Tag : alan arkin

AlanArkin carteA incetat din viata minunatul actor Alan Arkin. Avea 89 de ani. Va rog cititi o minunata lectie de viata de la Alan Arkin din cartea sa biografica.

A incetat din viata minunatul actor Alan Arkin. Avea 89 de ani. Va rog cititi o minunata lectie de viata de la Alan Arkin din cartea sa biografica.

e un text scris in 2012 atunci am citit-o in engleza, intre timp a fost lansata si in Romania cartea sa biografica

in cartea lui Alan Arkin , an improvised life, e descrisa o intimplare pe care am povetsit-o multor prieteni.


cind era pusti, Arkin (care stia ca va fi actor de la 5 ani si mergea la toate spectacolele si filmele care-i ieseau in cale) a mers sa vada un film care luase multe oscaruri. cind a iesit din sala de cinematograf avea, asemeni multor milioane de spectatori, ginduri bune despre film si despre actorul din rolul principal, despre tehnica lui. dar in acelasi timp era urmarit de sentimente de gelozie, de cit de mic era el in comparatie cu actorul de pe ecran si chiar tristete profunda care conducea catre depresie.

“de ce nu pot sa ma bucur de munca omului?” s-a certat, stiind ca actorul isi pusese toata viata si tot sufletul in rol.

peste ceva vreme a vazut un alt film si-a plecat din cinematograf plutind pe nori, cu un incredibil sentiment de bucurie si incintare. din nou o interpretare incredibila, dar cu un efect total diferit.

a avut nevoie de citeva saptamini de autoanaliza ca sa ajunga la urmatoarea concluzie:

“the actor who won the academy award was trying to impress me. (…) in spite of all the atention he received, the audiences had not been given a genuine experience. they were applauding their own intelligence at recognizing the actor’s tehnical prowess.(…)

on the other hand, the second actor presented me with the gift of a whole person, fully articulated and realized, un-self-conscious and completely filled with his own joy at doing the work.”


cred ca e la fel si in viata: uneori admiram pe cineva mai degraba pentru ca admirindu-l, ne recunoastem noua capacitatea/inteligenta de a valida o valoare; alteori, trecem din admiratie la iubire pentru ca stim ca acea valoare se expune cu tot sufletul, oricit de fragil ar ramine in fata noastra.

si, ca in cele mai multe cazuri, e vorba de ego. si despre smerenie, cind suntem noi “actori”.


de vazut neaparat: Stand Up Guys (trei tipi duri)

din week end-ul acesta avem in cinematografe un film tare dragalas.

nu e o capodopera a cinematografiei, e doar un film de duminica dupa amiaza , insa are trei mari actori in distributie: Al Pacino, Christopher Walken si Alan Arkin.

e o poveste despre 3 baieti rai ajunsi la batrinete care vor sa recupereze anii de nebunii pierduti prin puscarie.

dar nu pentru subiect va rog sa mergeti la film. o fac pentru ca as vrea sa vedeti licaririle din ochii celor 3 mari actori care se bucura ca joaca fara sa mai aiba nimic de demonstrat in actorie. se bucura de experienta si de intilnire, pur si simplu. desigur isi fac treaba foarte bine.

uitati-va la trailer si o sa va convinga sa mergeti sa vedeti filmul.

oscar-1-300x300ce-au zis nominalizatii la Oscar

ce-au zis nominalizatii la Oscar

cel mai mult la oscaruri (nominalizari si ceremonie) imi plac reactiile celor implicati. pentru ca noi ne imaginam ca actorii, regizorii, producatorii sunt niste supra oameni si sunt neclintiti in succesul sau ratarile lor.

ei bine, si ei se imbraca la fel cu pantalonii – cite un crac pe rind – , iar reactiile lor fac toti banii.
sigur cau unii nu vor sa coboare garda jos in faza nominalizarilor si dau un comunicat politicos, dar o sa-i vedem la ceremonie in cele citeva secunde inaintea deschiderii plicului- sub presiunea emotiilor o sa fie cu sufletul la vedere.

ceremonia este pe 24 februarie.

iata reactiile pe care le-am gasit:)

Hugh Jackman, lead actor in ‘Les Miserables’

“I hadn’t planned to listen live to the announcements, but when I got into the car this morning to go to work, the driver had the nominations streaming as they were being broadcast. To be honest, it’s very exciting but all a bit surreal, and it hasn’t fully sunk in yet. This is a brilliant awards year that has been defined by an eclectic list of stories that have been told by incredibly talented and courageous filmmakers, and it’s an honor to be mentioned in the same sentence as the other nominees in the best actor category. Having hosted the show, I have seen so many different sides of the Oscars, but to be an actual nominee is something I never would have dreamed possible.”

