Tag : the observer

ben kingsley – a grain of sand

“Creative people are making a pearl. What’s in the middle of that pearl? Something that’s really scratching it. A grain of sand, and it has to cover it, to smooth it. We all have our grain of sand, and we find a way of smoothing it.”

“But you find yourself repeating patterns of behaviour until the gods say to you: ‘We will not tolerate you doing this any more.’ And something happens. The gods send us things if we are open and on a journey towards healing. But it can be a jolly long slog. I’ve had moments of immense joy with work, and then gone back to personal chaos. I will leave it at that.”

His father is dead. But his mother must be proud of him now. “I haven’t a clue. You can’t… you can’t go there.” But I only asked if his mother was proud of him. “Yes.” What about his siblings? “I don’t think we can go there. It’s part of the grain of sand.” I see. And will he ever talk about this stuff? “I doubt it. But it will be in my work. It’s fully expressed in my work.”

interviul e realizat de rachel cook pentru the observer si il puteti citi aici


Mickey Rourke

n-am nervi sa ma uit la the wrestler, desi ar trebui sa o fac de dragul filmului requiem for a dream. (acelasi regizor, darren aronofsky). am vzt primele 20 de min si m-a scos din minti, mi s-a parut ca regizorul se pleaca in fata lui rourke si sta acolo ca sa-l calce in picioare.

intre timp am citit un interviu genial in the observer si am inceput sa-l simpatizez pe rourke. am dezvoltat chiar o teorie cum ca o sa ia Oscarul pentru ca e genul de legenda cu care empatizeaza toti batrineii care voteaza la premiile Academiei (glorie, decadere, umilinta, rebeliune, succes din nou).
ana mi-a dat un alt interviu din Interview, fct de Christopher Walken
la fel de misto.

‘Abso-fucking-lutely. Randy’s living in a state of shame. Living in a state of disgrace. The humiliation that I’ve lived with for five, six, seven, eight, nine, 15 years. That I brought upon myself. I lost everything, the wife, the house, my friends, my name in the business. I was paying $500 a month for an apartment with my dogs. Nobody really knew how broke I was. A friend used to give me a couple of hundred of dollars a month to buy something to eat. And I’d be calling up my ex-wife and crying like a baby and trying to get her back. I was desperate. And I was all alone. And this went on for years, for years.’

din the observer, suplimentul de we the guardian, 23 nov.

Later edit: aud ca interviul din The observer este tradus integral in Q Magazine. Sunt f curioasa daca au platit ca sa aiba drepturile pentru publicarea lui. Dar am sa sun sa intreb.

Later Later Edit: Floriana Juncan zice ca a cumparat interviul via Paris Match.
Imi pare rau ca am indoilei, dar chiar am. Si mi s-ar parea unfair ca femeia aia de la The Guardian sa fi muncit din greu pt interviu si sa nu ia niciun ban pentru republicarea externa. Mai ales ca e un text superb, foarte muncit.


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