Tag : inteligenta

Brain, artwork3 lucruri mici care te fac mai destept

3 lucruri mici care te fac mai destept

e in time un articol cu mici lucruri care te ajuta sa-ti tii creierasul activ si sa progresezi continuu. imi plac foarte mult 3 dintre ele:

Have smart friends.

It can be rough on your self-esteem, but hanging out with folks who are more clever than you is one of the fastest ways to learn. “Keep a smart company. Remember your IQ is the average of five closest people you hang out with,” Saurabh Shah, an account manager at Symphony Teleca, writes.

eu duc regula asta, din instinct nu neaparat din stiinta, la alte cote. nu ma insotesc pe drum decit de oamenii care sunt cel putin la fel de destepti ca mine.
sigur, au o sansa si cei care sunt dispusi sa invete, zi de zi, cu perseverenta de picatura chinezeasca.

Do random new things.

Shane Parrish, keeper of the consistently fascinating Farnam Street blog, tells the story of Steve Jobs’ youthful calligraphy class in his response on Quora. After dropping out of school, the future Apple founder had a lot of time on his hands and wandered into a calligraphy course. It seemed irrelevant at the time, but the design skills he learned were later baked into the first Macs. The takeaway: You never know what will be useful ahead of time. You just need to try new things and wait to see how they connect with the rest of your experiences later on.

am mai scris despre asta; pe la 25 de ani mi-am dat seama ca prin prisma meseriei, am acces la informatii din multe directii, informatii la prima mina. si , din aceasta cauza, puterea mea de alegere – random pentru dezvoltarea orizontului personal – scade. si-am decis ca voi face lunar lucruri pe care nu mi le-a recomandat nimeni, despre care nu am citit.

Take some downtime.

It’s no surprise that dedicated meditator Azula Altucher recommends giving yourself space for your brain to process what it’s learned–“sit in silence daily,” she writes–but she’s not the only responder who stresses the need to take some downtime from mental stimulation. Spend some time just thinking, suggests retired cop Rick Bruno. He pauses the interior chatter while exercising. “I think about things while I run (almost every day),” he reports.

asta fac pentru ca organismul si mintea mea o cer; am zile in care nu vorbesc nimic, cu nimeni; zilele astea incep cu vocea mea interioara care are multe de comentat, ma cearta sau ma lauda pentru lucruri, isi imagineaza conversatii nepurtate inca si, pina seara, dupa exercitii de respiratie si petrecut in liniste, cu ritmul jos, vocea se domoleste. respiratia e asezata si lumea pare ca nu mai alearga pe linga mine.

sunt 10 lucruri in revista Time ca reteta pentru a avea creierul mai antrenat ca sa fii mai destept. am ris la cel care spune sa-ti folosesti inteligent timpul petrecut online (m-am gindit ca au adaptat textul asta pentru nevoile actuale, cu 5 ani in urma nu ar fi pus asta la categoria “cum sa fii mai destept) si mai e si sfatul cu “sa citesti mult”.

ceea ce va doresc si dvs, si mie, care ma aflu intr-un moment de liniste. de semivacanta, departe de bucuresti.

shutterstock_creativitateso you want to be a genius

so you want to be a genius

* Artistically gifted children may see the world differently than other youngsters do. They are able to discover advanced compositional techniques many years before their peers.

* These precocious children tend to be selfmotivated and deeply interested in horning their skills.

*These early signs and others are helping researchers to predict witch children are likely to pursue art as adult.


When it comes to cultivating genius, talent matters, but motivation may matter more.

Psychologist have identified three critical elements that support motivation, all of which you can tweak to your benefit.

autonomy – whether you pursue an activity for its own sake or because external forces compel you, psychologist argue that you gain motivation when you feel in charge. In evaluations of students, athletes and employees, the researchers have found that perception of autonomy predicts the energy with which individuals pursue a goal.

value – motivation also blossoms when you stay true to your beliefs and values. Assigning value to an activity can restore one’s sense of autonomy, a finding of great interest to educators.

competence – as you denote more to n activity, you notice your skills improve, and you gain a sense of competence. (…) Carol S Dweck,  a psychologist at Stanford University, has shown that competence comes from recognizing the basis of accomplishment. In numerous studies, she has found that those who credit innate talents rather than hard work give up more easily when facing a nvel challenge because they assume it exceeds their ability. Believing that effort fosters excellence can inspire you to keep learning.


dintr-un numar genial Scientific American Mind – The mad science of creativity.

de citit pentru toti cei care cred ca inspiratia vine din cer, iar geniile nu mai trebuie sa faca nimic pentru ca oricum sunt destepti. de citit pentru parintii care nu inteleg cum sa le vorbeasca copiilor care au o lume interioara mai puternica decit cea pe care o exprima prin cuvinte.

de citit in general. e la chioscuri. pe net nu gasiti articolele din print.

foto via shutterstock


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