
DE CITIT; FASCINATE. daca nu fascinezi, nu te urmeaza lumea

citesc o carte despre psihologie, manipulare, publicitate: FASCINATE se numeste si autoarea Sally Hogshead face o analiza a comportamentului uman explicind nu doar nevoia noastra de a fi fascinati , ci si mecanismele instinctuale prin care ii fascinam pe altii.

fascinatia e probabil procesul cel mai des intilnit in viata noastra, desi nu-l constientizam: daca n-am fi fascinati de o idee sau un subiect n-am citi nicio carte, n-am vedea niciun film.

daca n-am fi fascinati de anumiti oameni, nu i-am urma.

ii convingem pe apropiatii nostri sa faca unele lucruri si ei ne urmeaza (uneori in situatii banale ) tocmai pentru ca am stiut cum sa le captam atentia, cum sa-i fascinam.

intr-o epoca in care ne lovim de atit de multa informatie, cred ca cei care produc continut de orice fel (text, film, muzica, tv, fashion sport etc) ar trebui sa citeasca aceasta carte pentru a invata sa-si rafineze comunicarea.


The ability to fascinate isn’t witchcraft or hypnotism.

And it doesn’t come from wearing nightcaps or eating green peas. It is a tool. Rather than something to be feared, it is a discipline to be mastered. Fascination is born of a natural instinct to influence the behavior of others. But the key to mastering fascination is effectively activating the seven triggers:

LUST creates craving for sensory pleasure.

MYSTIQUE lures with unanswered questions.

ALARM threatens with negative consequences.

PRESTIGE earns respect through symbols of achievement.

POWER commands and controls.

VICE tempts with “forbidden fruit,” causing us to rebel against norms.

TRUST comforts us with certainty and reliability.

Whether you realize it or not—whether you intend to or not—you’re already using the seven triggers. The question is, are you using the right triggers, in the right way, to get your desired result?


“If you’re not generating a negative reaction from someone, you’re not fascinating anyone.”


2 Comments Published

11 years ago / Reply

I’ve just bought it. Kindle edition 1.99$. Thank you.

11 years ago / Reply

ce frumos
sper sa-ti placa si sa fie utila

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