Tag : Maitresse Madeline

bdsmviitorul pornografiei: 42.000 $ pentru o ora de webcam

viitorul pornografiei: 42.000 $ pentru o ora de webcam

o tinara doamna specializata in BDSM a licitat o ora de servicii speciale via web cam.
suma pe care o primeste pentru aceste servicii 42.000 – probabil cea mai mare suma ever obtinuta de un performer sexual pentru o ora de web cam.

aici doamna care povesteste intimplarea

e insa interesant e ce spune aceasta licitatie si de ce cineva ar plati atit de multi bani.

in epoca narcisismului cind atentia personalizata e cea mai cautata, cind “eu”-ul e directia care ii ghideaza pe cei mai multi, site-ul care o gazduieste pe tinara dominatoare (caci imi imaginez ca e o campanie de promovare a site-ului) a identificat nisa absoluta.

probabil acesta va fi viitorul pornografiei – fantezii sexuale sub anonimat, personalizate, de la distanta, via internet.

Peter Acworth, the company’s founder and CEO, says that live and interactive porn is a growth area. “Customers’ connections to the Internet are improving and many want a closer connection to the performer,” he tells me. “One-to-one shows are very expensive, but some are willing to pay surprisingly large sums of money to get exactly what they want.” For those who can’t afford a one-on-one show, webcam portals offer customizable broadcasts to a chat room full of viewers. Kink also broadcasts many of its porn shoots, meaning viewers can pay to watch their porn sausage being made, or simply buy the end product.
None of this is to say that Kink is giving up on recorded content. “While it’s becoming progressively more challenging, we are building a new content distribution platform that will give personalized recommendations, like Netflix does,” says Acworth. “We think this service will be worth paying for even when there is so much free content available.”

via salon.com

later edit (pentru cei care ajung pentru prima data pe acest blog, atrasi de subiectul cu trimitere sexuala): nu va osteniti sa comentati despre ce si cum ar face diverse romance; comentariile sunt moderate si nu vor vedea spatiul public. nu despre asta e vorba in aceasta postare. la revedere.


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