
mici rautati din lecturile acestui week end

cum m-am resimtit dupa o saptamina foarte aglomerata, mi-am petrecut mult timp citind week end-ul asta. oboseala mi-a jucat insa feste simpatice pentru ca unele texte le-am asociat cu mici rautati la adresa unora si altora:)

pentru cei care spera sa ajunga scriitori peste noapte  Never trust anyone who writes more than he or she reads. J Patrick Lewis, poet american.

pentru cei (mai ales cele) care scriu texte despre vastele lor experiente sexuale. Anyone who tells you their rules for a happy marriage doesn’t have one. Adam Gopnik, The New Yorker, comentind pentru BBC.

un fragment simpatic cu o sincronicitate minunata  – pe care vi-o explic alta data – e la finalul textului lui Gopnik:

Dogs teach us many things – but above all they teach us how frisky a state loyalty can be.

Dogs, after all – particularly spayed city dogs that have been denied their lusts – have loyalty as an overriding emotion. Ours will wait for hours for one of its family, and then patiently sit right alongside while there is work to be done.

Loyalty is what a dog provides. The ancient joke-name for a dog, Fido, is in truth the most perfect of all dog names – I am faithful. I am loyal. I remain.

Dogs are there to remind us that loyalty is a jumpy, fizzy emotion. Loyalty leaps up at the door and barks with joy at your return – and then immediately goes to sleep at your side. Simple fidelity is the youngest emotion we possess.

pentru cei care cu mare relaxare se simt mici dumnezei in ale criticii de film pe bloguri si dau cu peliculele de toti peretii:

If you pay attention to the movies they will tell you what people desire and fear. Movies are hardly ever about what they seem to be about. Look at a movie that a lot of people love, and you will find something profound, no matter how silly the film may be. Roger Ebert, de aici

pentru mine care, cu 2 mici exceptii, n-am muncit nimic astazi (dar noaptea e lunga:) )

The most useful advice I have ever received as a writer: ‘One, don’t wait for inspiration, just start the damn thing. Two, once you begin, keep on until the end.

tot Roger Ebert.

One Comment Published

12 years ago / Reply

O mica rautate(observatie): perfect nu are grad de comparatie nici in romana si probabil nici in engleza(apropo de “most perfect”).

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