Thinking in Numbers: On Life, Love, Meaning, and Math e o carte scrisa de un domn pe nume Daniel Tammet , un savant autist de 33 de ani. baiatul asta, Tammet, care seamana cu Boris Becker, un tenismen celebru in copilaria mea, vede cifrele in culori si a fost capabil sa recite timp de 5 (!!!!) ore peste 20.000 de cifre din numarul Pi care pentru cei mai multi dintre noi se rezuma la 3.14.
prima lui carte, o bijuterie despre cum functioneaza mintea unui asemenea om iesit din orice tipar, se numeste Born on a Blue Day, s-a vindut in milioane de exemplare si, daca aveti vreodata sansa sa ajungeti fata in fata cu ea, luati-va citeva minute sa o rasfoiti.
pe 30 iulie lanseaza Thinking in Numbers: On Life, Love, Meaning, and Math – o carte de eseuri despre lumea pe care a descoperit-o in acesti ani (copilaria, adolescenta si inceputul maturitatii) din perspectiva mintii lui prea luminate.
tocmai ce am comandat-o in avans. ceea ce sper ca macar citiva dintre voi sa o faca. via amazon
Close your eyes and imagine a space without limits, or the infinitesimal events that can stir up a country’s revolution.
Imagine how the perfect game of chess might start and end: a win for white, or black or a draw?
Imagine numbers so vast that they exceed every atom in the universe, counting with eleven or twelve fingers instead of ten, reading a single book in an infinite number of ways.
Like literary fiction, mathematical imagination entertains pure possibilities.
Often we are barely aware of it, but the play between numerical concepts saturates the way we experience the world.
Travels through many countries in pursuit of my books as they go from language to language, accumulating accents, have contributed much to my understanding. Exploring the many links between mathematics and fiction has been another spur. Today, I live in the heart of Paris. I write full time.
Every day I sit at a table and ask mysefl: what if?
un documentar de 40 de minute despre Daniel Tammet puteti vedea aici.