
Marti, dupa Craciun – in NY Times (din nou)

vineri, filmul Marti, dupa Craciun are premiera la NY ( direct in Manhattan), prilej cu care dl A.O. Scott, fin cunoscator al cinematografiei romanesti, scrie o lunga si frumoasa cronica in New York Times.

The strength of “Tuesday, After Christmas,” Mr. Muntean’s fourth feature, lies in its rigorous, artful and humane fidelity to quotidian circumstance.

“Realism” and “minimalism” — the terms often used to describe the tough, stripped-down movies that have been coming out of Romania in the past decade — seem both obvious and inadequate when applied to Mr. Muntean’s work. Like his most recent films, “The Paper Will Be Blue” (2006) and “Boogie” (2008), “Tuesday, After Christmas” diagrams, with remorseless, sympathetic clarity, the behavior of a man who is at once willful and passive. Its formal economy is startling and subtle. The whole thing consists of a few dozen shots, with the camera moving only when it needs to. But nothing essential is missing, and the story is hardly simple. This is the realism of an M.R.I. scan or the X-rays of Mara’s mouth that Raluca shows to Paul and Adriana. The camera discloses truths that are ordinarily hidden from view and that, once revealed, are open to endless, agonizing interpretation.

 A. O Scott, Case of Romanian Realism: Regular Guy, With Wife and Girlfriend

de fiecare data cind descopar un articol despre filmul romanesc in New York Times ( doar astea-s pozitive despre romania in NYT, in rest avem severini, cai omoriti si alte nenorociri), ma gindesc ca ministerul turismului ar trebui sa cotizeze frumos la cinematografia romaneasca pentru ca si prin cinema se face branding de tara.

cititi cronica sa vedeti cu cita eleganta si rafinament se povesteste despre un subiect legat de romania.

cu exceptia artelor (de oricare fel), despre ce altceva mai scrie presa straina la fel de frumos despre noi?

daca sunteti in NY si nu ati vazut filmul in festivalul ICR NY, mergeti sa-l vedeti.

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