Tag : inscrieri

Pedro-Jarque-KrebsPrimele fotografii înscrise la Sony World Photography Awards 2016

Primele fotografii înscrise la Sony World Photography Awards 2016

Text de Raluca Antuca

Fotografi români, profesioniști sau amatori, vă anunț cu mare drag că s-a dat startul înscrierilor la Sony World Photography Awards pentru anul 2016.

Această nouă ediție a concursului faimos oferă șansa fotografilor din toată lumea să-și înscrie imaginile în mai multe categorii. Fie că ești pasionat de arhitectură, natură, panorame, artă sau portrete, concursul te ajută să-ți pui în valoare talentul și să demonstrezi că poți răspunde provocării.

Sony World Photography Awards se adresează profesioniștilor, amatorilor, adolescenților sau studenților la fotografie. Un concurs complex, care dă șansa multor publicuri să se afirme.

Iată câteva dintre imaginile înscrise deja!

Ariel-Pasini Hendy-Lie Julian-Ghahreman-Rad Manfred-Voss Marcio-Yuzo-Oshiro Maria-Farrelly Mildreth-Vasquez-Lopez Nikhil-Rasiwasia Otieno-Nyadimo Petra-Van-Borm Stefan-Achorner

Terrace paddies in North VietnamConcursul de fotografie National Geographic a dat startul la înscrieri!

Concursul de fotografie National Geographic a dat startul la înscrieri!

Text de Raluca Antuca

Ai spune că luna ianuarie dă startul unor noi proiecte, evenimente și relații. Începi noi prietenii, pui punct altora dăunătoare. Te hotărăști să renunți la un job care nu te mulțumește și să cauți acea motivație care să te facă fericit.

Ianuarie este în strânsă legătură cu anul nou, deci se explică această dorință de a o lua de la capăt în anumite privințe. Doar că perioada unor începturi concrete este în septembrie- octombrie. Copiii încep școala, iar multe proiecte revin într-o nouă formulă. După trei luni de concediu și relaxare, lucrurile revin la normal, iar ideile noi revin în forță.

Chiar în această perioadă se fac înscrieri pentru concursul anual de fotografie National Geographic. Pentru ediția din acest an, s-au înscris câțiva fotografi talentați cu niște imagini minunate. Dunele de nisip din Namibia, vulcanul Calbuco, dar și credincioșii din Delhi sunt surprinși în cadrele realizate impecabil.

Concursul acceptă fotografii în cele trei categorii- oameni, locuri și natură. Premiul cel mare constă în 10.000 de dolari, o excursie și un seminar de fotografie. Lăsând toate acestea la o parte, îmi place cum fiecare fotografie are o poveste în spate și încearcă să fie originală prin perspectivă, unghi și viziune.

Mai multe detalii și regulamentul aici!

