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un interviu cu kristin scott thomas in guardian despre renasterea ei la a doua tinerete:
I didn’t like the way people approached me after films, with this image in mind, made to look perfect through a beautiful lens, my hair blowing in the wind, perfect shade of lipstick, all huge and magnified. People would be scared of that idea. I could see it in them. But the great thing about doing theatre is that people just see you as human, not this vast image. You know my mascara is down here, and my nose is running. No tricks. I really wanted that.”
(cred ca unul dintre cele mai frumoase roluri facute de Kristin Scott Thomas e cel din O vara de neuitat al lui Lucian Pintilie, pt care a invatat romaneste. e minunata secventa in care face baie in cimp)
Meporter o aplicatie pt I Phone destinata celor care vor sa livreze stiri/sa se simta jurnalisti. un fel de twitter jurnalistic in mai multe semne. la link sunt si info despre concurenta acestei aplicatii.
despre dragoste, sms-uri, telefoane si lipsa lor intr-o simpatica poveste din new york times ( cu care, da, si eu rezonez)
Vara incarcata la Londra – acum, Greta Scacchi in Bette & Joan, din august, Ralph Fiennes in “Furtuna” la Vaudeville, de unde tocmai se pregateste sa plece Matthew Fox. Bilete la Betrayal ai gasit?
acum ma uit dupa bilete la Ralph… ca-s acolo in august… love uuu