Tag : pulitzer

Tony Lopezprepare for death

prepare for death

poate ca vi se pare ca textul de mai jos nu e potrivit pentru inceputul unei saptamini, dar cred ca viata noastra ar fi mai frumoasa daca am constientiza si am fi pregatiti sa murim oricind. nu-s pesimista. deloc.


I think that in our youth-obsessed culture of denial, we don’t deal very with, or prepare for death. All of us should have conversations with loved ones about our intentions, and that means filling out advance healthcare directives that can help doctors and loved ones know what life-extending measures to perform in an emergency or when someone is critically ill. One focus of the series was the question of whether, with ballooning healthcare costs and huge budget deficits, we need to examine whether we are extending life in some cases or merely prolonging the process of dying. We all want to think medicine can keep us alive for ever, and it almost can. But at what cost?


Steve Lopez, finalist la Pulitzer 2012, dar deja cistigator de Pulitzer cu seria de articole care au stat si la baza filmului The Soloist (despre violoncelistul homeless). Anul acesta a fost nominalizat pentru o serie de articole despre moarte, cu punct culminant un text despre moartea tatalul sau.
il puteti citi aici

in fotografie, tatal lui Steve, Tony Lopez

The-Tender-Bar-9781401383282Barul vazut de un cistigator de Pulitzer

Barul vazut de un cistigator de Pulitzer

We went there for everything we needed. we went there when thirsty, of course, and when hungry, and when dead tired. We went there when happy, to celebrate, and when sad, to sulk. We went there after weddings and funerals, for something to settle our nerves, and always for a shot of courage just before. We went there when we didn’t know what we needed, hoping someone might tell us. We went there when looking for love, or sex, or trouble, or for someone who had gone missing, because sooner or later everyone turned up there. Most of all we went there when we needed to be found.


Long before it legally served me, the bar saved me. It restored my faith when I was a boy, tended me as a teenager, and when I was a young man the bar embraced me. While I fear that we’re drawn to what abandons us, and to what seems most likely to abandon us, in the end I believe we’re defined by what embraces us. Naturally I embraced the bar right back, until one night the bar turned me away, and in that final abandonment the bar saved my life.

J.R.Moehringer, The Tender Bar

nu exista om care sa nu fi petrecut citeva ore in fata unui bar, cu ochii-ntru-n barman sau intr-o sala plina de fum. dar cred ca prea putini ar fi putut sa scrie asta.

citesc o minunata autobiografie – The Tender Bar – a lui J R Moehringer , povestea unui pusti care creste fara tata si care gaseste in barul de la coltul strazii mai multe modele masculine. e o carte care atinge cele mai sensibile coarde ale emotiilor masculine si, pentru ca nu e tradusa in romaneste, va rog tare sa o cautati in varianta e book – costa doar 3 dolari – ca sa o cititi. e o experienta minunata.

JR Moehringer este domnul care a scris si autobiografia lui Agassi. Ambele, niste bucurii de carti.
JR Moehringer este cistigatorul unui premiu Pulitzer:)

time-magazine-cover-bin-laden1jurnalismul care ma bucura

jurnalismul care ma bucura

pe unii oameni ii bucura muzica clasica – eu nu o inteleg
pe altii ii bucura fotbalul – nici pe asta nu-l inteleg.

printre lucrurile care ma bucura pe mine – cu o satisfactie cel putin egala cu a celor care iubesc muzica clasica sau fotbalul – sunt povestile care apar cind toata lumea se uita la acelasi subiect si cineva, mai perseverent, se gindeste: as putea relata despre asta dintr-un unghi pe care nu l-au abordat ceilalti inaintea mea?

stiu cum gindesc oamenii astia si ce presiune pun pe ei si pe echipa lor (suntem facuti din acelasi aluat, chiar daca unii dintre ei fac prajituri mai bune decit mine:) ) si de fiecare data cind ii intilnesc ma fac sa zimbesc tare si sa ma bucur de descoperirile lor.

pentru asta exista TIME Magazine in viata mea. editia din aceasta saptamina dedicata suta la suta eliminarii lui Bin Laden e o mostra de oameni pasionati de munca lor si de dorinta de a da tot ce-i mai bun, jurnalistic vorbind, intr-un moment istoric de exceptie.

