Tag : spectator.co.uk

Along the Enchanted Way: A Romanian Story

britanicul William Blacker si-a propus sa exploreze tarile fost comuniste din estul europei.
a ajuns si in romania, prin moldova, unde a revenit de-alungul a citiva ani.

dupa cum scrie spectator.co.uk pare ca de data asta nu ne -am fct de ris, caci Blacker a scris o carte – Along the Enchanted Way: A Romanian Story- in care ne prezinta frumos si emotionant.

In the village of Breb, Blacker was directed to the house of Mihai and Maria, an elderly couple who, having no children of their own, ‘might have room for me to stay’. He stayed for several years, on and off. While his gentle, self-deprecating tone reveals that he never presumes himself to be anything but a foreigner in their midst, his love for the people and the environment is so evident that one can see why he was accepted. Wishing to join the villagers scything the meadow, he goes to market, where someone helps him choose a scythe blade. Back in the village, a man measures him, ‘noting especially the distance between the ground and the tip of my chin’, and then makes a handle for him from ‘curved pieces of plum wood … selected and cut from the tree the year before.’ There are marvellous descriptions of going courting with ‘the lads’, which Mihai urges him to do, of going to church and to the fair on a hillside with the snow-capped Carpathians in the distance. It is a medieval society which makes its own clothes, grows its food, follows the seasons and operates according to traditions developed over 2,000 years. But, delightful and impressive as Blacker finds it, he is close enough to resist sentimentality.

via mr P


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