[caption id="attachment_39147" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Born in 1991 with significant disabilities in all four limbs, Ahmed Kelly was left at a Baghdad orphanage where he spent the majority of the first seven years of his life. He was adopted by an Australian woman, Moira Kelly, and now lives and in Melbourne. Ahmed finished forth in the London 2012 Paralympic Games for 50m Breaststroke, and is in great shape to win a medal in twelve months when the Paralympics start in Rio, Brazil. Picture: Alex Coppel. Born in 1991 with significant disabilities in all four limbs, Ahmed Kelly was left at a Baghdad orphanage where he spent the majority of the first seven years of his life. He was adopted by an Australian woman, Moira Kelly, and now lives and in Melbourne.
Ahmed finished forth in the London 2012 Paralympic Games for 50m Breaststroke, and is in great shape to win a medal in twelve months when the Paralympics start in Rio, Brazil. Picture: Alex Coppel.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39148" align="aligncenter" width="721"]This aerial shot was taken from a small plane over Namib desert, Namibia This aerial shot was taken from a small plane over Namib desert, Namibia[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39149" align="aligncenter" width="721"]A small group of emperor penguins gathered near the sea ice edge. Ross Sea, Antarctica. A small group of emperor penguins gathered near the sea ice edge. Ross Sea, Antarctica.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39150" align="aligncenter" width="721"]I was in Delhi for work and went out exploring in the early morning to the Jama Masjid mosque.  One guy was sweeping as another came along behind him laying out the prayer rugs.  Soon after, this one man came in and started to pray, lined up in the one ray of sunlight. I was in Delhi for work and went out exploring in the early morning to the Jama Masjid mosque. One guy was sweeping as another came along behind him laying out the prayer rugs. Soon after, this one man came in and started to pray, lined up in the one ray of sunlight.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39151" align="aligncenter" width="721"]A little girl plays in the monument to the victims of the attack of 11M in Atocha train station in Madrid A little girl plays in the monument to the victims of the attack of 11M in Atocha train station in Madrid[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39152" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Nepal is a special place to me for a number of reasons and I was fortunate enough to go back to see the Himalayas on a trek that offers amazing views of Mount Dhaulagiri and Mount Annapurna. The mountain landscape continued to blow my mind!  After a strenuous and exhausting 6 hour trek to Kopra Ridge, I took this photo of Mount Dhaulagiri at sunset. In the foreground, a local Nepalese man is helping usher his mules up the ridge to a nearby eco-lodge that was in the middle of construction. Nepal is a special place to me for a number of reasons and I was fortunate enough to go back to see the Himalayas on a trek that offers amazing views of Mount Dhaulagiri and Mount Annapurna. The mountain landscape continued to blow my mind!
After a strenuous and exhausting 6 hour trek to Kopra Ridge, I took this photo of Mount Dhaulagiri at sunset. In the foreground, a local Nepalese man is helping usher his mules up the ridge to a nearby eco-lodge that was in the middle of construction.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39153" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Flamingos are going to fly Flamingos are going to fly[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39154" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Calbuco Volcano is located in the lakes region south of Santiago, Chile's capital city and is one of the 10 most dangerous volcanoes in the country. After more than 40 years of inactivity, the day April 23 the volcano erupts, spewing more than 200 million tons of ash and causing the evacuation of more than 2,000 people. In the picture is seen one of the most violent moments of the eruption, which occurred in the early hours of April 24. Calbuco Volcano is located in the lakes region south of Santiago, Chile’s capital city and is one of the 10 most dangerous volcanoes in the country.
After more than 40 years of inactivity, the day April 23 the volcano erupts, spewing more than 200 million tons of ash and causing the evacuation of more than 2,000 people.
In the picture is seen one of the most violent moments of the eruption, which occurred in the early hours of April 24.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39155" align="aligncenter" width="721"]Andrea Grove, a fire performer based in Omaha, Nebraska, practices her hula-hoop routine before her performance at the Lantern Festival on Saturday, August 29, 2015. She travels to events around the Midwest with a group called IncenDance. I met Andrea by chance. She and her group were tucked away behind a stage preparing for their show. After getting to know them a bit, I asked if I could photograph their practice and stayed with them until dark. Andrea Grove, a fire performer based in Omaha, Nebraska, practices her hula-hoop routine before her performance at the Lantern Festival on Saturday, August 29, 2015. She travels to events around the Midwest with a group called IncenDance.
I met Andrea by chance. She and her group were tucked away behind a stage preparing for their show. After getting to know them a bit, I asked if I could photograph their practice and stayed with them until dark.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39156" align="aligncenter" width="721"]After the sunset we saw that fog was forming and hoped that it would not fade away till morning so we set our alarm clock 3 hours before sunrise. Then we drove for two hours to the location and along the road we could see through the trees that the bog was fully covered in fog. We quickly set up our octocopter drone and flew over the trees, the opening view was breathtakingly beautiful - sunrays, fog, shadows, pools. After the sunset we saw that fog was forming and hoped that it would not fade away till morning so we set our alarm clock 3 hours before sunrise. Then we drove for two hours to the location and along the road we could see through the trees that the bog was fully covered in fog. We quickly set up our octocopter drone and flew over the trees, the opening view was breathtakingly beautiful – sunrays, fog, shadows, pools.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_39157" align="aligncenter" width="721"]A young Daasanach fisherman guts and cleans a fish on the Eastern shore of Lake Turkana near the boarder of Ethiopia and Kenya. The Daasanach are Kenya's second smallest tribe with between 60,000-80,000 members. They are traditionally nomadic, roaming between the two countries although with continued drought over the last 20 years about 30% have looked to the lake for food and income in fishing. A young Daasanach fisherman guts and cleans a fish on the Eastern shore of Lake Turkana near the boarder of Ethiopia and Kenya. The Daasanach are Kenya’s second smallest tribe with between 60,000-80,000 members. They are traditionally nomadic, roaming between the two countries although with continued drought over the last 20 years about 30% have looked to the lake for food and income in fishing.[/caption]

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