Tag : interview

charlotter ramplingCharlotte Rampling in Interview: frumusete pur singe

Charlotte Rampling in Interview: frumusete pur singe

e un interviu scurt in revista Interview cu Charlotte Rampling care acum are 68 de ani.
actrita a avut dintotdeauna o sexualitate frumos, dar discret, exprimata la vedere, asa ca a fost dorita de multi fotografi pentru proiectele lor.

Rampling care arata minunat in fotografiile facute de Paolo Roversi pentru Interview spune ca totul e natural si e mindra de asta

rafinametul frumusetilor din alte vremuri

Rampling in tinerete fotografiata de Helmut Newton

Rampling acum fotografiata de Paolo Roversi

RAMPLING: But that’s what it was like. The ’60s in London obviously brought about the explosion of music, the Beatles especially, and then the Rolling Stones and other forms of music, and then fashion and photography and films—kitchen-sink dramas we called them at that time, which was our nouvelle vague in Britain, films that talk about real life.

WOLFF: Being an It girl, were you hanging out in clubs with the Stones?

RAMPLING: Absolutely. Because there were not nearly so many people as there are now. I mean, we could park anywhere. I just dropped the car off anywhere, nobody hassled you. We did what we wanted, we were vaguely rebellious, but nobody really took much notice of us. We could just sort of say, “Fuck off, we don’t want to see you.”

WOLFF: Was there a clique you hung out with?

RAMPLING: Quite a lot of music people. I was friendly with certain members of the Beatles. I was very friendly with Jimi Hendrix because my boyfriend at the time, Tommy Weber, was making a film about him, so I would go to all of his shows.

WOLFF: What was Hendrix like?

RAMPLING: He was wonderful. He was the sweetest person. Gentle, sweet, kind. But terribly, terribly drugged.

WOLFF: As many people were then—and now, too, let’s face it.

restul interviului aici

helena-bonham-carterinferiority complex

inferiority complex

un dialog (interviu) intre Daniel Radcliffe si Helena Bonham Carter in Interview. (de citit tot articolul: deschiderea e geniala, arata cit s-a pregatit Radcliffe pentru intilnire:) )

RADCLIFFE: I certainly suffer from a slight inferiority complex when I step into a room of other actors because I’ve never trained, and I know you haven’t either.

BONHAM CARTER: Oh, I had a big inferiority complex till yesterday.

RADCLIFFE: But not today!

BONHAM CARTER: Everybody has an inferiority complex when they step into a room. But then when you have children and you get older, it doesn’t really matter. When I was young I had so many inferiority complexes. I had an inferiority complex because I didn’t go to university. I had an inferiority complex because I didn’t train. Then it gets tiring. And you do get bored of it.

RADCLIFFE: Right. And so that boredom is actually what ultimately leads you to go, “Oh, fuck it.”

BONHAM CARTER: “Fuck it” is my guiding philosophy.


vonnegut_kurt_garden_800super interviu despre Kurt Vonnegut

super interviu despre Kurt Vonnegut

chuck palahniuk publica pe site-ul lui un interviu minunat cu detinatorul drepturilor de autor asupra operei lui Kurt Vonnegut, Donald Farber.

Farber i-a fost cel mai bun prieten al lui Vonnegut si e minunat cum, in interviu, isi apara prietenul si pentru lucrurile nerostite. “n-am sa-i public niciodata lucrarile neterminate”

JC: Did Kurt leave any instructions as to how his unreleased work should be handled after his death?

DF: The only instructions were that I should do it. While he was alive, I never did anything without asking him. We always discussed everything in detail. He would say, well Don, what do you think? I’d tell him what I thought and he’d say, well then do it. I’d like to think he was pleased with what I did. I have one of the posters that he drew in my office, which says, “for Don, without whom this life would not be possible.”

JC: In Sidney Offit’s foreword to Look At The Birdie, he wrote, “Unpublished is not a word we identify with a Kurt Vonnegut short story. It may well be that these stories didn’t appear in print because for one reason or another they didn’t satisfy Kurt.” Why do you think they went unpublished?

DF: Oh, goodness. I knew Kurt better than anyone in the world, and I would never speculate on what he thought about certain things. I suspect he was too busy writing books to worry about stuff he wrote way back when. He wrote them when short stories were popular. Then books became the thing to write, and the short story magazines, many of them went out of existence. The market disappeared, so then he started writing books.

JC: Do you think he would approve of their publication all these years later?

DF: Absolutely.

restul interviului realizat de JOSHUA CHAPLINSKY il puteti citi aici


cind citim o carte rareori ne imaginam cum arata scriitorul; sunt mai  puternice personajele sale, ele isi gasesc formele in mintea noastra. iata-l pe Vonnegut la batrinete in curtea casei sale.

baptiste-giabicon-karl-lagerfeld-01-thumb-450xauto-46663Karl Lagerfeld si-a pozat iubitul nud

Karl Lagerfeld si-a pozat iubitul nud

s-a intimplat in cea mai recenta editie a revistei Interview (cea cu un superb interviu cu Tom Ford).

pe tinar il cheama baptise giabicon; doamnelor, m-am gindit sa va fac un cadou pentru cafeaua de dimineata.


Mickey Rourke

n-am nervi sa ma uit la the wrestler, desi ar trebui sa o fac de dragul filmului requiem for a dream. (acelasi regizor, darren aronofsky). am vzt primele 20 de min si m-a scos din minti, mi s-a parut ca regizorul se pleaca in fata lui rourke si sta acolo ca sa-l calce in picioare.

intre timp am citit un interviu genial in the observer si am inceput sa-l simpatizez pe rourke. am dezvoltat chiar o teorie cum ca o sa ia Oscarul pentru ca e genul de legenda cu care empatizeaza toti batrineii care voteaza la premiile Academiei (glorie, decadere, umilinta, rebeliune, succes din nou).
ana mi-a dat un alt interviu din Interview, fct de Christopher Walken
la fel de misto.

‘Abso-fucking-lutely. Randy’s living in a state of shame. Living in a state of disgrace. The humiliation that I’ve lived with for five, six, seven, eight, nine, 15 years. That I brought upon myself. I lost everything, the wife, the house, my friends, my name in the business. I was paying $500 a month for an apartment with my dogs. Nobody really knew how broke I was. A friend used to give me a couple of hundred of dollars a month to buy something to eat. And I’d be calling up my ex-wife and crying like a baby and trying to get her back. I was desperate. And I was all alone. And this went on for years, for years.’

din the observer, suplimentul de we the guardian, 23 nov.

Later edit: aud ca interviul din The observer este tradus integral in Q Magazine. Sunt f curioasa daca au platit ca sa aiba drepturile pentru publicarea lui. Dar am sa sun sa intreb.

Later Later Edit: Floriana Juncan zice ca a cumparat interviul via Paris Match.
Imi pare rau ca am indoilei, dar chiar am. Si mi s-ar parea unfair ca femeia aia de la The Guardian sa fi muncit din greu pt interviu si sa nu ia niciun ban pentru republicarea externa. Mai ales ca e un text superb, foarte muncit.


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