Jurnalism pe twitter – funeraliile lui Edward M Kennedy

twitterul e o platforma care e folosita cel mai adesea pentru discutii banale intre gasti de prieteni. mai rar e folosit pentru transmitere de link-uri utile si, exceptional de rar, pentru dovezi de jurnalism in direct. probabil ca vor fi din ce in ce mai dese aceste dovezi de jurnalism.

iata una dintre cele mai spectaculoase, moderne/actuale relatari de la funeraliile senatorului american Ted Kennedy.

84 de mesaje in max 140 de caractere fiecare; intr-unele detalii despre ambianta, gesturi, atmosfera de la fata locului. in altele opinii personale, sincere, fruste si, din cind in cind, cu ceva umor.

de ieri sunt un mare fan al doamnei care se numeste Jay Newton Small care e autoarea acestei relatari via twitter (@JNSMALL) si care e corespondent pentru Time.

stiu ca e ceva mai greu de citit in forma aceasta dar imaginati-va ca aceasta doamna a transmis via twitter citeva ore bune, mesajele care urmeaza.
1. Standing in front of Mission Hill church in the pouring rain. Bought a Harvard sweatshirt, $29.99, @ the hotel to keep warm. Shoes: ruined.

2. A belated recap from last night’s wake at the Kennedy library: http://bit.ly/dV4Wv3:31 PM Aug 29th from web

3. RT @kennedynews Yo-Yo Ma and Placido Domingo will perform during Communion.3:58 PM Aug 29th from web

4. Church is nearly full now. Lots of frmr staff and more journos: NBC’s Kelly O’Donnell and Ken Strickland. Music is playing lightly- a flute4:19 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

5. Senators Dodd and Kerry arrived together. Rep. Charlie Rangel just led in the CNG delegation: harman, lewis, levin, waxman, and others.4:22 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

6. EMK’s step children Curran & Caroline Rachlin will do readings. Daughter Kara will do a responsorial psalm. Sons Ted & Patrick remembrances4:26 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

7. Organ music just started. 10 minutes ago everyone was asked to take their seats – to no avail – as the schmoozing is creating a traffic jam4:47 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

8. 10am. Everyone is told to take their seats – and they actually do!4:55 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

9. McCain and Menino are front & center chatting by the alter. They’re joined by woodward, but edge round him as BW engages someone in 1st row5:01 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

10. Clintons, bushes and carters all just arrived.5:02 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

11. Speaker and paul pelosi and george and mrs. Miller are making their way down the middle aisle shaking hands w/ everyone.5:03 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

12. Steny hoyer, ben cardin, john warner, sheldon whitehouse, inouye, schumer, harkin just arrived. And… Roland burris??5:04 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

13. Casey, bill nelson, tim johnson, lautenberg, mark warner, hatch, bingaman. Patrick kennedy is shaking hand w/ everyone as they come in5:07 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

14. Al franken stops and chats with patrick giving him a bear hug, nearly elbowing olympia snowe in the face- who’s waiti behind him to say hi5:08 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

15. Collins, gregg, lautenberg circles back again, a surprisingly dapper franks (not a wrinkle in sight!), rockefeller5:11 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

16. McGovern followed by the Mass delegation coming in the front as Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett come thru the presidential entry way5:12 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

17. WH pool just arrived, meaning Obama’s here. Priest just said the kennedy family is 5 minutes away.5:13 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

18. Kerry & Dodd r lingering chatting w/ some folks at the back of the church. Otherwise most r seating. Awaiting the arrival of the casket5:20 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

19. Ah- I see why now – Kerry & dodd and a few others r lining up: honorary pall bearers. Stephen breyer is there as well.5:21 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

20. More pall bearers: markey, shrum, stephanie cutter, melody barnes, delahunt, don riegle, kennedy’s healthcare expert michael myers5:23 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

21. EMK’s 2 oldest, most loyal staff, the guys who planned the fam hist tours that Caroline spoke of, Don Dowd and Gene Dellea flank the aisle5:30 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry


22. Family is entering now. Kara & ethel greet everyone walking in. Kisses, teary hugs.5:31 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

23. oops- sorry- not kara- kathleen kennedy townsend. Family is seated. Pall bearers are signing the guest books laid out at the back.5:34 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

24. Chruch is silent, the organ is playing softly. Everyone awaits EMK. It’s still pouring rain outside: tropical storm danny.5:41 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

25. The bells above the church just began tolling.5:46 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

26. The pall bearers have all gone outside and stand lined up in the rain.5:48 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

