20,000 $ premiu pt o femeie de cariera: participa!

iata mai jos un proiect minunat de sustinere a femeilor antreprenor. mi-ar placea foarte mult sa fie si o femeie din romania intre finaliste. sunt sigura ca sunt multe femei de la noi care sunt in brieful acestei competitii si ca totul depinde de cit de rapid ajunge informatia la ele pentru a se inscrie.
asa ca va rog, ajutati-ma sa popularizam asta. multumesc.


The Cartier Women’s Initiative Award is a social entrepreneurship competition aimed at creative,
financially sustainable and responsible women-led start-ups, in all countries and industries.

women can APPLY now !

The Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards are looking for committed female entrepreneurs heading initiatives with the potential to grow significantly in the years to come.
To apply for the 2011 edition, fill out the application form on www.cartierwomensinitiative.com. All applications must be submitted online.
Application deadline: March 15, 2011 at 10am Paris time (CET). As it can not be extended, please verify the corresponding deadline in your time zone.

What can the candidates win?
Eighteen finalists* representing the best projects worldwide will be selected in the first phase of the contest. They will receive coaching and media exposure and will be invited to France for the Finale week which includes a presenta tion in front of the international Jury, entrepreneurship workshops and the Global Meeting of the Women’s Forum.
The six Laureates* nominated for the Award receive an additional year of coaching and US$ 20 000 in funding.

Eligibility Criteria
The business project to be considered for the Cartier Women’s Initiative Awards must be:
• An original for-profit business creation,
• In the start-up phase: (at least one year old and no older than three years),
• The main leadership position must be filled by a woman.
The competition is open to women from any country, nationality and industry.

2 Comments Published

14 years ago / Reply

Discriminare! ” The main leadership position must be filled by a woman.”

14 years ago / Reply

las ca sunt proiecte si pentru voi, domnii, nenumarate:)

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