Tag : oprah

angelia Pax Jolie-PittCe au postat pe instagram vedetele de la Globurile de Aur 2018

Ce au postat pe instagram vedetele de la Globurile de Aur 2018

In fiecare an imi place sa fac o trecere in revista a postarilor din social media pe care le fac vedetele la marile ceremoni (Globurile de Aur, Oscar). Spun mereu ca e cea mai scurta cale pentru a vedea o parte din ceae ce e vedeta respectiva cu adevarat.

Pentru ca stiind ca detine controlul absolut a aceea ce va posta, vedeta lasa garda jos si te aduce cat mai aproape de ea. Un acces pe care in mod normal nu l-ar avea niciun jurnalist.

De la an la an, garda a coborat tot mai jos (si sub influenta multor live-uri de toate felurile).

Anul acesta a fost insa vorba despre TimesUp, miscarea creata de actritele cele mai influente de la Hollywood. Unele dintre ele, ca Oprah, Shonda Rhimes, Reese Witherspoon  sau Nicole Kidman au si luat premii prin filmele lor in aceasta seara.

Iata o parte din postarile de pe Instagram ale vedetelor de la Hollywood.

Catherine Zeta Jones

Getting to the Globes on time!!!!! With my brother following!

O postare distribuită de Catherine Zeta-Jones (@catherinezetajones) pe

Times up

Hilary Swank

Kemal Harris – stilist


Gayle’s Ready Y’all.. here we go! #GoldenGlobes part4

O postare distribuită de Oprah (@oprah) pe

Shonda Rhimes

Standing in solidarity with my sisters everywhere tonight. #timesup #whywewearblack

O postare distribuită de Shonda Rhimes (@shondarhimes) pe

Jessica Biel

Hugh Jackman

Off to the @goldenglobes …. #mydebs @greatestshowman

O postare distribuită de Hugh Jackman (@thehughjackman) pe

Millie Bobby Brown

Peek-A-Boo Thank you @repossi for the beautiful jewels. #RepossiPartner #goldenglobes

O postare distribuită de Millie Bobby Brown (@milliebobbybrown) pe

Bellamy Young

Anne Hathaway

In Solidarity from my sick bed. #TIMESUP #WHYWEWEARBLACK #GoldenGlobes

O postare distribuită de Anne Hathaway (@annehathaway) pe

Salma Hayek

Julianne Moore

Mariah Carey

#GoldenGlobes #TIMESUP

O postare distribuită de Mariah Carey (@mariahcarey) pe

Sarah Jessica parker

Elisabeth Stewart

Katie Couric

Justin Timberlake

Here we come!! And DAMN, my wife is hot! #TIMESUP #whywewearblack

O postare distribuită de Justin Timberlake (@justintimberlake) pe

Zac Posen

Reese Witherspoon

Meryl Streep

Be the change you want to see in the world @verawanggang @goldenglobes

O postare distribuită de Meryl Streep (@merylstreep) pe

Susan Sarandon

Natalie Portman

My prom date to the revolution #WHYWEWEARBLACK #TIMESUP

O postare distribuită de Natalie Portman (@nportmanofficial) pe

Lance Armstrong Oprah WinfreyArmstrong – despre control

Armstrong – despre control

stiu ca toata lumea e emotionat incintata de interviul lui Lance Armstrong in emisiunea lui Oprah… sau curioasa…

am vazut acum interviul si, desi imi place Armstrong f mult (n-are legatura cu ciclistul din el, ci cu invingatorul din el; in orice conditii), tocmai lucrurile care ma fac sa-l iubesc, au contribuit la a minti teribil in acest interviu.


Amstrong stie ce inseamna controlul; traieste ca sa controleze – trupul si mintea lui, pe cei din jur. Drama lui acum nu este ca si-a pierdut sponsorii ( 75 milioane de dolari – toti pierduti intr-o zi jumate, cind au sunat rind pe rind sponsorii ca sa-l anunte ca renunta la contractele cu el), drama lui e ca nu poate controla ceea ce se intimpla – reactiile care se tot rostogolesc intr-un bulgar urias.

De asta a acceptat interviul, e o forma de a incepe sa preia controlul. Si sunt absolut singura ca a negociat fiecare intrebare, cum si-a calculat si fiecare raspuns cu mult timp inainte.

imi place mult fotografia asta din timpul interviului pentru ca descrie, la nivel nonverbal, exact situatia de pe parcursul interviului: piciorul ridicat aproape la orizontal ca o bariera care sa-l protejeze; gesturile cu miinile care indica controlul – mina cu degetele strinse ca si cum ar prinde o minge e gestul care inseamna “control”



cel mai sincer raspuns din interviul lui Lance Armstrong cu Oprah din pacate nu se refera direct la el:


You said to me earlier you don’t think it was possible to win without doping?

“Not in that generation, and I’m not here to talk about others in that generation. It’s been well-documented. I didn’t invent the culture, but I didn’t try to stop the culture, and that’s my mistake, and that’s what I have to be sorry for, and that’s what something and the sport is now paying the price because of that. So I am sorry for that. I didn’t have access to anything else that nobody else did.”


in rest, tot dialogul lui cu Oprah a fost doar ca sa recunoasca dopajul, dar discursul e atit de bine controlat incit iti dai seama ce nervi incredibili are. nu zice nimic mai mult decit a fost in mintea lui sa spuna la inceput: accept dopajul si atit. iata citeva exemple:


For 13 years you didn’t just deny it, you brazenly and defiantly denied everything you just admitted just now. So why now admit it?

