Tag : scrisori

AdolfHitlerPortraitFemeile dictatorilor – scrisori de dragoste catre Hitler

Femeile dictatorilor – scrisori de dragoste catre Hitler

Berlin, 17 iulie 1941

Draga Adi…

Cu siguranta o sa-ti fie un pic dor de mine. Mai vreau sa-ti trimit o fotografie, ca simbol al iubirii mele. Iti pun aici, deci, una micuta, cu mine. Seman cu o Madona din ceruri. Uneori sunt foarte trista. In 23 VII, ma duc in tinutul meu natal. Tu erai deja la Karlsbad… de acolo ma gindesc la tine mai des.

Te sarut cu infrigurare, bestie mica,



e o scrisoare din cartea Femeile dictatorilor (Diane Ducret, ed Curtea Veche), iar Adi e Adolf Hitler. Si nu, doamna Ritschi nu-l cunostea pe Adolf, numit Adi, in schimb asemeni altor citeva mii de femei il iubea proiectind pe el nevoile ei de protectie.

inca o scrisoare.

Scumpul meu Fuhrer Adolf Hitler,

O femeie din Saxa ar dori sa aiba un copil de la dumneavoastra. Este cu siguranta o dorinta foarte speciala si singurul gind care ma obsedeaza este acela ca dumneavoastra nu o sa aveti copii. Aceasta este dorinta pe care am vrut sa o exprim in scrisoarea mea.

O scrisoare este o chestiune de rabdare. O poti citi si apoi o poti pune deoparte. O poti lasa sa cinte in sufletul tau, ca un cintec frumos. Poti sa o primesti ca pe o scrisoare si sa-i dai curs.

Dorintele mi se amesteca cu temerile. Se poate ca scrisoarea sa nu va parvina. Se poate sa nu aveti timp pentru un copil. Sa va simtiti prea batrin pentru un copil si sa fi alungat de mult aceasta idee, ca imposibila. In ciuda oricarui obstacol, un copil al dumneavoastra ar trebui sa se nasca. Este dorinta mea cea mai mare pe care aspir sa mi-o indeplinesc cu toata taria sufletului  meu.

Friedel S.


Ce raspuns primeau toate scrisorile?

Doamna, Domnule,

Prin prezenta confirm primirea scrisorii dumneavoastra adresata Fuhrerului si va aduc la cunostinta ca acesta, din principiu, nu s eva implica in nicio poveste privata.

Primiti un salut german,

Albert Bormann.


cartea doamnei Ducret pleaca de la aceste scrisori care te fac sa zimbesti si sa te intrebi cum un om atit de odios ca Hitler putea genera asemenea sentimente si ajunge la reversul medaliei: femeile care au stiut sa-i conduca pe marii dictatori. femeile care au stat linga ei, in ciuda umilintelor la care au fost supuse, sau a controlului pe care dictatorii l-au avut asupra lor.

concluzia e inca din primele pagini, iar restul e doar o demonstratie aproape matematica facuta pe Hitler, Musollini, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, ba chiar si Ceausescu:

Se pare ca dobindim intreaga putere asupra celorlalti, renuntind la orice putere asupra noastra insine.

Cehovoamenii educati…

oamenii educati…

“In order to feel comfortable among educated people, to be at home and happy with them, one must be cultured to a certain extent.”

Am primit un newsletter cu noutatile culturale si in el era acest fragment din scrisorile lui Cehov catre familie. Imi amintesc ca am citit cartea , in engleza, pe net, cind citeam biografia scriitorului meu preferat, din toate timpurile, Raymond Carver (lui Carver ii placea mult mult Cehov si era fascinat de cursul de tehnica de scris pe care-l urmase rusul). la vremea respectiva am pus primele trei reguli de mai jos pe blog, dar si alte citate din scrisorile lui Cehov (la link gasiti si unde poate fi citita cartea integral.)


intr-o zi in care oamenii se balacaresc la televizior cu interese meschine, e bine sa citim cele de mai jos

Cultured people must, in my opinion, satisfy the following conditions:

  • They respect human personality, and therefore they are always kind, gentle, polite, and ready to give in to others. They do not make a row because of a hammer or a lost piece of india-rubber; if they live with anyone they do not regard it as a favour and, going away, they do not say “nobody can live with you.” They forgive noise and cold and dried-up meat and witticisms and the presence of strangers in their homes.
  • They have sympathy not for beggars and cats alone. Their heart aches for what the eye does not see…. They sit up at night in order to help P…., to pay for brothers at the University, and to buy clothes for their mother.
  • They respect the property of others, and therefor pay their debts.
  • They are sincere, and dread lying like fire. They don’t lie even in small things. A lie is insulting to the listener and puts him in a lower position in the eyes of the speaker. They do not pose, they behave in the street as they do at home, they do not show off before their humbler comrades. They are not given to babbling and forcing their uninvited confidences on others. Out of respect for other people’s ears they more often keep silent than talk.
  • They do not disparage themselves to rouse compassion. They do not play on the strings of other people’s hearts so that they may sigh and make much of them. They do not say “I am misunderstood,” or “I have become second-rate,” because all this is striving after cheap effect, is vulgar, stale, false….
  • They have no shallow vanity. They do not care for such false diamonds as knowing celebrities, shaking hands with the drunken P., [Translator’s Note: Probably Palmin, a minor poet.] listening to the raptures of a stray spectator in a picture show, being renowned in the taverns…. If they do a pennyworth they do not strut about as though they had done a hundred roubles’ worth, and do not brag of having the entry where others are not admitted…. The truly talented always keep in obscurity among the crowd, as far as possible from advertisement…. Even Krylov has said that an empty barrel echoes more loudly than a full one.
  • If they have a talent they respect it. They sacrifice to it rest, women, wine, vanity…. They are proud of their talent…. Besides, they are fastidious.
  • They develop the aesthetic feeling in themselves. They cannot go to sleep in their clothes, see cracks full of bugs on the walls, breathe bad air, walk on a floor that has been spat upon, cook their meals over an oil stove. They seek as far as possible to restrain and ennoble the sexual instinct…. What they want in a woman is not a bed-fellow … They do not ask for the cleverness which shows itself in continual lying. They want especially, if they are artists, freshness, elegance, humanity, the capacity for motherhood…. They do not swill vodka at all hours of the day and night, do not sniff at cupboards, for they are not pigs and know they are not. They drink only when they are free, on occasion…. For they wantmens sana in corpore sano [a healthy mind in a healthy body].
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