corespondenta mea cu doamna Joan Smith autoarea unui articol in care lauda initiativa doamnei Udrea de a darui pantofi cu toc femeilor din satul Saucesti, afectat grav de inundatii, a continuat dupa cum urmeaza:
Dear Joan,
Thanks for your answer. I’m sorry that you had to confront with impolite comments from my compatriots and I don’t want to be rude insisting on this topic.
As a journalist woman who has written for 5 years a column about lifestyle for a national newspaper, I can understand your opinion: “it’s better to offer shoes than asking women to wear the niqab or
burqa.”What I don’t understand is why you didn’t look for farther facts, in this specific case.
It would have been very easy to discover (in TV features for instance) Romanian women from that village crying and saying: “What can I to do with these shoes?”. The reality is that for most of them, this kind of present was in fact an insult. Stiletto shoes were inutile in that specific moment and all Romanian TV stations have showed that.
I can assure you that in spite your actual conviction, we have quite a lively & robust press. And, even if it doesn’t look like it, we also have journalists who write after a good reporting.
I have to admit that I was wondering if, in this case, you were paid for a positive PR article. Please tell me it’s not true, because I have a huge respect for British journalism.
Cristina Bazavan
Dear Cristina
Your suggestion of payment is as bonkers as it is insulting. It’s also defamatory.
What a shame that you aren’t able to read something you disagree with without attacking the author in this childish way.
Joan Smith
si cu asta am incheiat conversatia:)