Tag : vaclav havel

John_MalkovichJohn Malkovich de ziua teatrului

John Malkovich de ziua teatrului

astazi este ziua internationala a teatrului, iar la sediul UNESCO din Paris a fost ceremonia anuala in care un actor transmite mesajul breslei lui catre comunitate.

Anul acesta purtatorul de mesaj a fost John Malkovich, fiind primul actor american invitat sa conduca aceasta ceremonie.

acum 50 de ani, primul mesaj a fost rostit de Jean Cocteau, iar de atunci printre vorbitori s-au mai aflat Judi Dench, Vaclav Havel, Peter Brook, Ellen Stew­art, Richard Bur­ton, Luchino Vis­conti, Pablo Neruda, Laurence Olivier, Arthur Miller, dar si Eugen Ionesco.

iata speech-ul lui Malkovich:

I’m honored to have been asked by the Inter­na­tional Theatre Insti­tute ITI at UNESCO to give this greet­ing com­mem­or­at­ing the 50th anniversary of World Theatre Day. I will address my brief remarks to my fel­low theatre work­ers, peers and comrades.

“May your work be com­pel­ling and ori­ginal. May it be pro­found, touch­ing, con­tem­plat­ive, and unique. May it help us to reflect on the ques­tion of what it means to be human, and may that reflec­tion be blessed with heart, sin­cer­ity, candor, and grace. May you over­come adversity, cen­sor­ship, poverty and nihil­ism, as many of you will most cer­tainly be obliged to do.

“May you be blessed with the tal­ent and rigor to teach us about the beat­ing of the human heart in all its com­plex­ity, and the humil­ity and curi­os­ity to make it your life’s work. And may the best of you — for it will only be the best of you, and even then only in the rarest and briefest moments — suc­ceed in fram­ing that most basic of ques­tions, ‘how do we live?’ Godspeed.”

havel farrowVaclav Havel si Mia Farrow

Vaclav Havel si Mia Farrow

actrita Mia Farrow ii aduce un omagiu discret si elegant lui Vaclav Havel postind via twitter o fotografie personala, insotita de textul: Vaclav and me-Prague 2006 <3 'responsibility'-to family, community, country, human family,r planet & a 'higher order'

noi, intrebindu-l pe Ion Iliescu daca ar fi putut fi precum Havel, mi se pare ca nici macar nu am inteles cum era acest om.

mi se pare ca aspiram la integritatea lui, dar ca nu o intelegem in profunzimea sa si nici n-o sa o atingem niciodata. pt ca suntem dintr-un alt aluat.


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