27. The crowd is rising. Immediate family – vicki, patrick, kara, stand in the vestibule.5:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

28. Honor gueard came in followed by vicki and jean, his kids and the nieces and nephews. The organ is soaring now.5:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

29. Honor gueard came in bearing the casket followed by vicki and jean, his kids and the nieces and nephews. The organ is soaring now.5:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

30. Honor guard came in bearing the casket followed by vicki and jean, his kids and the nieces and nephews. The organ is soaring now.5:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

31. Sorry- network went down. Honor guard left as motorcade cops came in. Doors are closed – it’s hot! – service has begun.6:01 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

32. You probably all now have a better view than I. Will con’t to tweet, tho, while enjoying the fan plugged into the confessional next to me6:01 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

33. Nice promo for the church. Rev. Donald Monan: We come together today confident that senator kennedy has gone fwd to eternal life.6:06 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

34. @TopOfMyHead yes, she and her kids are here6:08 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry


35. First reading is by EMK’s stepson G. Curran Rachlin, Jr. The Liturgy of the Word from the Book of Wisdom 3:1-96:09 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

36. Program opener: “For all my yrs in public life, I have believed that america must sail twd the shores of liberty and justice 4 all. (Con’t)6:10 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

37. (Con’t) there is no end to that journey, only the next great voyage. We know the future will outlast all of us, but I believe that (con’t)6:11 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

38. (Con’t) all of us will live on in the future we make.” — Edward Moore Kennedy.6:12 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

39. Responsorial psalm 72 led by kara kennedy. Second reading by EMK’s stepdaughter Caroline Rachlin letter of paul 2 the romans 8:31b-35, 37-396:14 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

40. Gospel: matthew 25:31-32A, 34-40 read by Rev. Mark R. Hession6:15 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

41. Players of the faithgul: kiki kennedyn kiley kennedy, grace allen, max allen, jack schlossberg, robin lawford, kym smith (con’t)6:16 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

42. (Con’t) prayers of the faithful: anthony shriver, rory kennedy, teddy kennedy.6:17 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

43. During communion Yo-Yo Ma will play J.S. Bach’s Sarabande from Cello Suite No. 6 while kiley & teddy kennedy & grace & max allen do gifts6:19 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

44. Sorry – I mean during the eucharist.6:20 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

45. During the communion Yo-Yo Ma will accompany placido domingo singing Franck’s “Panis Angelicus”6:20 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

46. Then, the Tanglewood Festival Chorus – one of EMK’s favs – conducted by John Oliver will sing Brahm’s “Let Nothing Ever Grieve Thee”6:22 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

47. And, finally, mezzo-soprano SusanGraham accompanied by James David Christie on organ will sing Schubert’s “Ave Maria”6:23 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

48. EMK’s sons Ted Jr and Patrick will speak their remembrances and then Obama will deliver the eulogy – rare 4 an outsider @ a kennedy funeral6:25 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

49. Then Sean Cardinal O’Malley, Archbishop of Boston will deliver the final commendation. Recessional hymn: “America the Beautiful”6:26 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

50. The stainglass windows are all tilted open and we can hear the rain patter throughout the church.6:27 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

51. Rev. Hession: Sen kennedy was a tower of strength to his family and a towering presence on the political landscape.6:28 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry


52. Church is jam packed – every bench along the walls btw the confessionals is full. Motorcade cops line the back wall.6:36 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

53. Now the prayers of the faithful- mostly EMK’s grandkids. They’re listed below.6:37 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

54. The grandkids are doing it: lots of hankies coming out now.6:39 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

55. Tennyson – a Kennedy favorite – was evoked by Anthony Shriver: “to strive, to seek, to find and not to yield.”6:42 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

56. Teddy Kennedy III reminds the audience of Kennedy’s promise last summer to achieve universal health care reform.6:42 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

57. Yo-Yo Ma is playing. I’m a HUGE fan.6:43 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

58. Yo-Yo Ma was heartbreakingly beautiful. Everyone’s crying.6:48 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

59. @Othercorner they brought the gifts. The traditional offerings for eucharest, I believe, tho I’m no expert myself6:49 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

60. Most of the church are now kneeling on the padded benches at our feet as we begin communion.6:51 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

61. Communion will take a bit cause many of the 1450 crowd will want 2 partake: be fed the blood and flesh of Christ (wine & wafer) by the rev6:53 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

62. Everyone just turned to their neighbors and wished “Peace be with you” to one another6:56 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

