
11 sfaturi de la primul manager al lui Beyonce, tatal ei: Mathew Knowles,

daca aveti treaba cu industria muzicala, dar si cu divertismentul in general, o sa va placa sa cititi cele 11 sfaturi pe care Mathew Knowles, tatal lui Beyonce – cel care a adus-o in business pina la intilnirea cu domnul sot, jay Z.

cele 11 remarci/recomandari se aplica inclusiv la business-urile mai mici care au legatura cu stringerea unei comunitati. imi place mult cea in care spune ca nu vinzi muzica (produsul tau), ci pe tine; cum imi place si remarca despre tendinta din viitor : comunici life style nu produsul pe care-l faci.

domnul Mathew Knowles a vorbit recent la Sync Summit, una dintre cele mai importante intilniri ale celor implicati in industria muzicala, conferinta care a avut loc la Paris.

1. Money in the music business are spent on an artist’s ego.

2. Less is more. While working in gospel for many years, Mathew learnt that artists don’t have to spend huge money to achieve success.

3. Artists have to educate themselves, developing both their craft and business skills.

4. Create a lot of content, not just music.

5. Mathew says that he figured that it usually takes 6 years of hard work before an artist achieves something big.

6. You sell yourself, not your music.

7. Only 1% of major albums are profitable.

8. Do what no one has done before. He said he was the first to release a remix on an album. Two versions of the same song, with vocals in a different tempo, were counted as one song which led it to a Number 1 spot in charts.

9. Get your stuff out there. You may chase the perfect sound, spending a lot of time and energy on polishing your songs, but in the end of the day you are the only one who will hear the difference.

10. Mathew thinks speaking about musical formats and trends, that the future is in subscriptions. Not only music, but lifestyle.

11. When asked if he discussed with Beyoncé her “secret” album before the launch, Mathew said that they started talking about it “years ago.”

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