Tag : creative people

101205_5despre cum ne oglindim in lucruri

despre cum ne oglindim in lucruri

cind arta poate esentializa un comportament uman fara sa arate oameni in cadru intelegem cit de puternica poate fi in viata noastra influenta unor oameni cu har creativ.

iata un proiect al unui japonez pe nume Ramon Todo care mixeaza geamul, oglinda, in diverse contexte: aici in piatra si carti.

de fapt vorbeste indirect despre cum ne oglindim in lucrurile din jurul nostru, cum le vedem “altfel” de la privitor la privitor, influentati de proiectiile personale, de experientele pe care le avem, de unghiul din care privim.

uitati-va la aceste creatii din perspectiva pe care tocmai am descris-o. sunt sigura ca o sa zimbiti.


si e frumos ca exemplificarea oglindirii e cu un obiect – cartea – care-ti permite usor accesul la alte lumi, dar si cu un altul – piatra – care aparent nu-ti permite niciun acces. desi e una dintre marturiile cele mai importante, stabile, ale trecerii timpului.

mai multe dintre creatiile lui aici



ben kingsley – a grain of sand

“Creative people are making a pearl. What’s in the middle of that pearl? Something that’s really scratching it. A grain of sand, and it has to cover it, to smooth it. We all have our grain of sand, and we find a way of smoothing it.”

“But you find yourself repeating patterns of behaviour until the gods say to you: ‘We will not tolerate you doing this any more.’ And something happens. The gods send us things if we are open and on a journey towards healing. But it can be a jolly long slog. I’ve had moments of immense joy with work, and then gone back to personal chaos. I will leave it at that.”

His father is dead. But his mother must be proud of him now. “I haven’t a clue. You can’t… you can’t go there.” But I only asked if his mother was proud of him. “Yes.” What about his siblings? “I don’t think we can go there. It’s part of the grain of sand.” I see. And will he ever talk about this stuff? “I doubt it. But it will be in my work. It’s fully expressed in my work.”

interviul e realizat de rachel cook pentru the observer si il puteti citi aici


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