63. Communion begins are Placido Domingo begins to sing accompanied by Yo-Yo Ma. The family is standing up in rows and cycling up to the alter.7:01 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

64. Vaste majority of the church is taking communion – too many to name.7:06 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

65. My story on Kerry preparing to become the senior senator from Mass: http://bit.ly/15Mbnt7:07 PM Aug 29th from web
66. @PElliottAP @jmartpolitico In that case, I’m definitely going to hell.7:12 PM Aug 29th from web

67. Ted Kennedy Jr: it hasn’t always been an easy name to live with but I’ve never been more proud of it as I am

68. EMKJr: as my Dad used to say on the campaign trail yrs ago, ‘I don’t mind not being president, I just mind that somebody else is.’7:16 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

69. EMKJr: our family vacations left us all injured and exhausted. Church is laughing. Lighter tone post the somber comunion.7:17 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

70. EMKJr: little known fact his dad was a green back packers recruit coming out of Harvard.7:18 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

71. EMKJr: telling story about how at 12 he lost his leg to cancer and he fell in the snow and his dad picked him up – starts crying.7:20 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

72. PElliottAP yup. Inside the church. I’m here to cover this. Not enjoy it.7:22 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

73. EMKJr: he taught me many things, even how to like Republicans.7:24 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

74. EMKJr: though he live a full and complete life by any measure the fact is he wasn’t done. He had more to finish…the dream shall never die.7:26 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

75. Patrick: I didn’t know it at the time but having asthma was the best gift I could have had as a boy who craved his father’s undivided attn7:29 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

76. Patrick: there’s no doubt in my mind that my dad came out a winner.7:32 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

77. Patrick: when the far right made the kennedys the posterchild for their attack ads, he said ‘We sure do bring out the best in people.’7:55 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

78. I won’t tweet obama speech but will proivide a link to it shortly. They’re now singing recessional. Priests are filing out.7:58 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

79. Casket- sans flag and draped ina simple white sheet is being wheeled out be family members including joe and caroline kennedy 7:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

80. Incense is permeating the church fighting with the fresh blasts of cold, rain saturated air.7:59 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

81. A few mourners are taking pictures. Folks are beginning to file out. Early escapees: reid, mcconnell, jesse jackson, joe lewis
8:00 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry

82. Teeming rain- senators and members huddle under tents (difi) and doorways (tierney) for the delegation buses to arrive
8:38 PM Aug 29th from TwitterBerry


83. As promised, Obama’s remarks at the funeral: http://bit.ly/BMsOZ
about 23 hours ago from web

84. My wrap of the Kennedy funeral: http://bit.ly/1a2YEN
about 22 hours ago from web

One Comment Published

15 years ago / Reply

Watching George W. Bush at the funeral of Teddy Kennedy yesterday was, to say the very least, amusing. It’s always great fun to witness the members of the vast right wing conspiracy confronted head-on with the theological flaws that are inherent in their philosophy. Watching that event with my pal, Kevin Swanwick, we both were mesmerized and just slightly overjoyed to be reminded yet again that the basic tenets of Liberalism are in perfect harmony with our Christianity – our Catholicism: feed the hungry, shelter the poor and clothe the naked. Oh, how I wish the camera would have cut to Bush’s face the moment he was confronted with the most famous line (and justly so) from the Gospel according to Matthew:

“I tell you this: whatever you did to the least of these brothers of mine, you did to me.”

Jesus of Nazareth

One can only imagine how uncomfortable that passage from the scriptures must have made him feel. Or how about the Sermon on the Mount?

“Blessed are the peace makers
For they shall be called Sons of God.”

I imagine being confronted with the words of Jesus Christ might make old George just a tad uneasy. The prayers that were offered up by the youngest members of the Kennedy clan, in Teddy’s own words, were the most touching part of the entire day:

“That human beings be measured not by what they cannot do. That quality health care becomes a fundamental right and not a privilege. That old policies of race and gender die away. That newcomers be accepted, no matter their color or place of birth. That the nation stand united against violence, hate and war. That the work begins anew, and the dream lives on. We pray to the Lord.”

Lord hear our prayer.

After the mass had ended, and Kevin and I headed into town to get a cup of coffee, I was almost stunned by the good cheer I felt. Ted Kennedy’s funeral was truly a joyous event. Truth be told, it was damned-near therapeutic! The politics of joy as opposed to the politics of fear. There ain’t nothin’ like it in the world, Baby!


Tom Degan
Goshen, NY

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