Se ia un bunic pe nume Chan Jae Lee cu ceva pasiune pentru desen. Se pune intr-o situatie speciala de viata: traieste in Brazilia impreuna cu sotia lui, dar si familia fiului care include 2 baieti. Un job nou pentru fiul il face pe acesta sa plece din Brazilia, dar sa ramana cu o grija: cum sa stie ce face tatal lui , dar si copiii sa pastreze legatura cu bunicul?
Se creeaza un proiect: bunicul este rugat sa deseneze ceea ce i se intampla, sau ce vrea sa le transmita nepotilor si sa posteze pe un cont de Instagram.
Contul e active de un an de zile si a devenit celebru in lume pentru candoarea desenelor si a mesajelor care le insotesc.
Si e super emotionant pentru puterea peste timp a acestor desene si momente descrise.
Iata cateva dintre ele
Astro has grown so much. As soon as he saw grandpa, he laughed. Grandpa laughed back and the house is filled with laughters. Arthur, Allan, can you hear the laughter?
Yesterday was your grandma’s birthday. Doesn’t she seem happy? Your grandma was born on December 23, 1942. So how old is she?
We met this little dog in the elevator. Isn’t the cute? We were told he’s old.
Kids are going to school together. “Hold my hand tight.” Dad and the big brother are making the little one feel safe.
The time when we walked across the Brooklyn Bridge to see my grandson Astro.
Grandma: Oh my! I can’t believe it’s already the last day of 2016! Grandpa: Time is always flowing, so there’s no last.
In Korea it’s a fall season. Time of persimmons. In Brazil, it’s so hot grandpa and grandma slept with the windows open.
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