrix) are back!

The Wachowskis (Matrix) are back!

Fratii Wachowski – care au revolutionat cinema-ul cu Matrix – se intorc pe ecrane cu o adaptare dupa cartea “Cloud Atlas”. (Ii au in distributie pe Tom Hanks , Halle Berry, Susan Sarandon, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant, Hugo Weavin) Ca sa promoveze filmul, The New Yorker face un profil al celor doi frati – trecind de la ideea cartii si transformarea ei in scenariu, pe la schimbarea de sex a lui Larry – acum Lana, unul dintre frati, si mergind usor usor prin toata viata lor.

O demonstratie minunata de jurnalism. textul integral e aici, mai jos trei fragmente ca sa va conving sa cititi tot articolul care e lung:)



The main challenge was the novel’s convoluted structure: the chapters are ordered chronologically until the middle of the book, at which point the sequence reverses; the book thus begins and ends in the nineteenth century. This couldn’t work in a film. “It would be impossible to introduce a new story ninety minutes in,” Lana said. The filmmakers’ initial idea was to establish a connective trajectory between Dr. Goose, a devious physician who may be poisoning Ewing, in the earliest story line, and Zachry, the tribesman on whose moral choices the future of civilization hinges, after the Fall. They had no idea what to do with all the other story lines and characters. They broke the book down into hundreds of scenes, copied them onto colored index cards, and spread the cards on the floor, with each color representing a different character or time period. The house looked like “a Zen garden of index cards,” Lana said. At the end of the day, they’d pick up the cards in an order that they hoped would work as the arc of the film. Reading from the cards, Lana would then narrate the rearranged story. The next day, they’d do it again.


Perhaps not coincidentally, Lana’s gender consciousness started to emerge at around the same time. In third grade, Larry transferred to a Catholic school, where boys and girls wore different uniforms and stood in separate lines before class. “I have a formative memory of walking through the girls’ line and hesitating, knowing that my clothes didn’t match,” Lana told me. “But as I continued on I felt I did not belong in the other line, so I just stopped in between them. I stood for a long moment with everyone staring at me, including the nun. She told me to get in line. I was stuck—I couldn’t move. I think some unconscious part of me figured I was exactly where I belonged: betwixt.” Larry was often bullied for his betwixtness. “As a result, I hid and found tremendous solace in books, vastly preferring imagined worlds to this world,” Lana said.


The blockbuster-film producer Dino De Laurentiis optioned the Wachowskis’ next screenplay, “Assassins,” while they were renovating their parents’ house. De Laurentiis entertained them with champagne and lascivious stories about beautiful actresses, and then sold the script to Warner Bros. for five times what he’d paid. According to Lana, substantial revisions by a hired writer removed “all the subtext, the visual metaphors . . . the idea that within our world there are moral pocket universes that operate differently.” When the movie was made, in 1995 (directed by Richard Donner, of “Lethal Weapon” fame, and starring Sylvester Stallone, Antonio Banderas, and Julianne Moore), the Wachowskis tried to get their names taken off the credits but failed. Still, the script earned them a deal with Warner Bros. They finished the work on their parents’ house, quit construction, and became full-time filmmakers

Filmul “Cloud Atlas” are premiera mondiala peste citeva zile la festivalul de film de la toronto si intra in cinematografele din toata lumea pe 26 octombrie


cannes 2010 – aurora lui cristi puiu

astazi dimineata la cannes jurnalistii au vazut filmul lui cristi puiu, aurora.

n-am gasit inca reactii, dar pare ca fotografii au tinut minte filmul, pentru ca i-au surprins la o vizionare de seara pe o parte din membrii echipei.

later edit:
pe site-ul evz am gasit cel mai cretin text posibil despre aceasta proiectie. habar n-am cine esti draga florentina ciuverca dar sper sa te dea afara repede, ca treaba cu jurnalismul n-ai.

un exemplu ilustrator despre cum domnisoara asta n-a fost la prima lectie despre cum sa scrii un text. jurnalistii pe care i-a intervievat ea n-au nume, tara, publicatii la care scriu. oare exista?

