Tag : dave gahan

cristian stanDave Gahan si-un prieten de-al meu:)

Dave Gahan si-un prieten de-al meu:)

fetelor invidiati-ma: il stiu pe Dave Gahan de Romania. il stiu de atit de multi ani, incit nu mi se mai pare vreo smekerie.

plus ca nu are niciun merit ca seamana cu Dave, mamei lui ar trebui sa-i multumeasca…

domnul din fotografia de mai sus se numeste Cristian Stan si mi-a fost coleg de scoala. cind era in liceu rupea toate inimile fetelor fix cu look-ul asta de Dave din fotografia de la tinerete:)

pe vremea aia mai si cinta la chitara, acum nu mai stiu daca mai are aceasta activitate, dar stiu ca face fotografii foarte frumoase si-are o meserie nashpa, cu multe cifre si planificari. lucreaza in publicitate.

l-am exploatat in 2006 ,cind a venit pentru prima data Depeche Mode in Ro, intr-un supliment special pe care l-am facut pentru revista la care prestam activitati. el s-a supus (singura data in viata cind a facut asta:)) ) doar ca sa ne spuna ca , de fapt, cu look-ul lui de Dave agatza femei care nu-i placeau .

vine diseara la concert. din orgoliu desigur, sa vada daca el sau Dave arata mai bine 🙂 ma rog s-a exprimat “vin sa vad cum mai arat”

fetelor va pot da nr lui de telefon:)

P.S mi-am dat seama ca am trei prieteni care se numesc Cristi Stan, as putea sa-i intilnesc si, mai mult, sa scriu un story care se numeste chiar asa: Cristi Stan (domnilor, va stiti voi care sunteti, ma lasati sa va fac celebri?:) )



img-frida-giannini-1_130453108718Inspiratie via Dave Gahan si Frida Giannini

Inspiratie via Dave Gahan si Frida Giannini

Dave Gahan (dl Depeche Mode) a intervievat-o pe Frida Giannini (directoarea de creatie Gucci) pentru Interview Magazine
e foarte fain interviul, il puteti aici

GAHAN: What inspires me is usually very visual— and it sounds like inspiration works like that for you, too. Where do you get inspiration from these days?

GIANNINI: Well, you know, inspiration for a designer can come from many different sides and directions, because you can be inspired by a place after a trip, or by an exhibition of art, or from music, as we were mentioning before, or from movies, from films. You can also be influenced by an age, like the ’60s or ’70s. This year, for example, I feel more ’90s, or I want to see something more futuristic. So there’s not a specific rule I would say, because every six months I need to think of something new. It really depends on your mood or your personal life sometimes . . . I can tell you that sometimes I live a very good moment and I’m very joy- ful and optimistic, so I can see more bright colors in my collection. [laughs] Other times I feel so depressed and so sad and I see a lot of darkness. So it really depends. Of course, there are certain rules you have to operate by in terms of markets, and for summer and for winter. But at the end of the day, you are a person and you put a lot of yourself into the clothes. You know, I can never decide what I am going to wear on the day of the show. It depends a lot on which mood I wake up in that day, so I never know. You just never know. I think this is interest- ing for this job, no?


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