
Adresa de email a lui Ryan Reynolds si una dintre cele mai tari campanii publicitare –

Il stiti pe Ryan Reynolds din filme ca DeadPool, X Men, The proposal… si daca nu-l stiti din filme, sigur va aduceti aminte de el drept frumuselul care a fost casatorit si cu Scarlett Johansson si cu Blake Lively, adica doua dintre frumusetile holywoodului.

Ei bine, Ryan Reynolds e in aceste zile protagonistul unei campanii geniale cu efect viral la ceva gin despre care se spune ca-i apartine.

Acum o saptamana Reynolds merge la Jimmy Fallon in emisiune, povesteste cum a descoperit el ginul acesta, cum a facut ceva cercetari si a vazut ca e o companie mica in spatele lui si s-a gandit sa o cumpere. Au mai povestit cum e viata de om de afaceri si cum cand pleaca in vacanta trebuie sa aiba un raspuns automat la mailul de la birou. si si-a facut publica adresa de mail.

evident ca mii de oameni au inceput sa-i scrie, si toti au primit un mesaj automat in care sunt vandute valorile companiei, se povesteste despre bautura minunata.

Ca sa fie treaba frumoasa, in fiecare zi, mesajul automat e schimbat…

asa ca… daca vreti sa-i scrieti lui Ryan Reynolds o puteti face aici <[email protected]>

ca sa verific informatia si sa pregatesc acest material am trimis si eu un mail cu Hello from Romania…

raspunsul primit e acesta.

Thank you for your interest in Aviation American Gin! You’ve reached my Out Of Office Mission Statement. 
As owner of Aviation Gin, my mission is to never speak to you like some out of touch Hollywood A-hole. My job is to remain accountable. Down to earth. Hard working. 
Why is Aviation the best damn gin on the planet? What sets it apart from other gins on the market? Do people who ask and then answer their own questions have an above average IQ? Probably. 
Most of the time, experts describe Aviation in pompous, flowery terms which alienate the average hard working gin drinker. I’ve heard them wax poetic about its restrained notes of juniper. Others have said it’s the subtle lavender and wet, boreal forest earth notes which make it so whimsical. 
Who talks like that? A blowhard, that’s who… I promise, gentle customer, you won’t hear garbage like that from me. I’ll tell you why I like Aviation… Because it tastes like somebody finally made a gin for everyone
I don’t need some fancy, forensic gin-juggler to tell me why I like something. Just keep it simple. And real happiness is about simplicity. 
After a long hour at work, I like to get home, kick my slippers off and watch my wild dolphin, Jasper-Barnaby, swim in the moat. There’s nothing more relaxing than observing a wild dolphin at play in one’s backyard. My personal vocal-coach, Lyndon, once said that watching the sunset on my estate is the closest he’s ever come to God. I believe him. 
For me, life isn’t just about having my brain cryogenically frozen so I can be revived two hundred years after the apocalypse to dance with the chosen few along the gilded path to Valhalla.  
It’s also probably about other stuff. 
— Ryan Reynolds.

Ryan Reynolds


Aviation American Gin



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