Tag : lolita

nabokov_nti-ar fi placut sa-l ai profesor pe Nabokov?

ti-ar fi placut sa-l ai profesor pe Nabokov?

da, domnul ala care a scris Lolita. si Ada sau ardoarea.

unii, mai norocosi, l-au avut profesor pe vladimir nabokov

My father took Nabokov’s American literature course and says he can’t remember anything about it except for the way that Nabokov, wearing a black cape, used to sweep into the lecture hall with Vera, his wife and assistant, in tow. Nabokov would then deliver his lecture from prepared notes to great affect. His dramatic performances in class drew students to him, and, according to Nabokov’s most meticulous biographer Brian Boyd, his European literature course was second in enrollment to Pete Seger’s folk-song course. As a literature teacher, Nabokov emphasized the importance of reading for detail, assigning students fewer books in order to read them slowly. He quizzed students on the pattern of Madame Bovary’s wallpaper and sketched the path that Bloom walks in Ulysses on the blackboard. According to Nabokov, this approach “‘irritated or puzzled such students of literature (and their professors) as were accustomed to ‘serious’ courses replete with ‘trends,’ and ‘schools,’ and ‘myths,’ and ‘symbols,’ and ‘social comment,’ and something unspeakably spooky called ‘climate of thought.’ Actually these ‘serious’ courses were quite easy ones with the students required to know not the books but about the books.”

din Paris Review, unde e si istoria unui interviu cu el, la care el a centrat, el a dat cu capul. adica pt ca nu i-au placut intrebarile trimise, a inventat altele si-a raspuns la ele:))


rochia suzi

“Vreau sa fiu rochita care stropita de apa se lipeste de carnea atat de pura si frageda incat materialul pare a doua piele a Lolitei. Rochita aia, exact in momentul cand a vazut-o Humbert si amestecul de emotii, dorinta si guilty pleasure….. nu prea pot sa spun prea multe sau sa explic de ce..se vede din imagini.”

suzi aka roxana hodea


stiam ca asta va fi rochita suzi. am vrut sa-i spun d dimine ca asta e rochita ei, dar m-am gindit ca nu trebuie sa o influentez cumva.

suzi e cea mai tinara membra a echipei noastre. acum citeva luni mi-a scris cel mai simpatic, mai natural, mai uman si mai plin de umor mail pe care l-am primit dintre cele cu cereri de angajare. stiu ca i-am zis “acum nu stiu ce job iti voi gasi, dar sigur iti vom gasi un loc in echipa noastra”.

si e aici, in fata mea, un pic spre dreapta. ingrijeste site-ul si ne face zilele frumoase cu glumele ei.


daca ai putea sa te transformi intr-o rochie, ce ti-ar placea sa fii?

trimite rochia-eu la [email protected]


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