
despre dragoste si controversa in doua povesti incredibile

in aceasta lunga vacanta e timp si pentru citit. daca nu carti, poate citeva articole ale acestui an, din presa internationala, care arata povesti de viata uluitoare.

am ales pentru aici doua povesti despre dragoste, disperare si controverse scrise atit de frumos prin impartialitatea jurnalistilor – care nu pun emotii, nu judeca, doar relateaza cu multe referiri stiintifice si cu puterea de a fi in mintea personajelor principale – incit nu-ti dau nicio ocazie sa banuiesti care e opinia lor despre subiect. Povesti la care ti se stringe stomacul uneori, te socheaza experientele si desigur, in calitate de cititor, esti tentat sa tragi concluzii repede.

va rog cititi-le cu mintea curata. sunt lungi, va ia cam 30 de min pt fiecare poveste (poate chiar mai mult), sunt controversate cazurile, dar sunt 2 mostre de jurnalism minunat.


1.  o mama decide sa se  omoare impreuna cu fiica ei, care are o forma de autism care implica foarte multa violenta, agresivitate. 

That Sunday, it was raining, and Kelli drove Issy, Ainsley, and an aide the mile to Matt’s school to use the indoor track, where “just out of nowhere Issy pulls my hair and starts hitting me pretty hard around my head and face.” Kelli was on the ground, and a few people around her managed to pull Issy away. Kelli was “crushed” by the episode, she said, and then started speaking in the present tense, as if she were back on the floor of the track. “I don’t know what to do,” she said. “I feel like God should have picked someone else to be her mom.”

Before she got up from the ground, Kelli said, she caught a glimpse of Ainsley, who is 18 months younger and much smaller than Issy and who has occasionally had to hide under her bed or lock herself in a car to avoid the rage of her older sister. “I see Ainsley, and I think, ‘I can’t stay here. She won’t be safe.’ And I don’t know what to do. I know there is a tragedy coming, but I don’t know what it looks like.”

textul a aparut in New York Times, este scris de Hanna Rosin si se numeste By noon they’d both be in heaven. il puteti citi aici


2.  parintii unui copil cu displasie corticala sunt pusi in fata unei decizii foarte grele; pentru ca micutul sa traiasca trebuie sa-i fie inlaturat jumatate de creier.

Wrestling with the abstract concept of the surgery, however difficult, failed to prepare the couple for the sight of the metal operating-room doors swinging closed. Neither could speak. Thoughts, bad ones, looped.

Are you praying hard enough?

What did I do wrong?We’ve lost.

I’ve just sentenced my child to die.

Somehow the Buttarses dragged themselves to their hotel room.

Jeff walked family and friends through the surgical procedure on their blog. He slogged through a never-ending tide of phone calls from well-wishers. He paced.

Tiernae fell into bed, wrapped herself in a blanket, and stared out of the window. She wouldn’t move—couldn’t—for the next nine hours.

Her thoughts drifted to her other children—she was grateful for them. A day earlier, after Jeff prayed over the entire family, her first-grader, Alex, had said, “I just feel really, really sad for William.” Through tears, she caught sight of a church steeple and began singing a hymn, “Lead, Kindly Light.” A sense of calm washed over her. If William is supposed to pass on, it’s the will of the Lord, she thought.His body wasn’t perfect in this life, but it will be in the next.


Fully integrated into mainstream classes there, he always volunteers to read aloud—and does so with better inflection and more fluidity than most of his “normal” peers. He’s a popular child with a good sense of humor. Most of the other students don’t yet perceive that William is different until he tells them. “The kids are usually pretty amazed,” Seever says. “They’re like, ‘Wow, William, you can do so much with half of your brain.’” The teacher feels the same: “I never expected someone like him to do so much.”

articolul a aparut in Indianapolis Monthly in august, se numeste The boy with half a brain si este scris de Michael Rubino. il puteti citi aici.

si daca mai aveti timp si chef de asemenea articole, exista un site Longreads unde editorii aduna texte de forma lunga din presa americana pe care vi-l recomand din inima.

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