The Greeks gave us logic. We owe them for that. It was Aristotle who came up with the big ‘therefore’. As in, ‘You don’t love me any more, therefore . . . ‘ Or, ‘I found you in bed with another man, therefore . . . ‘ We use this word millions of times, to make our most important decisions. It’s about time we started paying for it.
If every time we use the word therefore, we have to pay 10 euros to Greece, the crisis will be over in one day, and the Greeks will not have to sell the Parthenon to the Germans. We have the technology to track down all those therefores on Google. We can even bill people by iPhone. Every time Angela Merkel tells the Greeks we lent you all this money, therefore you must pay us back with interest, she must therefore first pay them their royalties.
Jean Luc Godard in The Guardian
Nobody gave us the real civic impulse to help unconditionally.
Unfortunately this impulse is within each and all of us. Too bad that we chose to avoid using it….But, we can try…Therefore, where should i deposit those 10 Euros?! (bineinteles ca nenea vorbeste metaforic dar ar fi extraordinar ca civilizatie sa ne dam seama de limitarile noastre materiale si sa incetam in a face praf toate resursele dintr-o goana nebuna catre … nimic)
O zi buna Cristina. Imi place modul cum vezi tu lucrurile, atat cele subtile cat si cele evidente. Esti un fel de Huffington Post romanesc pt mine.
multumesc frumos ca citesti ce e pe aici