Este un foarte bun film românesc, îţi dă, aşa, o senzaţie de film alb-negru în slow motion. După succesul filmului «Poliţist, adjectiv» de anul trecut, pe acesta l-am putea numi «Criminal, substantiv»”, crede primul respondent.
“Cred că este foarte bun, a fost un pic cam lung, însă încă de la început suntem cuceriţi de personaje, nu cunoaştem prea mult despre ele, este vorba de o punere în scenă care ne face să stăm cu sufletul la gură, iar finalul este extraordinar”, opinează un alt jurnalist.

ce cauti domnisoara in presa???? si te mai si platesc astia sa mergi la cannes…. brrrrr


pe site-ul festivalului (de unde am si luat fotografia cu echipa de la aurora) e o sectiune zilnica in care sunt mentionate vedetele care sunt in cannes in ziua respectiva.
nu-i minunat ce scrie la ziua de 14 mai?


The VIP guests expected to be in attendance today are Pierre ARBILLOT, Alberto BARBERA, Kate BECKINSALE, BEKHTI, Haley BENNETT, Cate BLANCHETT, Sandrine BONNAIRE, Stephane BRIZE, Jim BROADBENT, Josh BROLIN, Tim BURTON, Guillaume CANET, Emmanuel CARRERE, Fred CAVAYE, Monia CHOKRI, Russell CROWE, Thomas DEKKER, Benicio DEL TORO, Matthieu DEMY, Claire DENIS, Anne DEPETRINI, Alexandre DESPLAT, Michael DOUGLAS, Lea DRUCKER, Victor ERICE, Patrick FERLA, Gael GARCIA BERNAL, Luminita GHEORGHIU, Angeles GONZALEZ-SINDE, Olivier GOURMET, William HURT, Do-Youn JEON, Gemma JONES, Shekhar KAPUR, Huan-Ru KE, Dong Ho KIM, Shia LABEOUF, Diane LANE, Franck LANGELLA, Jung-Jae LEE, Gilles LELLOUCHE, Ling-Yu LI, Lesley MANVILLE, Pierre-François MARTIN-LAVAL, Roxanne MESQUIDA, Giovanna MEZZOGIORNO, Carey MULLIGAN, Elsa PATAKI, Manu PAYET, Vincent PEREZ, Olivier RABOURDIN, RAMZI, Niels SCHNEIDER, Lea SEYDOUX, Ruth SHEEN, Mark STRONG, Said TAGHMAOUI, Clara VODA, Max VON SYDOW, Naomie WATTS, Michelle YEOH, Yuh-Jung YOUN.
Also expected: Edward HOUSDEN, Diego LUNA, Hector BABENCO, Jean-Pierre MOCKY, Cristi PUIU, Radu MUNTEAN, Xavier BEAUVOIS, Mohamed LAKHDAR HAMINA, Charles FERGUSON, Oliver STONE, Sabina GUZZANTI, Manoel DE OLIVEIRA, Xiaoshuai WANG, Marjane SATRAPI, Mathieu ALMARIC, Lucy WALKER, Christopher THOMPSON, Agnes VARDA, Raoul PECK, Daniel LECONTE, Francine BRUCHER, Jean-Jacques ANNAUD, Christian CARION, Pascal THOMAS, Julie BERTUCELLI, Sangsoo IM, Woody ALLEN, Timur BEKMANBETOV, Costa GAVRAS, Patricio GUZMAN, Hideo NAKATA, Rithy PANH, Thomas VITENBERG, Xavier DOLAN, Gregg ARAKI, Oliver SCHMITZ, Mrinal SEN, Michael WINTERBOTTOM, Mike LEIGH, Agnes KOCSIS.


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