Tag : wong kar wai

Woodkid-2013-Photo-by-Mathieu-Cesar-560x432Transform day Today

Transform day Today

Daca ar fi sa ti schimbi astazi ziua, din ce te-ai inspira?

Iata filmele si muzicile care-l inspira pe un artist minunat Woodkid – intimplator (cu o singura exceptie) toate celelalte alegeri ale lui sunt si pe lista mea de preferinte.

1. Steven Spielberg

“The filmmakers I watched when I was a kid were big, mainstream directors like Spielberg or Stanley Kubrick – the only ones I would have access to as a little kid growing up in the middle of France. With Spielberg, it was about how his subjects were treated and the emotion he had in his films. There’s something about his camera work that’s very unique, and that’s what I like about him.”

2. Gus Van Sant

“Elephant is his best movie, but I have a very strong soft spot for Paranoid Park. I love how he injects violence into something very casual and mundane – when the kid is shot in Elephant or in the Paranoid Park death scene, it’s a shock to reality. The contrast between reality and violence is so big that it’s much more impressive than a Tarantino movie, where it’s all about the violence.”

3. Philip Glass

“When I was younger, I’d listen to a lot of soundtracks and I randomly fell on Philip Glass’ soundtrack for Koyaanisqatsi. The first time I listened to his music, I could feel emotions that were indescribable – it wasn’t pain, it wasn’t nostalgia, it wasn’t uplifting – the emotion that came out was very alien, in a way. I’ve always been fascinated by the power of music to create emotions.”

4. Michel Gondry

“I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing if Gondry wasn’t a director. He made the videos I would see on TV – I think the first Michel Gondry video I saw was Bjork’s ‘Bachelorette’. I just remember watching them over and over, like I was studying them. But now, I feel like I’m getting closer to directors like Chris Cunningham or Spike Jonze because I’m getting more cinematic and less playful with what I do. I try to tell stories that are a little more realistic.”

5. Rap and hip-hop rhythms

“When I created my album, we sampled a lot of orchestral music but we built on patterns and structures that are actually from rap beats. Right now I’m fascinated by Kendrick Lamar; I was at his show a couple of days ago and I think he’s the best rapper out there right now. Of course I love Jay-Z, and I have a soft spot for Kanye – people forget he’s an amazing producer, and his connection with visuals is mind-blowing.”


ultima lui alegere n-ar fi pe lista mea:) dar eu as mai adauga Albastrul lui Kieslowski, fratii Wachowski, muzicile lui Zimmer si Tom Tykwe (ca sa ramin in zona filmelor), pe Wong Kar Wai, Akram Khan si… cred ca as mai adauga vreo citeva nume de domni pentru ca ziua mea sa aiba o transformare ABSOLUTA:)

daca ar fi sa-ti transformi ziua astazi, ce-ai face? din ce te-ai inspira?

amantfilme erotice de facut cadou

filme erotice de facut cadou

in fiecare an, in apropierea Sarbatorilor ma suna prietenii si ma intreaba ce filme/carti sa aleaga pentru cadouri.
urmeaza un dialog despre cum e destinatarul cadoului, ce activitati are, ce-i place in general in viata si-apoi fac recomandarea specializata

(stiti ca eu asociez fiecare om pe care-l cunosc cu un film, am mai scris despre asta aici, cind v-am identificat pe fiecare dintre voi, cei pe care-i cunosc si si-au dorit asta, cu un film🙂 )

in dimineata asta m-a sunat un prieten care isi doreste sa-i dea drept cadou prietenei lui un film erotic (“dar sa nu fie pornoshag, din ala care pare arta”) si dupa ce i-am facut citeva recomandari, m-am gindit sa trec trei filme si aici.

nu se stie niciodata la ce va folosesc:)

Amatul lui Jean Jeacques Annaud

In the Mood for love, regia Wong Kar Wai (la asta domnii probabil ar protesta ca nu e erotic, dar… cel mai puternic organ sexual al omului e propria imaginatie:) )

Pillow book al lui Peter Greenaway

acum imi dau seama ca toate trei au o nota asiatica, dar in materie de rafinament sexual-vizual, asiaticii ii bat la fund pe europeni.

ce alte filme ati mai trece pe lista asta?

later edit: m-am intors ca sa mentionez si o capodopera ne-asiatica:)

Last tango in Paris al minunatului domn Bernardo Bertolucci, de cind nici nu ne nascusem inca, un film cu preaminunatul Marlon Brando pe care l-as fi luat oricind acasa (asa nebun cum era)

ThereIsOnlyOneSunastazi e ziua lui Wong Kar Wai

astazi e ziua lui Wong Kar Wai

sper ca wong kar wai are o zi minunata, tocmai ce a implinit 55 de ani.

in cinstea lui (stie el ca-l iubesc, chiar daca n-a auzit in viata lui de mine), un cadou pentru voi – un scurt metraj de 10 min facut de wkw:)


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