Tag : Jack kerouac

jack-kerouackerouac – un interviu rar

kerouac – un interviu rar

pentru fanii lui Jack Kerouac, o bijuterie de interviu… in paris review

The Kerouacs have no telephone. Ted Berrigan had contacted Kerouac some months earlier and had persuaded him to do the interview. When he felt the time had come for their meeting to take place, he simply showed up at the Kerouacs’s house. Two friends, poets Aram Saroyan and Duncan McNaughton, accompanied him. Kerouac answered his ring; Berrigan quickly told him his name and the visit’s purpose. Kerouac welcomed the poets, but before he could show them in, his wife, a very determined woman, seized him from behind and told the group to leave at once.


“As the evening progressed the atmosphere changed considerably, and Mrs. Kerouac, Stella, proved a gracious and charming hostess. The most amazing thing about Jack Kerouac is his magic voice, which sounds exactly like his works. It is capable of the most astounding and disconcerting changes in no time flat. It dictates everything, including this interview.”



What is that state of “Yeatsian semi-trance” which provides the ideal atmosphere for spontaneous writing?


Well, there it is, how can you be in a trance with your mouth yapping away . . . writing at least is a silent meditation even though you’re going a hundred miles an hour. Remember that scene in La Dolce Vita where the old priest is mad because a mob of maniacs has shown up to see the tree where the kids saw the Virgin Mary? He says, “Visions are not available in all this frenetic foolishness and yelling and pushing; visions are only obtainable in silence and meditation.” Thar. Yup.

restul, o bucurie de interviu, aici.

nu exista “i’m sorry”

un week end plin de conexiuni cu jurnalismul/ jurnalistii.

o vizita la cursul lui Cristi Lupsa

E un cerc vicios intre aspirantii la un job la o revista si cei care lucreaza intr-o redactie.
Noi ne vaitam ca nu primim propuneri concrete, ei spun ca nu au unde sa publice.
In realitate, noi primim CV-uri, nu propuneri de subiecte (pitch-uri), iar ei nu stiu sa scrie pitchuri ca sa ne convinga.
Cristi incearca sa-si convinga studentii ca trebuie sa pitchuiasca mult, cu curaj si in cunostinta de cauza (profilul revistei, subiectul adecvat si bine documentat).

A fost o discutie frumoasa despre ce intilnim noi in redactii (Gabi Dobre de la Esquire are istorii delicioase cu doritorii de a fi publicati, in aceeasi idee cu intimplarile din redactia noastra), dar si despre ce trebuie sa faca freelancer-ii ori cei care lucreaza deja, ca sa-si publice munca.


O intilnire cu un domn fost jurnalist…

A. N.- a carui viata poate fi oricind un subiect de roman.

– Nu ti se pare ca viata ta are o recurenta, ca te intorci in aceleasi locuri, ca incerci sa inchizi – peste ani – niste cercuri?, l-am intrebat dupa o ora si ceva de conversatie care ne-a purtat prin multe locuri.
– Nu. Nu e un cerc. Mai degraba e ca o spirala: in aceleasi locuri, dar pe grade diferite.

Mi-a adus Jack Kerouac – On the road – The original scroll, the legendary first draft- rougher, wilder, and racier than the 1957 edition.
I-am daruit Tihna lui Atilla Bartis.

Vizionarea filmului Frost/Nixon…

…urmata de o googalire serioasa despre Frost. Cu citeva interviuri minunate descoperite. Interviuri cu el, nu facute de el.

Is there anything you regret not asking Nixon in your famous interview with him in 1977, the first in-depth interview following his resignation?

We did the 12 days of interviews. After it was all over we realized we had actually forgotten one question, which was: “Who was Deep Throat?”

(continuarea, in care vorbeste despre munca lui de la al jazeera varianta engleza si despre de ce nu ar face un interviu cu Bin Laden, in NY TIMES.)

Plus materialul asta, in care spune ce e fictiune si ce nu in film, si cum a cedat drepturile pentru viata lui stiind ca o vor romanta pentru dramatismul cinematografic.

Apoi o parte din transcrierea interviului original, nu cel din film, care arata ca “I’m sorry?” intrebarea care marca in film punerea in corzi a lui Nixon, nu a existat in realitate.

David Frost: Are you really saying the President can do something illegal?
Richard Nixon: I’m saying that when the President does it, that means it’s *not* illegal!
David Frost: …I’m sorry?

In realitate

David Frost: Would you say that there are certain situations – and the Huston Plan was one of them – where the president can decide that it’s in the best interests of the nation, and do something illegal?

Richard Nixon: Well, when the president does it, that means it is not illegal.

David Frost: By definition.

Richard Nixon: Exactly, exactly. If the president, for example, approves something because of the national security, or in this case because of a threat to internal peace and order of significant magnitude, then the president’s decision in that instance is one that enables those who carry it out, to carry it out without violating a law. Otherwise they’re in an impossible position.

(n-am gasit alta cale sa va fac sa cititi transcrierea celei mai importante parti din interviu aici)

Week end-ul meu cu trimitere la jurnalism a fost mai lung, dar va veni si partea a doua de descriere pe blog.
M-am asezat la scris ca sa mai cistig putin timp pentru ca vreau sa vad un film care stiu ca ma va chinui, asa ca ma invirt pe linga el pina imi fac curaj.

Filmul se numeste The Killing Fields.

Si da, am trisat cu titlul acestui “post”, ca sa cititi:)


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