Tag : relatii gay

ricky martin gay… milioane de fane ofteaza, plus managerul:)

nu stiu ce l-a facut pe ricky martin sa declare tocmai acum ca e gay.
imi imaginez ca a fost o disputa intreaga cu managementul lui pentru ca e o informatie care n-ar fi trebuit sa iasa la suprafata. ataca numarul de fane din dotare, ataca business-ul.

dar cum am scris de f multe ori despre comunitatea gay si pentru ca stiu cit de important e pentru ei cind unul de-al lor – figura publica – isi recunoaste identitatea sexuala, pun mai jos un fragment din declaratia lui ricky martin, postata pe blogul sau.

acum un an, cind faceam un interviu cu unul din membrii importanti ai comunitatii gay, Tudor Kovaks, m-a socat un detaliu. pentru ca ei nu pot sa-si manifeste iubirea in public prin gesturi marunte (luatul de mina, o mingiiere pe strada, un zimbet cu subinteles intr-un context care sa insemne ceva pt ei), relatiile dintre gay sunt precum caramizile fara mortar, intr-un echilibru precar.
construiesc pe emotii, dar le lipsesc legaturile dintre ele.


If someone asked me today, “Ricky, what are you afraid of?” I would answer “the blood that runs through the streets of countries at war…child slavery, terrorism…the cynicism of some people in positions of power, the misinterpretation of faith.” But fear of my truth? Not at all! On the contrary, It fills me with strength and courage. This is just what I need especially now that I am the father of two beautiful boys that are so full of light and who with their outlook teach me new things every day. To keep living as I did up until today would be to indirectly diminish the glow that my kids where born with. Enough is enough. This has to change. This was not supposed to happen 5 or 10 years ago, it is supposed to happen now. Today is my day, this is my time, and this is my moment.

These years in silence and reflection made me stronger and reminded me that acceptance has to come from within and that this kind of truth gives me the power to conquer emotions I didn’t even know existed.

What will happen from now on? It doesn’t matter. I can only focus on what’s happening to me in this moment. The word “happiness” takes on a new meaning for me as of today. It has been a very intense process. Every word that I write in this letter is born out of love, acceptance, detachment and real contentment. Writing this is a solid step towards my inner peace and vital part of my evolution.

I am proud to say that I am a fortunate homosexual man. I am very blessed to be who I am.


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