
reactii nominalizati oscar 2012

s-au anuntat nominalizarile la oscar, iata citeva reactii ale nominalizatilor.

doresc sa se consemneze, imi doresc f f f f f f f f tare sa cistige Glenn Close si Janet McTeer, ambele pentru Albert Nobbs.


Leading role

Brad Pitt, Moneyball
“This is an extraordinary honor. I am dizzy with joy … and caffeine. Considering both films, Moneyball and The Tree of Life, nearly didn’t make it to the screen, this is especially sweet. And I’d like to thank all the artisans and craftsmen who gave their best to each film. I am especially over the moon for Jonah (and the other Moneyballers acknowledged today), Terry Malick and the tribute this is to Billy Beane and the Oakland A’s organization. My congratulations to all the nominees … pancakes for everyone.”

Gary Oldman, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
“This afternoon in Berlin I learned that I was nominated for an Academy Award in the category of Best Actor. You may have heard this before, but it has never been truer than it is for me today; it is extremely humbling, gratifying, and delightful to have your work recognized by the Academy, and to join the celebrated ranks of previous nominees and colleagues. Amazing.”

Supporting Role

Max von Sydow, Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
“My wife and I just finished a glass of Champagne. We are with friends in the South of France. Unfortunately, when you’ve been in this business for some time, which I have, it much often happens that you get offers to do almost the same thing that you have done before. It gets very boring, and you long for something new. This is a wonderful story, and I was very moved when I read it. It’s certainly a type of character that I had not done before. I do admire Stephen Daldry very much. I’ve been very lucky in my life as an actor. You have to do it and do it, and fail, and then do it again. A new character is a new lesson. You have to start from the beginning each time.”

Meryl Streep, The Iron Lady
“I am honored to be in company with such beautiful artists, and touched deeply by my fellow actors for their generosity in giving me this acknowledgment.”

Glenn Close, Albert Nobbs
“I actually asked my lawyer the other day what year I took out the first option on the George Moore short story (for Albert Nobbs), and it was 1988. I am so proud for our whole team that our little movie got three nominations. It’s phenomenal.”

Michelle Williams, My Week With Marilyn
“I am so grateful to be acknowledged by the Academy for my work, which was made possible by the support of our director Simon Curtis and the camaraderie of a terrific ensemble of actors — a special congratulations to Kenneth Branagh — and the fearless Harvey Weinstein. This role has been the challenge and privilege of a lifetime. I would like to think that the recognition our film has received by the Academy is a testament to Marilyn’s legacy.”

Janet McTeer, Albert Nobbs
“The part was a real stretch and it was an easy decision to make in terms of committing to the project. I had heard a bit about the subject matter — women working as men in the 19th century — a situation that effected the middle and working classes, especially in London. … I’m older and wiser and far less scared [than her last Oscar nomination, in 2000 for Tumbleweeds]. It’s apt to be more fun this time around since I’m doing (Oscar season) with Glenn.”

4 Comments Published

13 years ago / Reply

Ambele favorite ale mele sunt in lista (Glenn Close si Meryl Streep). Asemenea actori nu pot sta pe laturi, la ce valoare au 🙂

13 years ago / Reply

Exact ele sunt şi favoritele mele. Atât de mult încât aş da în premieră două Oscaruri, dacă aş fi în comisie 🙂

Cristina, ai cum să instalezi un plug in ca să ne abonăm la comentarii? Please?

13 years ago / Reply

nu stiu sa instalez nimik:(

13 years ago / Reply

Membrii Academiei nu prea au surprins opinia publica decat de vreo cateva ori, starnind polemici aprinse…
Anul acesta, din fericire, Leonardo DiCaprio n-a existat pt. a putea fi noinalizat pt un rol interpretat cu o oarecare suficienta observabila si deranjanta pentru asteptarile unui public care nu poate accepta un J. Edgar personificat la nivelul ultimelor sale doua roluri de box-office.
Meryl Streep, a 17-a nominalizare pentru o interpretare ce aminteste de Hellen Mirren in The Queen, cea mai buna dintre toate celalalte nominalizate in ultimii ani.
George Clooney smulge statueta pentru un rol bun si atat, astfel Brad Pitt ramane antrenorul de baseball ideal, managerul ideal, fara Oscar, din pacate.
Cat despre premiul cel mai dorit, imi doresc imposibilul, sa fie pentru War Horse. Cum imposibilul ramane imposibil, probabil premiul va merge catre The Descendants, doar un film bun, corect realizat, atat.

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