cover insta vedete oscar 2019cover insta vedete oscar 2019

28 de fotografii din culisele Oscar 2019, asa cum le-au prezentat vedetele implicate –

Ca in fiecare an, fac o selectie amuzanta si sincera a postarilor pe care le fac vedetele in ziua de pregatire pentru Oscar, in culisele ceremoniei si la petrecerile de dupa.

Mai jos o selectie din postarile de pe instagram, unde vedeta a fost… Helen Mirren cu multe selfie-uri si detalii si din culise, dar si de la petreceri.

incepem cu fiica lui Glenn Close care, in the Wife, joaca versiunea mai tanara a doamnei Coleman personajul mamei sale. Glenn Close n-a castigat Oscarul nici la aceasta editie ( 7 nominalizari are!!!)

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Lets do this. #goteamG @deborahfergusonstylist @makeupbykai @brantmayfield @peter_dundas @azzafahmy @louboutinworld

O postare distribuită de ⚡️ ANNIE STARKE ⚡️ (@anniemstarke) pe




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Sister Emily and I on our way to the Oscars! Getting ready to root for our dad! #neverlookaway #cinematography #oscars O postare distribuită de Zooey Deschanel (@zooeydeschanel) pe

Echipa de beauty & stil a lui Charlize Theron

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Out the door @charlizeafrica @dior @bulgariofficial @hairbyadir @kateleemakeup #oscars

O postare distribuită de Lesliefremar (@lesliefremar) pe

Emilia Clarke

Echipa lui Glenn Close

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Working with @glennclose over the past several weeks has been the most incredible experience. She is brilliant in every sense of the word. With films like Fatal Attraction, The Big Chill, Dangerous Liaisons, 101 Dalmatians, and now The Wife, she has entertained and inspired the world for nearly fifty years. Congratulations on your very well deserved nomination tonight, Glenn. I am so proud to have worked with you to create this special moment #glennclose #oscars

O postare distribuită de W E S G O R D O N (@wesgordon) pe




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Hooray we’re on our way!!! Oscars here we come!!!!! O postare distribuită de Melissa McCarthy (@melissamccarthy) pe

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Hey Everybody, you good? Just hanging with my boo… #oscars #ainthecute

O postare distribuită de Angela Bassett (@im.angelabassett) pe




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Final touches on the brilliant #OliviaColman. #bts with the Best Actress nominee before #oscars2019. Hair #marcusfrancis Makeup (and ) @sarahuslan O postare distribuită de Marcus Francis (@marcusrfrancis) pe

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#DreamTeam !!! @allisonbjanney @collierstrong @jillcrosbyhair @taraswennen #oscars2019

O postare distribuită de Tara Swennen (@taraswennen) pe




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When you and one of your besties @gordonejames get fancy for #vanityfairoscarparty #academyawards O postare distribuită de Shonda Rhimes (@shondarhimes) pe

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Best Actor Nominee Bradley Cooper in @TomFord + @louboutinworld + @iwcwatches – styled by yours truly

O postare distribuită de Ilaria Urbinati (@ilariaurbinati) pe

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Oscar Sunday 2019!! Getting ready for a fun night

O postare distribuită de Caitlyn Jenner (@caitlynjenner) pe




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I Know In My Hearts Of ’s My Brother Prince Is Watching Tonight,Singin’ “IT’S GONNA BE A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT’ O postare distribuită de Spike Lee (@officialspikelee) pe

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Ran into this fella. My pal Paul- he is an original. #Oscars91 #actualfriends

O postare distribuită de Julia Roberts (@juliaroberts) pe

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backstage with one of the coolest brit’s who also is a great actor. Great Gary

O postare distribuită de @ helenmirren pe

* Cateva imagini de la petrecerile de dupa ceremonie

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Laughing because it takes an army to get ready for the @vanityfair party

O postare distribuită de Maria Sharapova (@mariasharapova) pe

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sarah and I rock Pink

O postare distribuită de @ helenmirren pe

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@glennclose in custom @armani privé and @cartier

O postare distribuită de Chloe Hartstein (@chloehartstein) pe

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The legacy of Freddie Mercury lives on. @ramimalek with his Oscar for Best Actor.

O postare distribuită de The Academy (@theacademy) pe

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Whole family!!!❤️

O postare distribuită de Zooey Deschanel (@zooeydeschanel) pe

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backstage oh Lord lucky me

O postare distribuită de @ helenmirren pe

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