“The major problem is that people are aware of their conscious beliefs and behaviors, but not of subconscious beliefs and behaviors. Most people don’t even acknowledge that their subconscious mind is at play, when the fact is that the subconscious mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind and that we operate 95 to 99 percent of our lives from subconscious programs.
“Your subconscious beliefs are working either for you or against you, but the truth is that you are not controlling your life, because your subconscious mind supersedes all conscious control. So when you are trying to heal from a conscious level–citing affirmations and telling yourself you’re healthy–there may be an invisible subconscious program that’s sabotaging you.”
Scientists Finally Show How Your Thoughts Can Cause Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes
asta e o teorie care a fost facuta publica acum de sarbatori si-a trecut neobservata pentru ca oamenii au multa mincare in fatza.
e un film din 2011 pe care l-am vazut abia zilele astea care pune problema puterii pe care o are mintea noastra; Limitless.
un scriitor plictisit si junkie ia o pastila care-i activeaza toate informatiile din subconstient; tot ce i-a trecut vreodata prin fata ochilor; mintea incepe sa-i functioneze la capacitati incredibile si-si schimba viata in citeva saptamini; ajunge consilierul financiar al unuia dintre cei mai importanti oameni de afaceri din lume, candideaza la senat, are in conturi citeva zeci de milioane si iubita se reintoarce la el.
care-i pretul?
sa cautati filmul Limitless – o poveste despre drogul pe care-l da adrenalina ca ti-ai depasit o limita. o poveste despre drogul pe care-l da puterea.
si-o intrebare: ce-ai face daca ti-ai putea folosi intreaga capacitate a creierului?
everything is possible when you open your mind. Limitless, un film cu Robert de Niro si Bradley Cooper