Denzel Washington, lead actor in ‘Flight’

“‘Flight’ was one of the most challenging roles I’ve ever had in my career, and it was an honor to be directed by Robert Zemeckis. It’s always nice to be asked back to the show, and it will be fun to share the evening with our nominated screenwriter John Gatins.”

Alan Arkin, supporting actor in ‘Argo’

“I am, of course, very excited about the nomination this morning. Ben Affleck is an amazing director, and I am so happy that ‘Argo’ was recognized in seven categories!”

Jacki Weaver, supporting actress in ‘Silver Linings Playbook’

“I arrived here from Australia just yesterday and this was the last thing I expected. I turned on TV this morning – I couldn’t sleep from being jet-lagged – and couldn’t believe it and said something very unprintable to myself! I think the film is very identifiable even if you don’t have those exact problems. We know people, we are related people as neighbors who have them. There are issues we can all identify with — broken hearts, mental illness, sports as religion. I was recently interviewed by a British journalist, and he wanted to talk about the mental illness in the movie and. I wondered to him, ‘This film is very American. Do you think Brits and Australians are going to get it?’ He said, ‘Oh my God, yes. The themes are universal.’ I’m so proud of this movie.”

 Emmanuelle Riva -leading actress in Amour

“I am truly happy, touched, and honored to receive, today in New York, a nomination for the role of Anne in Amour by Michael Haneke. For me, it is an immense gift, at this stage of my life, to be chosen by my sisters and brothers, for what I do as an actress. I never thought, while working throughout the years in Europe and France, that one day, i would cross the Atlantic Ocean, come to the United States, and be nominated. It is quite surreal for me. Shooting Amour with Michael Haneke was a complete joy for me, as I felt an absolute trust in him and we were in complete synch. Michael is the very music of his own film.” –

Best Supporting Actress, Helen Hunt

“I was deeply deeply asleep when the news came in this morning and the dog was the first one to get celebratory love from me and my boyfriend! I’m really really happy and feel this is a good sign that people like the spirit this character embodies. This film is definitely counter-programming to a lot of the pain and harshness in the world. It’s too bad that John [Hawkes] wasn’t recognized, but that doesn’t take away from the brilliance of his performance one bit.”

Best Supporting Actor, Robert De Niro

“I am very pleased that the Academy has chosen to honor the many individuals who were a part of ‘Silver Linings Playbook.'” –

Best Actress, Naomi Watts

“This was a complete surprise. For the other announcements this season I was in NYC, no problem… I had a proper full night of sleep. There’s something about this one, being in L.A., that creates a lot of angst! I had interruptions of sleep all night because of the kids, as if I wasn’t restless enough, and each time I woke up I kept thinking, “It’s not going to happen.’ BAFTA didn’t give us love this week, and I thought they were making the Oscar announcements at 5 a.m. so at ten after, I thought, ‘They would have called by now right?’ But my publicist texted and said, ‘They haven’t made the announcements yet!’ I was super lucky too that my name was mentioned first. Usually I’m at the end of lists. Overall, it’s very thrilling, especially in a year with so many incredible performances.”

Best Supporting Actress, Anne Hathaway
“It’s a wonderful morning. I’m still jet-lagged on Europe time because I spent the holidays there, so I’ve been up for a few hours already unsuccessfully trying to fall back asleep. It’s such an honor to be a part of a piece of work that has spread so much love throughout the world. I worked with a fearless cast and was so inspired by them every day. I sent Hugh [Jackman] an email. It’s also a bittersweet morning for all of us because [Tom Hooper]’s our captain, and there’s no way I’m on the phone with you right now without his influence in my life. He’s really happy for us, which is a great feeling.” —

Best Actress, Jennifer Lawrence
“I thought I would wake up, but I didn’t. My parents spent the night at my house, and they came in and kissed me on the forehead and told me about all the nominations for Silver Linings.”

Tim Burton – Best Animated Feature, ‘Frankenweenie’
“Frankenweenie is a very personal film for me. The idea of telling a feature length version was in the back of my mind for many years. Stop Motion was the perfect medium for this project, and one I’ve always loved for its expressiveness and dimensionality. I’ve worked with so many incredible artists: animators, cast members, set builders, and puppet makers, all who have helped bring this film to life one frame at a time. I’m so honored that the Academy has recognized this film as one of its nominees.”

