judi denchjudi dench

Oscarul din perspectiva cistigatorului

pentru special Oscar S!MPA si citeva recomandari de carti.

mai intii un fragment dintr-o carte minunata Judi Dench and furthermore, ca sa simtiti putin din cum se vad Oscarurile pe dinauntru; cind esti cistigator.

“Robin Williams was presenting the award, and when he looked down to read the name, Michael squeezed my arm and said, ‘jude, you’ve got it’ just before we heard him say, ‘There is nothing like a Dame.’ he said he could tell by the look on Robin’s face. All I can remember after that is looking at Michael, standing up and kissing him, but I don’t remember walking up all those steps.
The only other thing I remember is Robin Williams curtseying; I don’t remember the speech, nor anything about how I got off the stage.
I Remember crying in a lift, completely overcome, and then meeting the immensely tall James Coburn, who had won Best Supporting Actor for Affliction, and having my picture taken with him, and then with Gwyneth, who won best actress.
(…) All the world’s press asking, ‘Why aren’t you waering diamonds?’ I said, “I’m not a diamond girl, I’m afraid.’

The next day Michael and Finty (nota mea , sotul si fiica) went home, but I had to fly to New York, where Amy’s View was due to open on Broadway. I was wandering about the airport at Los Angeles, and suddenly on air hostess came up to me and said,”whould you like to get on the plane early?’ So I said , would be very nice, anad she aid ‘well, you might find it tricky otherwise’
They put me in a first class seat, right at the front of the plane. The only thing that we had not thought of was that every single person had to file past me as they came on board. So there was a lot of shaking hands and taking photographs, until I felt I had met the whole of the plane.
I went to sleep on the floght, and when I woke up there were a lot of tick-on notes on the rug over me.”

cartea Judi Dench & furthermore nu a fost tradusa la noi, dar o puteti cumpara pe Kindle sau audio book de aici.

dintre cartile biografice ale actorilor care au primit un Oscar recomand din suflet

Al Pacino, in dialog cu Lawrence Grobel ( un minunat portret al actorului facut doar din tehnica interviului, cu interviuri realizate de-a lungul multor ani, dar si un manual despre tehnica interviului pentru cei care vor sa invete jurnalism)
Alan Alda – Sensul vietii intr-un pahar cu apa – despre actorie si lupta cu tine ca sa fii mai bun in meseria ta, scrise si spuse cu garda jos.

One Comment Published

12 years ago / Reply

Wow, multumesc pentru fragmentul scris de Judi, trebuie sa iau neaparat cartea sa o citesc!

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