scooter braunscooter braun

Scooter Braun – un talent agent in Esquire, un text despre a fi om

Scooter Brun – domnul care l-a descoperit pe Justin Bieber – a acordat un interviu penste Esquire America la sectiunea ” ce am invatat”.

am sa las aici in original citeva dintre lectiile lui de viata care sunt absolut minunate.

pe unele, din fericire pentru mine, le urmez din instinct. poate de asta si rezonez atit de profund cu acest text.


Sometimes the smartest person for the job is the wrong person for the job because they’re just negative. When you have negative people around you, doesn’t matter how capable or intelligent they are, they will hurt the culture of what you’re doing. What they do is they project their negativity onto you. And you start to look in the mirror and say: Do I even like myself?And you realize it isn’t even you. It’s them. They’re putting that shit on you.

(eu plec fara sa stau pe ginduri din orice job care imi face rau emotional, indiferent de bani sau pozitie sociala, indiferent de orice se pune pe masa negocierilor. sunt convinsa ca de-a lungul timpului si eu am facut rau altora – care au avut curaj, sau nu, sa plece din joburile respective)

Courage is doing what’s right in every single moment no matter what it means to you.

I don’t look at money as success. I look at it as an avenue to freedom.

(iar libertatea, in sensul ei pur, e despre “neatirnarea de lucruri si oameni”, deci consumam mereu mai multi bani decit avem nevoie ca sa fim liberi)

It’s this weird thing that happens. I get a gut check in this way I can’t explain. It kinda feels like, Oh, I know what this is. It’s like something else is telling me.

(pentru prietenii mei, fraza de mai sus nu mai necesita nicio explicatie)

When you’re that small, you find yourself observing a lot because you’re physically not able to compete. You have to use your mind in a different way.

(obisnuiesc sa spun ca “daca stii de mic ca arati ca un soricel si ai un metru jumate, inveti sa te bazezi pe alte elemente ca sa-ti faci loc in viata)

If you really love someone, you push them.

If it’s achievable, there’s no excuse why you shouldn’t be doing it.

If you’re not going to do it to the best of your ability, then don’t do it at all.


intregul text e aici si e o mare mare bucurie. l-am postat pe blog si ca sa ma mai pot intoarce din cind in cind la el:)

sunt sigura ca o sa va recunoasteti in el, chiar daca in alte fragmente decit cele pe care le-am postat eu.

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