mi-am inceput ziua citind un interviu in NY Times cu Tori Amos si cu un fragment f simpatic despre relatia mama fiica.
“Nurture. Be supportive. You don’t have to agree with everything but you don’t need to be the harsh critic with those that you love.” I can see how the young girls really get hurt when their moms are critical, or vice versa when they’re overly critical of their moms. It can be so painful. Tash has quite a sense of humor and she’ll say to me, “What do you think you’re walking out of this hotel in?” And I’ll say, “It’s comfortable.” And she’ll say, “No soccer mom is walking out of this hotel room. You’ll be called Tori Anus.” It’s kind of funny that I have a daughter who understands.
intregul interviu aici
pentru ca mintea functioneaza straniu, dupa ce am citit interviul, am cautat pe youtube sa reascult un cintec al revalei lui Tory, Kate Bush
dupa care am deschis facebook care in dreapta paginii mele imi recomanda pagini de muzica. uitati-va ce muzici imi recomanda:)))
pe bune? eu m-am trezit in muzici suave, Facebook ce are cu mine?
altfel, baietii astia suparati ar putea sa scoata niste Ebook-uri cu versurile cintecelor lor si pentru cei ca mine care prefera sa inteleaga ce au cintat, decit sa-i auda cit sunt de suparati:) ma iertati.