Best Director, Michael Haneke
“I am very happy and gratified by the Oscar nominations that “Amour” has received today, and that the voting members of the Academy have taken the film so strongly to their hearts. It is fulfilling to discover that a film has found the audience and critical acclaim that “Amour” has garnered. I have been very fortunate on both those fronts, but it is especially rewarding to discover that a film has found favor among one’s industry peers who know, in particular, the effort that goes into getting a film – any film – made. I am also especially happy for all the people who made “Amour” with me. It is a joyous occasion for us all. Many thanks.” –

Best Director, Ang Lee

“I am deeply honored and frankly a little overwhelmed by all of the nominations that ‘Life of Pi’ has received this morning. So many talented people gave everything they had to this film, both in front of and behind the camera, and to see all of them receive this kind of recognition is something I am incredibly grateful for.”

Best Director, David O. Russell
“I’m beyond grateful, since I didn’t know what to expect. I’m especially over the moon for my actors. The fact that Bob (Robert De Niro) and Jacki Weaver were nominated is amazing.”

Best Cinematography, -Seamus McGarvey for “Anna Karenina”

“The director of the film I’m currently working on just texted me. We had a $100 bet that I wouldn’t get nominated, but he texted me that he’s $100 richer! I’m over the moon!”

Alan-arkinnu vrem sa “facem”, vrem sa “fim”

nu vrem sa “facem”, vrem sa “fim”

citesc autobiografia actorului Alan Arkin ( l-ati vazut in Little Miss Sunshine si sper ca veti vrea sa-l vedeti intr-un film care nu va ajunge niciodata in cinema la noi The privates lives of Pipa Lee ) si am gasit acolo urmatoarea poveste.

Arkin filma alaturi de o actrita pe nume Madeline Kahn si intr-o pauza de filmare, gindindu-se la multele abilitati artistice ale partenerei sale de filmare ( o foarte buna pianista, compozitoare, dar si o buna actrita de comedie), a intrebat-o care crede ca e atu-ul ei, pe ce mizeaza mai mult.
Madeline n-a stiut sa raspunda pentru ca, asa cum remarca Arkin, parea ca nu se gindise la asta pina atunci.
Arkin a intrebat-o altfel “ce voiai sa te faci cind erai mica? care a fost primul tau instinct?”

iar Madeline a spus ca ii placea muzica.

“adica voiai sa faci muzica?”

“nu. voiam sa fiu muzica”

Arkin isi incheie povestirea in felul urmator: “We don’t want to do it; We want to be it. Only we don’t know it. No one tells us.”

si spune ca restul cartii sale, an improvised life, e pentru cei care vor sa fie muzica.


de mai bine de 2 ani, in semnatura mailului meu se afla “trying to be a human being, not a human doing”; nici macar nu mai stiu de unde am luat asta, dar mi s-a parut a fi ceva ce trebuie sa ma calauzeasca. abia aseara citind cartea lui arkin am inteles de ce, desi nu era pe lista mea de cumparaturi, cind am vazut-o in Border’s, am luat-o pur si simplu: trebuia sa ajunga la mine, macar pentru povestea de mai sus.


The Private Lives of Pippa Lee – mica mea exclusivitate

asteptam cam de un an sa vad filmul The Private Lives of Pippa Lee. cam de pe vremea cind am facut interviu cu regizoarea/scenarista/autoarea cartii, Rebecca Miller. (care, btw, e nevasta lui daniel day lewis si fiica lui arthur miller)

a meritat asteptarea. tocmai ce l-am vzt si-acum doresc sa va conving sa va petreceti o ora si jumatate in mintea unei femei:)

ca sa va atrag atentia o sa scriu ca ii are in distributie pe robin wright penn, winona ryder, keanu reeves, julianne moore, monica bellucci, maria bello, alan arkin.

ca sa va conving spun ca arata cu o finete incredibila lumile interioare ale unei neveste.
in cazul asta, de “artist”. si nu, filmul nu e o comedioara romantica asa cum pare ca reiese din trailerul oficial. chiar deloc.

despre cartea care a fost tradusa si la noi Vietile secrete ale Pippei Lee am scris la vremea respectiva (e si unul din fragmentele mele preferate din carte linga opinia mea), interviul cu rebecca miiller il gasiti aici


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