“That is the best question. It’s the most logical question. I don’t know that I have a great answer. I will start my answer by saying that this is too late. It’s too late for probably most people, and that’s my fault. I viewed this situation as one big lie that I repeated a lot of times, and as you said, it wasn’t as if I just said no and I moved off it.”

You were defiant, you called other people liars.

“I understand that. And while I lived through this process, especially the last two years, one year, six months, two, three months, I know the truth. The truth isn’t what was out there. The truth isn’t what I said, and now it’s gone – this story was so perfect for so long. And I mean that, as I try to take myself out of the situation and I look at it. You overcome the disease, you win the Tour de France seven times. You have a happy marriage, you have children. I mean, it’s just this mythic perfect story, and it wasn’t true.”


sau cind vorbeste despre nevasta unui fost ciclist care l-a acuzat de dopaj si el a dat-o in judecata si vezi cum si-a controlat urmele… au agreat sa nu vorbeasca mai mult despre acel lucru….


Have you called Betsy Andreu? Did she take your call? Was she telling the truth about the Indiana hospital, overhearing you in 1996? Was Betsy lying?

“I’m not going to take that on. I’m laying down on that one. I’m going to put that one down. She asked me, and I asked her not to talk about it.”

Is it well with two of you? Have you made peace?

“No, because they’ve been hurt too badly, and a 40-minute [phone] conversation isn’t enough.”


fragmentul meu preferat din interviu este despre drama pe care o traiesc copiii lui. e o situatie pe care el nu o poate controla.

copiii n-au nicio vina ca sunt implicati in acest scandal dar isi iubesc tatal, banuiesc ca e idolul lor si ca i-a dominat cu personalitatea lui foarte puternica. mai ales pe fiul lui.

You and Kristin have three children together, what do you tell Luke, he’s 13, you’ve been fighting this thing all his life. What do you tell him and the girls what’s going on?

“They know a lot. They hear it in the hallways. Their schools, their classmates have been very supportive. Where you lose control with your kids is when they go out of that space, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, in the feedback columns.”

But what did you tell him?

“First I want to tell you what happened. When this all really started, I saw my son defending me, and saying that’s not true. What you’re saying about my dad is not true.

“That’s when I knew I had to tell him. And he’d never asked me. He’d never said ‘dad, is this true?’. He trusted me. I heard about it in the hallways…..”

What did you say to him?

“At that time, nothing, but that’s the time I had to say something. I heard he was defending me and it gets ugly and at that point I decided it was out of control and I had to have a talk with him here over the holidays.”

What did you say?

“I said there have been a lot of questions about your dad any my career and whether I doped and I’ve always denied it and been ruthless and defiant which you have seen, which makes it even sicker but I want you to know that it is true. Then there were the girls who are 11 and they didn’t say much. They just accepted it and I told Luke ‘don’t defend me anymore, don’t’.”

How did he take it?

“He has been remarkably calm and mature about it. I told him ‘if anyone says anything to you, do not defend me, just say ‘Hey, my dad says he is sorry’. He said ‘I love you, you’re my dad and this won’t change that’. I had expected something.




transcrierea integrala a interviului o puteti gasi aici, part 1 si part 2

5289un ceai minunat

un ceai minunat

ieri, la intoarcerea de la seminarul lui Manafu, PR BOOT Camp, m-am premiat. cum treceam pe linga unul din magazinele mele preferate, Leonidas de vis a vis de British Council mi-am luat cele mai simpatice cani de ceai.

primisem de ziua mea de la Mihaela Toma, doamna care are in grija acel magazin, minunatii de ceaiuri Tea Forte si…

iata achizitia, tocmai se prepara ceai-ul pentru aceasta dimineata…

n-am vrut sa scriu despre ceaiurile minunate Tea Forte – din categoria couture in materie de ceaiuri – pina nu as fi cumparat ceva din magazin, chiar daca aveam ceaiuri de mai multe feluri acasa…

acum dupa ce am vizitat magazinul pot sa spun ca puteti gasi o multime de accesorii foarte simpatice pentru cadouri, iar cestile acestea de ceai pe care mi le-am cumparat (2 am achizitionat) costa 75 RON. si da, chiar iese o frunzulita prin ceasca, e de la ceaiul depozitat intr-o pungutza in forma de piramida…

ca sa fiu mai convingatoare de cit de rafinate sunt ceaiurile si canutele, am luat citeva fotografii de pe site-ul oficial:)

ceaiul e divin, fin si super aromat… si e atit de “plin” incit nu simti nevoia sa-l indulcesti…
eu acum beau African Solstice – a botanical herb blend of berries and rooibos.
dar uite fotografii cam cum arata ceaiurile Tea Forte in general

daca n-aveti idei de cadouri mai diferite, mai glamour, dar fara sa dati o avere pe ele, un set de cesti de portelan Tea Forte va face minuni sunt sigura…


si o poveste frumoasa: am locuit 10 ani aproape de magazinul Leonidas de pe Dorobanti, drept si pentru care l-am vizitat, degustat si para degustat. de multe ori… dupa ce m-am mutat din cartier, la un seminar am cunoscut-o pe proprietara magazinului si cea care se lupta ca minunatia de ciocolata Leonidas sa ramina pe piata din Romania si mi-a fost drag sa-i spun ca fata ei din magazin e una dintre cele mai tari vinzatoare pe care le-am intilnit…

chiar si aseara cind am vizitat magazinul, desi nu stia ca o stiu pe patroana, mi-a aratat mai multe feluri de ceai, mi-a dat samplere cu ceaiuri apropiate de gusturile mele, m-a sfatuit ce canute sa-mi iau…

si ceva de “can can”: ceaiurile Tea Forte sunt considerate de Oprah Winfrey cele mai rafinate din lume 🙂


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