Nu e vorba doar despre faptul ca intelegi cu schite si fotografii cum a fost atacul, nici ca ai parcursul lui Bin Laden de la nastere si pina la deces; nu pun la socoteala nici imaginile emotionante de la Ground Zero, cu explicatii geniale care-ti arata ca selectia fotografiilor nu e deloc intimplatoare ( e un pusti care sta pe un stilp si flutura un steag american – el e fiul unuia dintre pompierii care au muncit la salvarea celor din turnurile gemene, pompier acum pensionar care si-a sunat fiul “du-te si spune o rugaciune acolo”).

Pentru mine diamantul acestei editii de Time e un story cu 3 pusti ( 2 fete si un baiat) care acum sunt elevi la liceu si care pe 11 sept 2001 erau in clasa de gradinita in care George Bush citea povesti pentru copii.

Generation 9/11 (Features / The End Of Bin Laden)

On Sept. 11, 2001, as they read aloud from “The Pet Goat” for their guest, President George W. Bush, the second-graders in Sandra Kay Daniels’ class at Emma E. Booker elementary school in Sarasota, Fla., understood that something was suddenly very wrong. It was a lesson they never forgot.

Read more:

si mai e un story absolut genial- desi pare light – pentru ca aduce intr-un limbaj accesibil – cultura Tv – un eveniment politic de o importanta majora.

The 25th Hour (The End Of Bin Laden)
In bin Laden’s bloody end, life imitated 24. It was a fitting curtain call for the 9/11 era’s quintessential drama
Read more:

stiu, fara sa-i fi intrebat, ca oamenii astia au cautat aceste subiecte din pasiune si profesionalism, din dorinta de a fi diferiti si de a le oferi citititorilor lor povesti pe care nu le-au citit in alta parte. nu cred ca au facut-o cu Pulitzerul in cap si nici ca vreun sef le-a spus “scrieti si voi ca si cum ati fi fost acolo” (am sechele de la recente conversatii la tema)

(Time nu are on line decit cover story-ul mare pentru aceasta editie, dar o gasiti la Imedio si va recomand din inima sa o cumparati pentru ca este o editie de colectie)


din aceeasi categorie, salut aici articolul plin de bun simt- dar cu aciditate si forta, politicos – dar ferm scris de Vlad Mixich pe hotnews. Intrebarea unui tinar jurnalist pentru Corina Dragostescu.
la un prim gind iti vine sa spui ca e o picatura intr-un ocean si ca oricum n-o sa-i raspunda si ca oricum nu conteaza. dar gindul doi e… si daca alti tineri, asemeni lui, reactioneaza similar?

Bravo Vlad. si asta e un jurnalism care ma bucura.

Pulitzer[1]Pulitzer 2011

Pulitzer 2011

s-au anuntat Pulitzer-urile pentru 2011 (poate cele mai prestigioase premii, acordate numai jurnalistilor de nationalitate americana)

spre deosebire de anii trecuti, constat ca nu stiam nicio poveste dintre cele premiate; de unde trag concluzia ca ori am citit mai putin anul trecut, ori au premiat ei lucruri mai de nisa.

m-am uitat putin pe lista premiilor si-am vazut povestea unui copil de 4 ani cu o maladie ciudata. prezentata multimedia.

iar asta ma face sa va spun o poveste reala.

acum citeva zile cineva mi-a spus: pentru ce va chinuiti sa munciti mult pentru o poveste din revista? nu o sa cistigati pulitzerul.

raspunsul e simplu: pentru bucuria de a-ti face bine treaba, de a incerca sa ai cel mai bun story posibil pe tema respectiva… pentru a fi cel mai bun in fata ta ( nu neaparat a celorlalti)

ma rog, nuante.



cum faci sa intri in viata unui om, sa te accepte, sa lase garda jos si sa nu pozeze, desi stie ca tu ii vei descrie viata intr-o poveste?

am gasit un interviu mai vechi despre cum au lucrat Lane DeGregory si fotografa cu care a fct echipa, Melissa Lyttle, la povestea care a luat Pulitzer anul asta The girl in the window.

capitolul meu preferat e Buildind relationships

Did you have any concerns or reservations about having someone else broker a story?

Melissa Lyttle: We drove down with her and Dani’s caseworker for the very first interview, the very first time we went to Fort Myers to meet the family. Just to turn it into reality, she was a great intro. They already were familiar with her; they were familiar with the caseworker. They really opened to us because they had that trust. … They passed that along to us. … [Carolyn Eastman] was our passport into that situation.

She obviously wasn’t with you the whole time. How did you build your own relationship?

