Tag : modern love ny times

OnteachingJournalism1o poveste cu multe intelesuri

o poveste cu multe intelesuri

One summer Sunday I was sitting on the riverbank thinking of a story I was writing. A lifetime of scribbled ideas and abandoned projects had begun to take the form of a collection, and I was in a creative fervor.

Suddenly I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle. Turning, I saw him standing above me, glaring. He had been laboring for hours, as was his wont. He had mowed the lawn, weeded the garden and painted the porch and for all I knew plowed the back 40. He was fed up with me, sitting there doing nothing. I was ashamed.

It wasn’t until later, after I had swept the house and washed the dishes and cleaned the fridge and we were on our way back to the city, that I realized the story I had been thinking about had faded away. I tried to summon the characters and reimagine the setting, to stoke the urgency I’d felt on the riverbank, but the curtain had dropped; the stage was dark and empty.

I looked at my husband driving, his face set in stern concentration, and saw how pleased he was with what he had accomplished over the weekend. “Listen,” I said, “when you see me sitting there staring off into the distance doing nothing, I’m busy.”

He smiled and squeezed my thigh. After a moment, he said, “I want to clean out the pachysandra around the barn next week.”


dintr-o poveste reala si cu multe intelesuri publicata astazi in New York Times

mario_vargas_llosa_luces_e_sombras_590citeva lucruri frumoase de citit

citeva lucruri frumoase de citit

o poveste foarte frumoasa de iubire spusa pe linia subtire unde viata se atinge cu moartea, in New York Times

tot in NY TIMES un story despre Vargas Llosa la cursurile de la Princeton dupa ce a cistigat Nobelul. mi-a dus aminte de o secventa din textul scris de Ana-Maria Onisei pt Esquire, in care Bogdan Aurescu, proaspat victorios la Haga, se duce la Universitate sa predea cursul de drept international.

un interviu cu Michael Caine in Time cu un raspuns genial (Can you explain Inception in one sentence?/ If I’m in a scene, it’s real; if I’m not, it’s not.)


Modern Love, Experience, Love story

O face NYTimes, o face The Guardian si, sunt bucuroasa sa va reamintesc, de doua saptamini o face si tabu.ro

Modern love by NYTimes, Experience by The Guardian, Love story by Tabu.ro = povesti de viata conectate la mai multe feluri de iubire.

Saptamina asta Modern Love:Dear Birth Mother, Please Hit ‘Reply’ (despre a-ti gasi mama pe facebook) , Experience: I was a bigamist (despre a te casatori de mai multe ori si a fugi de consecintele casatoriei), Love story: Pisici complementare (despre oamenii care se aseamana ca sa se adune)

Love story e un proiect Tabu, pe care-l gasiti doar in versiunea on line.
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