Tag : adrenalina

limitless-Title-2011Limitless- ce-ai face daca ti-ai putea folosi intreaga capacitate a creierului?

Limitless- ce-ai face daca ti-ai putea folosi intreaga capacitate a creierului?

“The major problem is that people are aware of their conscious beliefs and behaviors, but not of subconscious beliefs and behaviors. Most people don’t even acknowledge that their subconscious mind is at play, when the fact is that the subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind and that we operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives from subconscious programs.

“Your subconscious beliefs are working either for you or against you, but the truth is that you are not controlling your life, because your subconscious mind supersedes all conscious control. So when you are trying to heal from a conscious level–citing affirmations and telling yourself you’re healthy–there may be an invisible subconscious program that’s sabotaging you.”

Scientists Finally Show How Your Thoughts Can Cause Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes

asta e o teorie care a fost facuta publica acum de sarbatori si-a trecut neobservata pentru ca oamenii au multa mincare in fatza.

e un film din 2011 pe care l-am vazut abia zilele astea care pune problema puterii pe care o are mintea noastra; Limitless.

un scriitor plictisit si junkie ia o pastila care-i activeaza toate informatiile din subconstient; tot ce i-a trecut vreodata prin fata ochilor; mintea incepe sa-i functioneze la capacitati incredibile si-si schimba viata in citeva saptamini; ajunge consilierul financiar al unuia dintre cei mai importanti oameni de afaceri din lume, candideaza la senat, are in conturi citeva zeci de milioane si iubita se reintoarce la el.

care-i pretul?

sa cautati filmul Limitless – o poveste despre drogul pe care-l da adrenalina ca ti-ai depasit o limita. o poveste despre drogul pe care-l da puterea.

si-o intrebare: ce-ai face daca ti-ai putea folosi intreaga capacitate a creierului?

everything is possible when you open your mind. Limitless, un film cu Robert de Niro si Bradley Cooper

aventura heinekenvrei aventura vietii tale? inscrie-te in competitia The Voyage Heineken

vrei aventura vietii tale? inscrie-te in competitia The Voyage Heineken

nu stiu cit stiti voi ca lucrurile alea senzationale si profund emotionale din spoturile Heineken s-au intimplat pe bune. adica baietii aia microbisti chiar au mers la plictiseala aia de concert de muzica clasica in seara finalei Champions League, sau ca frigiderul ala magic cit o camera intreaga chiar a existat (a fost unul si intr-o casa din Bucuresti pe care am vizitat-o si eu🙂 )

spiritul Heineken despre a te bucura de viata si a trai aventuros e real. uite aici ce i s-a intimplat lui Andi Moisescu in urma cu doar citeva saptamini cind a mers la finala Champions League.

daca ai rivnit la o asemenea aventura (si n-ai cum sa nu fi zis “mamaaa, cit de tare a fost pentru oamenii astia sa traiasca asa ceva”) acum e sansa ta: inscrie-te in competitia The Voyage Heineken si sunt absolut sigura ca o sa traiesti ceva incredibil.

imagineaza-ti ca in timpul competitiei ai putea fi  “abandonat” în cele mai îndepărtate colțuri ale lumii, cu minimul de provizii si citeva indicatii de baza. sigur ca e cineva acolo care te supravegheaza si are grija sa fii in siguranta, dar e treaba ta sa -ti indeplinesti task-ul si sa ajungi la destinatie.

e o competitie despre aventura, despre barbartie si e … ca-n filme. filmele alea cu eroi legendari.

te poti inscrie aici. mai sunt 3 zile.


braince ar trebuie sa stie artistii despre anxietate :)

ce ar trebuie sa stie artistii despre anxietate :)

fac research pentru un articol si am ajuns la aceste lucruri, care-s utile de stiut nu doar pentru artisti timizi (n-am vazut artist mare care sa nu aiba emotii chiar si dupa ani buni de meserie), ci si pentru noi, muritorii de rind, care intram in panica din prea mult ego/ mindrie 🙂

adrenalina, anxietate si performance-ul live

Unfortunately human pride can be so strong that fear of public humiliation or disgrace often produces the same degree of emotional panic as meeting a tiger. The general name given for this kind of physical state is arousal. Long-term arousal can affect our physical health. It is called stress and is one of the most studied areas of psychology because it affects so many different people in so very different ways. Long-term stress suppresses the body’s immune system, makes us very jumpy and alert to potential threats. It also interferes with judgement so that we are less likely to make sensible, rational decisions or to appraise what is going on realistically. So what is anxiety or performance anxiety? How do we cope with it as performers and how can we help avoid anxiety? These are questions I will endeavour to answer in the course of this essay.


what is performance Anxiety? There are three qualities that a successful performer must have: a) a technical control of their instrument, b) good taste in using this technique musically and artistically and c) the courage to do this in front of an audience. There are few activities that can produce tension and anxiety as quickly and as thoroughly as performing in public.

Most performers have experienced performance anxiety in some form and to various degrees. This fear may be experienced while preparing for a performance, for days or even weeks before hand, and not just while performing. It can be experienced in the present (stage fright) as apprehension (fear of what could happen) and arousal (anticipation). Performance anxiety is no different from general anxiety. Feelings of fear and apprehension are accompanied by increased and prolonged physiological arousal. Severe anxiety is where the arousal is too high for optimal performance. This arousal may be normal and temporary, or abnormal and long lasting and symptoms can be cognitive, behavioural and physiological.

Cognitive symptoms of anxiety include fear of making mistakes and feelings of inadequacy and worrying about things happening. Behavioural symptoms are not being able to do things, which normally happen naturally.

de aici.


altfel, vorba poetului “privitor ca la teatru/ tu in lume sa te-nchipui/ joace unul si pe patru/ tu mereu ghici-vei chipu-i” 🙂


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