DeGregory: …We told the family at the end of that first day, “What kind of things do you do with Danielle on a regular basis?” “We go to the beach, she goes to school. She goes horseback riding, we take her to church.” And Melissa and I told them, “We want to be there for all of that. We want to watch and follow her as she progresses and as she learns. We want to be there at bedtime, we want to be there at bath time, we want to be there when you eat dinner.” … I don’t think they anticipated us wanting to invest so much time.

Lyttle: It’s all about relationship-building. The first time was more of an interview. … While Lane got to know the parents and was sitting there with the caseworker who was asking for updates on Danielle and with Carolyn Eastman … I had about three hours with Danielle. And I got her really comfortable in front of the camera because I sat there for so long and I watched the same movements over and over. I’m not the photographer who runs around the room climbing on things, but just being in her presence for that long made the next time that much easier. …

Did the family have any reservations about you saying, “We want to be here all the time”?

DeGregory: Lucky for them, they were three hours away so I couldn’t be there all the time. If they had been in our circulation area, I would have been there every day. But we had to arrange visits with them. And so we arranged to come down for a whole day or to come down for a day [or] overnight and the next day.

daca vreti sa faceti meseria asta, sau o faceti, cititi interviul integral aici

inca un fragment minunat:

I’m fascinated by how you report on someone who seems so unknowable like Dani. How did you gain her trust?
DeGregory: That was the hardest part. I went in thinking I was going to interview this girl and go, “Hey, what happened?” I knew she didn’t speak when they found her, but I didn’t know she still couldn’t speak — until we met her. …

Lyttle: I still remember the day that we made the connection. It was the second trip there and I was sitting on the floor in her room as she was watching this little video on her computer screen, a little interactive game kind of thing. I was talking to her like a normal kid — “Oh, which one do you think that is? Is that red?” — just asking her questions they were saying, trying to re-emphasize language skills. I just remember at one point about halfway through her game, she reached out with her foot, and she just touched me. She was kind of checking me out … her little hello there, like a pat on the back. She had initially used her feet for almost everything, to pick things up and to hold her bottle. So it’s kind of like her extended hand in some ways. …

cu rabdare pina la sfirsitul interviului, care e lungutz, gasiti info si despre cum a fost scrisa povestea pentru print, apoi pt web si un alt capitol minunat DEALING WITH THE EMOTIONAL CONSEQUENCES.


the girl in the window – unul din Pulitzer-urile 2009

Noaptea trecuta s-au anuntat cistigatorii premiului Pulitzer pentru 2009.
M-am uitat in viteza pe numele cistigatoare si-am ales sa citesc un articol The girl in the window.

E o poveste socanta despre recuperarea unei fetite care pina la 7 ani a trait intre propriile fecale, fara sa vada lumina soarelui, fara sa i se rosteasca vreun cuvint, fara sa priveasca pe cineva.

E un maraton jurnalistic acolo pentru ca autoarea,Lane DeGregory, reconstituie o intimplare care a avut loc cu 5 ani in urma din declaratiile politistului care a recuperat fetita, din rapoarte politiei. Apoi intervieveaza mama, familia adoptiva si fratele adoptiv. (capitolul cu fratele e preferatul meu)

Cind citeam textul – care e lung si te solicita – mi-am adus aminte de povestirea Ingerii din jurul ei pe care am publicat-o in numarul de aprilie.

Tot despre recuperarea unei fetite, cu o reconstituire a unor fapte care au avut loc cu 2 ani in urma. Daca am avea premii in Romania pentru jurnalism, as inscrie articolul asta mergind la sigur oriunde.

In lipsa lor, ma bucur sa constat ca pe site-ul tabu articolul Ingerii din jurul ei are unul dintre cele mai mici bounce rate (23%), iar asta inseamna ca majoritatea celor care au intra pe pagina, au citit pina la sfirsit articolul Laviniei Gliga. Un articol lung. Cu un subiect greu. Scris fara a exploata senzationalismul.

E un semn in linia pe care o anunta si Vintila Mihailescu in dilema (unde printre altele mentioneaza si articolul din Tabu)

La această întrebare ar trebui să răspundă, pentru mase, în primul rînd specia complexă a documentarului, de la marile reportaje sau anchetele de teren la literatura non fiction. Dar acestea – ne explică imediat managerii mediatici – nu aduc rating. Cred că diagnosticul a început deja să fie fals într-o măsură considerabilă: documentarele de pe Discovery sau History fac un rating onorabil, iar la o selecţie de filme documentare de la Astra Film Fest, prezentate la Muzeul Ţăranului Român, sala era plină ochi de tineri.

(foto by MELISSA LYTTLE | Times)


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